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Tag: About
5 Best Python IDEs for Data Science
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learn Python
python IDE
Dorota Wdzięczna
Python is a programming language frequently used by scientists and data analysts to build applications. Why? Because it's easy to use and has few rules. But simply installing Python isn't enough—you also need a good interactive development environment (IDE) to program in. So what are the best Python IDEs for data science? Let's find out! (Note: all IDEs presented here support Windows, macOS, and Linux.) 1. Enthought Canopy Enthought Canopy is one of the best Python IDEs for scientists and engineers.
Tag: Argparse
A Guide to the Python argparse Module
Xavier Rigoulet
Want to write more professional, cleaner-looking code? Use the Python argparse module. This article will show you how to build a command line interface in Python with argparse. In Python, argparse is one of those modules that can help you write more professional and better-looking Python code. This is because argparse makes it easy to write user-friendly command-line interfaces. By the end of this article, you will have acquired a solid knowledge of the argparse module – you can even use the article as your Python argparse cheat sheet.
Tag: Arrow
How to Work With the Calendar and Arrow Python Modules
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
During your journey as a developer or data scientist, you will have to work with dates and times. Fortunately, Python has several convenient libraries that make it easier. In this article, we’ll quickly review the datetime module, then examine the calendar and Arrow modules in Python. As a Python-using programmer, developer, data analyst, or data scientist, you’ll probably have to deal with date and time data quite often. Fortunately, Python’s datetime, calendar, and arrow libraries are available to streamline your tasks.
Tag: Book
The 5 Best Books for Python Developers
Soner Yıldırım
Are you a beginning Python developer who’s looking to deepen your knowledge? We’ve got 5 books that will take your Python coding skills to the next level! The breadth and depth of software products and applications that use Python have been increasing tremendously. You can observe Python’s dominance across many domains such as artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, web development, and mobile game development. As a natural result of this dominance, the demand for Python developers skyrocketed.
The 5 Best Python Books for Beginners
Soner Yıldırım
There are lots of books for Python beginners out there. In this article, I’ll share the five that are most worth your time. Online courses are the best source of Python knowledge. This does not mean, however, that you cannot enhance your learning with other resources. In this article, I will show you 5 Python books you should read. They will help you spread your wings in the field of coding and start thinking like a programmer.
The Best Python Books, Part 2
python basics
Jakub Romanowski
Are you looking for good Python books? Look no further – I have some great ones for you. Here are 5 books that will boost your career and make you a better Python developer. Some time ago, on the LearnPython.com blog, I wrote an article called “The Best Python Books.” The list included books about the basics of Python, data analysis, automation, and the Django framework. It’s time for another batch of great Python books.
Tag: Books
The Best Python Books
python basics
Jakub Romanowski
What if I told you that you can meet the best Python experts and learn from them about one of the most popular programming languages? That you can do it without leaving your home, while sitting comfortably in an armchair and sipping tea? How do you do it? Start reading Python books. Here are the ones that should be on your shelf or your reading playlist. Do you learn Python from online courses or watch tutorials on YouTube?
Tag: C++
Your First Programming Language: Python vs. C++
Xavier Rigoulet
You’ve decided to learn computer programming! It’s a great idea, but which programming language should you learn? This article will compare two of today’s most popular languages, Python and C++. In this article, I will help you decide which programming language to learn by comparing two of the most popular: Python vs. C++, and if you do not believe me, the TIOBE index ranks the popularity of programming languages. As you can see, Python is the most popular; C++ comes in fourth, behind C and Java.
Tag: Calendar
How to Work With the Calendar and Arrow Python Modules
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
During your journey as a developer or data scientist, you will have to work with dates and times. Fortunately, Python has several convenient libraries that make it easier. In this article, we’ll quickly review the datetime module, then examine the calendar and Arrow modules in Python. As a Python-using programmer, developer, data analyst, or data scientist, you’ll probably have to deal with date and time data quite often. Fortunately, Python’s datetime, calendar, and arrow libraries are available to streamline your tasks.
Tag: Career change to tech
Career Change: Transitioning to Tech with Python
career change to tech
jobs and career
Jakub Romanowski
Considering a Python career change? This article is your comprehensive guide to transitioning into the tech industry with Python. Learn how this powerful and accessible programming language can become a crucial asset in your journey toward a successful and rewarding career in IT. Feeling stuck in a mundane job and curious about programming as a career choice? You're not alone. Many are turning to technology for a more engaging career, and Python is a great place to start.
How to Land a Good Coding Job in Just Three Years
career change to tech
change direction
SQL basics
SQL job market
Magdalena Wojtas
Three years or three months? With all the 12-week bootcamps and coding schools out there, three years sound like a joke. "Enroll in our course today, and become an expert programmer!" "Start learning to code and jumpstart your programming career immediately!" Most probably, you've heard lots of claims like these if you're interested in coding. Are they reassuring? Maybe. Frustrating? Sometimes. If you've been learning for a year and still feel like a newbie programmer while others are starting their careers in three months, you start to wonder: What's wrong with me?
Tag: Career in data science
Building a Successful Python Career: Tips and Advice
career in data science
jobs and career
learn python
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to build a career in Python? In this article, I will explain how to start your Python career and give you some tips and advice to make it an efficient and successful process. In recent years, I've observed many individuals transitioning into Python programming roles—especially in software development, Artificial Intelligence, and data science. The main reason behind these career shifts is the high and increasing demand for skilled people in these areas.
Why Every Organization Needs a Data Analyst
jobs and career
IT job market
career in data science
Kateryna Koidan
There is so much hype around the data scientist role these days that when a company needs a specialist to get some insights from data, the first idea is to look for a data scientist. But is it really the best option? Let's see how the roles of data scientists and data analysts differ and why you may want to hire an analyst before any other role. Data Scientist or Data Analyst?
11 Tips for Building a Data Science Portfolio With Python
jobs and career
career in data science
Kateryna Koidan
Looking for some advice to build a data science portfolio that will put you ahead of other aspiring data scientists? Don't miss these useful tips. Why Have a Portfolio at All? Even though the demand for data scientists is high, the competition for entry-level positions in this field is tough. It should come as no surprise that companies prefer to hire people with at least some real-world experience in data science.
Data Science Projects in Python: A Beginner's Guide
career in data science
jobs and career
Kateryna Koidan
When you already have some experience with Python, building your own portfolio of data science projects is the best way to showcase your skills to potential employers. But where do you begin with developing your very first Python project? First, Why Develop a Data Science Project? There are a number of career development benefits to creating your own data science project in a language such as Python: Studying.
15 Python Interview Questions for Data Science Jobs
career in data science
jobs and career
python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Looking for a data science job? Then you've probably noticed that most positions require applicants to have some level of Python programming skills. But how are they going to test this? What are they going to ask? Let's prepare you for some interview questions! Why Do Data Scientists Need Python? Data science goes beyond simple data analysis and requires that you be able to work with more advanced tools. Thus, if you work with big data and need to perform complex computations or create aesthetically pleasing and interactive plots, Python is one of the most efficient solutions out there.
Tag: Certification
The 6 Best Python Certificates
python basics
Kamila Ostrowska
You want to learn Python but don’t know how to evidence your knowledge? Take a look at our list of the 6 best Python certification programs. The IT industry is still in need of new employees. This is why we encourage anyone who feels like trying their hand at it to learn. Some time ago, I created a list of the best SQL certificates. Now, it’s time to do the same for Python!
Tag: Change direction
How to Land a Good Coding Job in Just Three Years
career change to tech
change direction
SQL basics
SQL job market
Magdalena Wojtas
Three years or three months? With all the 12-week bootcamps and coding schools out there, three years sound like a joke. "Enroll in our course today, and become an expert programmer!" "Start learning to code and jumpstart your programming career immediately!" Most probably, you've heard lots of claims like these if you're interested in coding. Are they reassuring? Maybe. Frustrating? Sometimes. If you've been learning for a year and still feel like a newbie programmer while others are starting their careers in three months, you start to wonder: What's wrong with me?
More Than Just Coding – IT Community Involvement
change direction
SQL basics
SQL job market
Magdalena Wojtas
There are many perceptions of IT, one of the fastest growing industries in the world. For a non-technical person, IT is usually associated with high salaries, numerous job offers, and elite clubs. But IT is more than just people earning big bucks for writing code. The most valuable part of the IT industry is its community. The first steps are the hardest As a complete IT newbie, I had lots of doubts and fears about entering the IT industry.
Tag: Course of the month
Course of the Month – Built-in Algorithms in Python
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Do you want to work with data in Python faster and more efficiently? Learn Python’s built-in algorithms with our interactive Python Course of the Month for March 2025! If you already know the basics of Python syntax and can write simple scripts or work with Python data, our Built-in Algorithms in Python course is perfect for you. Find out what this course is all about and why we’re recommending it in March 2025 in this article.
Course of the Month: Read and Write CSV Files in Python
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
If you deal with data, you work with CSV files sooner or later. It is one of the most popular data storage formats in the world. Would you like to use Python to make your day-to-day tasks easier? You can now do it with our February Python Course of the Month, How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python! Learning Python is a great idea. It is one of those skills that change your world.
Course of the Month – Working With Strings in Python
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: January 1, 2025 Being able to work with strings in Python is essential to becoming a confident programmer. For those who want to improve their Python skills, we have chosen the interactive course Working with Strings in Python as the Python Course of the Month for January 2025. This is not a Python course for absolute beginners. If you have never written a line of code or are not familiar with basic Python syntax, I recommend you start with our Python Basics track and come back here later.
Course of the Month – Python Data Structures in Practice
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Are you looking for a place where you can get some training in programming? Take your Python skills to the next level with hands-on coding exercises. Here is our Python Course of the Month for December: Python Data Structures in Practice. Are you looking for a Python course with practical hands-on exercises? I have always told everyone that knowledge becomes real only when we use it in practice. Even the best books and courses do not help us if we do not use the skills we learn.
Python Course of the Month – How to Read and Write JSON Files in Python
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: November 1, 2024 Do you work with JSON files? Would you like to use Python to make your work easier? Now you can do it with our November Python Course of the Month, How to Read and Write JSON Files in Python! If you are a regular reader of our blog, you probably already know the great potential of Python. If it's your first time here and you don't know much about Python, let me just tell you that it's one of the most popular programming languages in the world.
Python Course of the Month – How to Read and Write Excel Files in Python
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: October 1, 2024 Are you working with data in spreadsheets daily? Do you want to know how to read and manage Excel files in Python? Learn how in our October 2024 Python Course of the Month: How to Read and Write Excel Files in Python! If you've come here, you are most likely looking for a good place to improve your Python skills. Perhaps you already know the basics and you want to learn more, like how to work with Excel files.
Course of the Month – Intro to Python for Data Science
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: September 1, 2024 If you dream of a career in data science – or if you just want to work with data more efficiently – learn Python. It's the world's most popular language for data analytics. Our Introduction to Python for Data Science is the Python Course of the Month for September 2024! You do not need any IT experience to start this interactive Python course. It’s a great first step towards data science and Python expertise.
Python Course of the Month – Python Basics Part 3
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: August 1, 2024 Have you already done the first two parts of our online Python Basics course? Keep learning and take your next step toward an IT career with Python Basics: Part 3 – our Course of the Month for August 2024! If you are reading this, you most likely are either wondering if you should learn Python or you’re looking for the best Python course online. You've come to the right place.
Python Course of the Month – Python Basics. Part 2
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: July 1, 2024 Have you started learning Python? Keep learning and take your next step towards an IT career. We present Python Basics: Part 2, the second installment of our Python courses for beginners. For some time now, our PythonBasics: Part 1 course has been available for free. We believe that anyone should be able to see if coding is for them; that’s why we made this course open to everyone.
Python Course of the Month – Python Basics: Part 1
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: June 3, 2024 Summer has arrived! A top-notch pick to add to our Summer 2024 list is to delve into Python programming. In this article, I am going to introduce this awesome Python Basics: Part 1 course, which is an optimal starting point for novices. The best part is that this course is currently completely free! Yes, you read it right. You can start learning Python coding without spending a dime.
Python Course of the Month – Python Basics: Practice
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Do you already know the basics of Python? Are you looking for a place to develop your skills and gain some new ones? At LearnPython.com, we believe people learn best through practice. That's why we created the course Python Basics: Practice – our Course of the Month for April 2024! If you’ve found this article, you are most likely looking for online Python exercises. You want to practice and check what you have learned so far.
Free Python Course: Find Out If Programming Is For You
course of the month
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you heard about software engineers making half a million US dollars annually? Do you want to learn to program but do not know if you are cut out for it? Our free Python course can help you find out if programming is for you. But first, let's define programming. Programming is the action of providing a set of instructions to the computer to make it perform a task. A pre-defined set of instructions is called an algorithm.
Tag: Csv
Course of the Month: Read and Write CSV Files in Python
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
If you deal with data, you work with CSV files sooner or later. It is one of the most popular data storage formats in the world. Would you like to use Python to make your day-to-day tasks easier? You can now do it with our February Python Course of the Month, How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python! Learning Python is a great idea. It is one of those skills that change your world.
How to Convert JSON to CSV in Python
learn python
Luke Hande
Converting from JSON to CSV in Python? We’ll show you how to do it quickly and easily! Depending on what project you happen to be working on, your data can come in multiple formats. So, it’s important to be comfortable handling data in a variety of formats. JSON and CSV are two very popular formats. In this article, we’ll show you how to convert the JSON format into CSV in Python.
A Guide to the Python csv Module
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
What are CSV files, and how can you use Python alongside them? Learn how to use the csv module to read and work with CSV files in Python. You have probably seen tabular data before: it’s simply rows and columns containing some data. (Think of a table in an article or an Excel spreadsheet.) CSV files are one of the most common types of tables used by data scientists, but they can be daunting if you don’t know exactly how they work or how to use them alongside Python.
How to Read a CSV File Into a List in Python
LearnPython.com Team
Read and process CSV files in Python. Comma-separated value files, or CSV files, are the most popular file type for storing tabular data. Why would you want to read CSV files in Python? Perhaps your programming journey has brought you to a point where you need to work with files. Or maybe you want to perform calculations on data gathered from an IoT sensor. The easiest way to work with CSV files in Python is to use the pandasmodule.
How to Read CSV Files Python
learn python
Yiğit Aras Tunalı
Have you encountered CSV files? In this article, I’ll show you what CSV files are and how easy it is to work with them in Python. If you are working as a back-end developer or data scientist, chances are that you’ve already dealt with CSV files. It is one of the most used formats for working with and transferring data. Many Python libraries can handle CSVs, but in this article, we’ll focus on Python’s csv module.
Tag: Data analysis
The Best Python Books for Data Analysts
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data analysis
Soner Yıldırım
What role do books play in acquiring data analysis skills? Discover how you can benefit from the best Python books for data analysts – and how to use them as a supplementary learning material. Data is a highly valuable asset. In fact, we might even argue that it’s the most valuable asset in the 21st century. The success and performance of products depends on the quality of input data. However, data in its raw form does not give us its full potential.
Just How Valuable Is Python for Business?
data science
data analysis
Jakub Romanowski
If you're wondering how Python can reshape your business, this article is for you. We’ll look at the practical applications of using Python for Business and discuss why implementing Python tools might be a smart move for your organization. Python is definitely having a moment – or maybe a decade! Implementing Python for business uses – especially in data analysis – is transforming the way companies handle data, analytics, and automation.
Why Should I Learn Python for Data Analysis?
learn python
data analysis
Soner Yıldırım
Do you actually need Python to become a data analyst? Discover why you should learn Python and how you can benefit from it as a data analyst. Data is ubiquitous. From retail stores to digital marketing agencies, from sports teams to production sites, numerous industries use data in their operations to improve productivity, efficiency, productivity, or any other metric that’s important for them. They unlock the power of data, which has the potential to offer valuable insights, which are difficult for the human eye to catch.
Learn Python for Data Analysis
data analysis
learn python
Xavier Rigoulet
This guide is your first step towards mastering Python for data analysis and turning your data into actionable insights. Information is king, but what good is a mountain of data if you can't unlock its secrets? Have you ever wished you could transform raw numbers into actionable insights that drive better decisions? If you answered yes, then Python for data analysis is the key you've been searching for. This powerful skill empowers you to extract meaning from data, transforming you from a passive observer into an informed decision-maker that helps businesses reach the next level.
Python Data Analysis Example: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
data analysis
Luke Hande
Doing real data analysis exercises is a great way to learn. But data analysis is a broad topic, and knowing how to proceed can be half the battle. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you a Python data analysis example and demonstrate how to analyze a dataset. A great way to get practical experience in Python and accelerate your learning is by doing data analysis challenges. This will expose you to several key Python concepts, such as working with different file types, manipulating various data types (e.
15 Top Python Interview Questions for Data Analysts
data analysis
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
Coding – particularly in Python – is an important skill for data analysis roles. Check out these 15 Python interview questions specifically for data analysts and get a head start on your next job interview! Python has become one of the world’s favorite programming languages. Its robust ecosystem of data-handling libraries has made it an excellent (and in-demand) tool for data analysts. Whether you're a seasoned data enthusiast or just embarking on your journey into the field of data analysis, preparing for a data analyst interview is essential.
A Practical Guide to Python for Data Science
data analysis
data science
Luke Hande
Working on real data science projects is a rewarding experience. But how do you get to the point where you can make a real contribution? What skills and experience do you need? What challenges might occur along the way? In this article, we’ll address all these questions. Data has become ubiquitous in our modern world. It’s generated from many sources, including social media, IoT devices, business transactions, finance, government and public records, academic research, communication systems, and even satellites and remote sensing technology.
Python Data Analysis Example: Ames Housing Dataset
data analysis
Xavier Rigoulet
Are you curious about analyzing data with Python? This article walks you through a step-by-step Python data analysis example. Have you ever wondered how companies make informed decisions based on vast amounts of data? Have you ever found yourself staring at a dataset, wondering where to start your data analysis? This article will guide you through the process of conducting data analyses in Python and transforming data into actionable knowledge.
7 Datasets to Practice Data Analysis in Python
data analysis
online practice
Luke Hande
Data analysis is a skill that is becoming more essential in today's data-driven world. One effective way to practice with Python is to take on your own data analysis projects. In this article, we’ll show you 7 datasets you can start working on. Python is a great tool for data analysis – in fact, it has become very popular, as we discuss in Python’s Role in Big Data and Analytics.
Python Data Cleaning: A How-to Guide for Beginners
data analysis
data visualization
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you ever wondered why your data analysis sometimes yields unexpected results or errors? Do you know how to ensure the data for your project is accurate and reliable? Are you curious about the tools and techniques data professionals use to clean messy datasets? Have you ever struggled with data containing misspelled words, mixed-case text, or missing values? Would you like to discover how Python, a versatile programming language, helps you automate the process of data cleaning?
Python Exploratory Data Analysis Cheat Sheet
data analysis
Luke Hande
Get a quick overview of exploratory data analysis, a process used to summarize your dataset and get some quick insights. We’ll give you the tools and techniques you need in this cheat sheet. Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is a term used to describe the process of starting to analyze your data in the early stages. Its primary purpose is to understand the properties of the data, with the aim of using these insights to refine the analysis to derive the best insights possible from the data you have.
Python’s Role in Big Data and Analytics
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data analysis
Xavier Rigoulet
Python is crucial for Big Data and data analysis. Want to know why? In this article, we’ll explain how learning Python can help you to get ahead and boost your career. Python is a popular programming language that is widely embraced by beginners and experienced developers alike. It was created over 30 years ago, but it’s stillworth learning in 2023 for several reasons – not least of which is that Python is essential to Big Data and data analytics.
The Top 5 Python Libraries for Data Visualization
data analysis
András Novoszáth
Which Python library should you pick for data visualization? Read on to see our assessment! Data visualization is an increasingly valuable skill, one that’s sought after in many organizations. It helps you to find insight into data and to communicate your findings to less technical audiences. You can benefit from it in your career and use it to pivot toward a data-focused role. There are many paths to learning and practicing data visualization.
Python or R: Which to Learn as a New Data Analyst?
data analysis
Kateryna Koidan
Thinking about becoming a data analyst? It’s a very promising career path, but data analysts are often required to master at least one programming language. Let’s explore whether this should be Python or R. If you scroll through a couple of data analyst job descriptions, you’ll notice that most of them have a requirement for at least one programming language – Python, R, or SQL. SQL is somewhat unique as the key language for communicating with relational databases.
Excel Alternative: What to Learn as a Data Analyst
data analysis
data science
jobs and career
Usman Malik
Excel spreadsheets are quickly becoming obsolete thanks to the emergence of the latest data analytics tools and languages such as Python, Java, R, and Microsoft HDInsight. However, a large number of companies still use digital spreadsheets, creating a lot of problems for modern business data analysts. Analyzing data through excel is a poor choice because of reasons like errors in data validation, a poor shared workbook feature, no multi-user editing, inaccurate data, and safety concerns, making it necessary for you to switch to better and advanced alternatives.
Tag: Data cleaning
The Most Helpful Python Data Cleaning Modules
Data Cleaning
Soner Yıldırım
Data cleaning is a critical part of data analysis. If you need to tidy a dataframe with Python, these will help you get the job done. Python is the go-to programming language for data science. One reason it’s so popular is the rich selection of libraries. The functions and methods provided by these libraries expedite typical data science tasks. Real-life data is usually messy and does not come in an appropriate format for data analysis.
Tag: Data driven marketing
Why Use Python for E-Commerce?
data-driven marketing
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to start an e-commerce business or take your existing business online? In this article, I will explain the benefits of Python for e-commerce and what it can do for an Internet-based business. Python is mostly associated with data science and artificial intelligence. However, Python is a great choice for e-commerce and many other types of businesses; in fact, this is a general purpose programming language with a large and enthusiastic following.
Why Use Python in Marketing?
data-driven marketing
learn Python
Kateryna Koidan
Python can help you get more insights from your data, make better-informed data-driven decisions, automate many routine activities, and increase the ROI from your marketing campaigns. Interested? Then let's see how exactly Python can boost your marketing efforts. How Can Your Marketing Activities Benefit from Python? As a marketer, you probably face a number of challenges: Ads are getting more expensive. Previously profitable marketing channels, like content marketing, are becoming crowded.
How to Create Python Heat Maps for Marketing Campaigns
data-driven marketing
data-driven organization
learn Python
Kateryna Koidan
Heat maps are a great way to visualize patterns in data, but some businesses avoid them because creating them seems challenging and time consuming. Well, it's not. Do you know what the most popular programming language currently is? According to the PYPL Index, it's—you guessed it—Python. And our serpentine friend was also crowned the best programming language in 2018 by Linux Journal readers. Why all the buzz? Because Python is simple and easy to learn.
Tag: Data driven organization
Python for Retail Analytics
data-driven organization
python programming
Soner Yıldırım
Why use Python in retail analytics? This article will explain the benefits of using Python for your retail analyses and the importance of data-driven retail strategies. Data is a precious asset for any type of business. For instance, we all know there is a huge jump in sales before Christmas. However, we sometimes need to go beyond the obvious to make the most out of our data. We need to go below the surface and dig to extract insights because data often encapsulates information that’s difficult for the human eye to notice.
6 Benefits of Learning Python for Financial Experts
data-driven organization
get started
learn Python
python basics
Usman Malik
An increasing number of fintech companies are using Python for data analysis. But what makes Python so special? And why is it a better language for data analysis compared to traditional software? Python is quickly becoming the most popular coding language in the world. Currently, it's perching comfortably in the fourth spot after Java, C, and C++ on the Tiobe Index of Language Popularity. And the Popularity of Programming Language Index ranks Python as the most popular programming language in the world in October 2018.
How to Create Python Heat Maps for Marketing Campaigns
data-driven marketing
data-driven organization
learn Python
Kateryna Koidan
Heat maps are a great way to visualize patterns in data, but some businesses avoid them because creating them seems challenging and time consuming. Well, it's not. Do you know what the most popular programming language currently is? According to the PYPL Index, it's—you guessed it—Python. And our serpentine friend was also crowned the best programming language in 2018 by Linux Journal readers. Why all the buzz? Because Python is simple and easy to learn.
Tag: Data processing
What Is Data Processing in Python?
Data Processing
Soner Yıldırım
We live in the era of Big Data. There is a tremendous amount of data flowing around us constantly. It seems like this flow of data will keep increasing. In order not to drown in this stream, you should know how to properly process data, analyze it, and draw correct conclusions from it. One of the best tools for this is Python! It’s become very easy to collect, store, and transfer data.
Tag: Data science
Just How Valuable Is Python for Business?
data science
data analysis
Jakub Romanowski
If you're wondering how Python can reshape your business, this article is for you. We’ll look at the practical applications of using Python for Business and discuss why implementing Python tools might be a smart move for your organization. Python is definitely having a moment – or maybe a decade! Implementing Python for business uses – especially in data analysis – is transforming the way companies handle data, analytics, and automation.
A Practical Guide to Python for Data Science
data analysis
data science
Luke Hande
Working on real data science projects is a rewarding experience. But how do you get to the point where you can make a real contribution? What skills and experience do you need? What challenges might occur along the way? In this article, we’ll address all these questions. Data has become ubiquitous in our modern world. It’s generated from many sources, including social media, IoT devices, business transactions, finance, government and public records, academic research, communication systems, and even satellites and remote sensing technology.
What Is a Moving Average? Calculate It in Python
data science
Marko Calasan
Learn how to calculate Python moving averages and supercharge your data analysis skills! The moving average, also known as a rolling average, running average or running mean, is a critical part of any data scientist’s toolbox. When analyzing datasets like weather patterns and stock market trends, we tend to run into outliers and noise that can obscure the more meaningful trends we’re looking for. In this article, you’ll learn how to use Python to calculate moving averages to “smooth out” noise in your data science code.
Python Libraries You Need to Know in 2023
data science
Soner Yıldırım
If you are serious about learning Python and want to make your daily tasks easier, start using these Python libraries. Each one will save you time and effort. Python is a programming language with a breadth of applications in data science, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, web development, and game development. To understand what makes Python such a widely-used and beginner-friendly choice, let’s look at the goals set by Python creator Guido van Rossum.
Python Track of the Season: Python for Data Science
data science
learn python
Jakub Romanowski
The New Year is upon us. You may have already broken some New Year's resolutions… Well, we have also! However, there is one resolution worth keeping – learn Python at last. Make a change in January! I will tell you why you should learn Python and take our Python Track of the Season, Python for Data Science! In this article, we’ll answer common questions about this track. Everyone loves gifts, and the best you can give yourself is a new skill.
Why Should Every Data Scientist Know Python?
data science
András Novoszáth
Are you planning to move into data science and wondering whether you should learn Python? Do you want to know why Python is so popular in data science? This article explains why learning Python is important for data scientists and provides tips and resources for learning. Python is the most common programming language among data scientists. If you are planning to work as a data scientist, there is a great chance you need to work with it.
How to Generate Test Data in Python
data science
Luke Hande
Here's all you need to know about the code library for generating test data in Python. This article introduces you to a useful library to generate test data in Python. If you’re building an application designed to process data, you need an appropriate test dataset to make sure all the bugs have been ironed out. Getting your hands on data is the first step of any data analysis project. The data may be provided directly to you by a customer.
Data Science Projects for Python Practice
data science
Kateryna Koidan
Looking to start a data science career? Just as in any new field, you’ll need a lot of practice. Let’s explore where you can find data science projects to practice your newly acquired Python skills. Organizations large and small all over the world use Python in their software development and data science projects. But even if you are very excited about a career in data science, it can seem very challenging to learn a new programming language.
6 Reasons Why Python Is Used For Data Science
data science
Kateryna Koidan
Today, almost any job description for a data-related position requires Python. Why is that? Is it really that important for data science? In this article, I explore the reasons behind Python’s domination in the data science world. Python and Data Science There is a lot of buzz around data science and data science careers. As organizations recognize the value a data-driven approach can bring them, the demand for data scientists continues to grow.
Do You Need a Master’s Degree to Become a Data Scientist?
python basics
data science
jobs and career
Soner Yıldırım
Data science is a hot topic. The Internet is full of heated discussions about how to become a data scientist and whether you need an academic degree to do so. In this article, I will try to dispel any doubts on this subject. Read on! The potential of creating business value from data has attracted the attention of many. Organizations in a wide range of industries have started to invest in data science to take advantage of this potential.
Python Data Science Project Ideas
learn python
data science
Kateryna Koidan
Wondering what your first-ever data science project or your first big project in Python should be? Or are you looking for your next data science project? This article will give you some ideas and directions. Creating data science projects in Python is essential for your career development. It’s the best way to learn new data science tools, practice the skills you’ve acquired, and demonstrate your competencies to potential employers.
Who Are Data Scientists and What Do They Use Python For?
learn python
data science
Kateryna Koidan
Are you wondering if a data science career is a good fit for you? In this article, I will try to explain what data science is and who data science specialists are. Check out what skills you need to become one of them – including Python. I have been observing a huge interest in data science for some time. Online forums and social media are constantly inundated with all kinds of information and questions on this topic.
What Are the Advantages of Using Python for Data Science?
learn python
data science
Soner Yıldırım
Which language should you pick to start your data science journey? Python, of course! In this article, you will learn about the advantages of using Python for data science. Python was first released in 1991, but it has gained popularity in recent years. Data science is the most influential factor in the rise of Python. And this relationship between Python and data science has been mutually beneficial. Python eases and expedites the process of learning data science.
Top 15 Python Libraries for Data Science
learn python
data science
Kateryna Koidan
We look at basic and advanced Python libraries for data science. Learn about getting, processing, modeling, and visualizing data in Python. The Python ecosystem offers a wide range of tools for data scientists. For newbies, it might be challenging to distinguish between fundamental data science tools and the ‘nice-to-haves’. In this article, I’ll guide you through the most popular Python libraries for data science. Python Libraries for Getting Data Data science starts with data.
Excel Alternative: What to Learn as a Data Analyst
data analysis
data science
jobs and career
Usman Malik
Excel spreadsheets are quickly becoming obsolete thanks to the emergence of the latest data analytics tools and languages such as Python, Java, R, and Microsoft HDInsight. However, a large number of companies still use digital spreadsheets, creating a lot of problems for modern business data analysts. Analyzing data through excel is a poor choice because of reasons like errors in data validation, a poor shared workbook feature, no multi-user editing, inaccurate data, and safety concerns, making it necessary for you to switch to better and advanced alternatives.
12 Must-Know Python Tips and Tricks for Data Scientists
learn Python
python basics
data science
Kateryna Koidan
You already have some foundational knowledge of Python for data science. But do you write your code efficiently? Check out these tips and tricks to supercharge your Python skills. How to Write Efficient Python Code In this article, we'll take a look at some tricks that will help you write fast and efficient Python code. I'll start with how to optimize code that involves the pandas library. If you want to refresh your knowledge of pandas, check out our Introduction to Python for Data Science course.
New Course Launch: Intro to Python for Data Science
data science
get started
learn python
python basics
LearnPython.com Team
Over the past three months, we've been working on something completely new. Please welcome our new course on Python data analysis! We got many emails from users like you with good feedback on Vertabelo Academy's "Introduction to R" course. So first, I want to start off with a big thank you—reading your wonderful comments was like a burst of energy! We're always looking to improve our offerings, and we greatly value your input.
Agile Data Science: Improving Your Workflow with Scrum
data science
data visualization
descriptive statistics
Anuj Kumar Verma
Within organizations, Scrum promotes efficient time and process management along with better team building and leadership. In order to implement Scrum, you'll need to follow a few simple rules. Introducing Scrum Today, we have the power to collect precise data both quickly and in vast quantities. In fact, 90% of the data available today was collected in the last two years alone. The rise of big data has greatly increased demand for data scientists, but the profession is one where few candidates possess the right skills.
Tag: Data science books
The Best Python Books for Data Science
data science, books
Soner Yıldırım
Python was first released in 1991, so it has been around for a long while. However, it has gained much of its popularity in recent years. The use of Python in data science has been the most influential factor in its proliferation. According to the Popularity of Programming Language Index (PYPL Index), Python is currently the most popular language, and it grew the most in the last 5 years. The PYPL Index is created by analyzing how often language tutorials are searched on Google.
Tag: Data summary
How to Generate a Data Summary in Python
Data Summary
Soner Yıldırım
Learn different methods for summarizing data in Python. Data is power. The more data we have, the better and more robust products we create. However, working with large amounts of data has its challenges. We need software tools and packages to gain insights, like for creating a data summary in Python. A substantial number of data-based solutions and products use tabular data, that is, data stored in a table format with labeled rows and columns.
Tag: Data visualization
Python Data Cleaning: A How-to Guide for Beginners
data analysis
data visualization
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you ever wondered why your data analysis sometimes yields unexpected results or errors? Do you know how to ensure the data for your project is accurate and reliable? Are you curious about the tools and techniques data professionals use to clean messy datasets? Have you ever struggled with data containing misspelled words, mixed-case text, or missing values? Would you like to discover how Python, a versatile programming language, helps you automate the process of data cleaning?
Agile Data Science: Improving Your Workflow with Scrum
data science
data visualization
descriptive statistics
Anuj Kumar Verma
Within organizations, Scrum promotes efficient time and process management along with better team building and leadership. In order to implement Scrum, you'll need to follow a few simple rules. Introducing Scrum Today, we have the power to collect precise data both quickly and in vast quantities. In fact, 90% of the data available today was collected in the last two years alone. The rise of big data has greatly increased demand for data scientists, but the profession is one where few candidates possess the right skills.
Tag: Date and time
How to Measure Python Script Execution Times
date and time
Luke Hande
Program timing can give you a lot of valuable information. Let’s talk about the best ways to measure execution times in Python. In this article, we’ll show you how to measure the execution time of Python programs. We’ll introduce you to some tools and show you helpful examples to demonstrate how to measure the time of a whole program, a single function, or just a simple statement. At the end, you’ll be better able to understand how your code is working by timing it accurately.
How to Work with Date and Time in Python
date and time
Luke Hande
Working with date and time data in Python is an important skill. This article will demonstrate the most important Python date and time modules. Working with dates and times in Python can present some unique challenges. The number of days in a month can change, which can complicate a seemingly simple calculation of the number of days between two dates. Leap years make this more complex if you’re working with data spanning several years.
Tag: Descriptive statistics
Agile Data Science: Improving Your Workflow with Scrum
data science
data visualization
descriptive statistics
Anuj Kumar Verma
Within organizations, Scrum promotes efficient time and process management along with better team building and leadership. In order to implement Scrum, you'll need to follow a few simple rules. Introducing Scrum Today, we have the power to collect precise data both quickly and in vast quantities. In fact, 90% of the data available today was collected in the last two years alone. The rise of big data has greatly increased demand for data scientists, but the profession is one where few candidates possess the right skills.
Tag: Dictionaries
5 Ways to Create a Dictionary in Python
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Want to step up your Python game? Learn how to create dictionaries in Python from many different sources, including reading from JSON files and combining two dictionaries. So, you've already figured out how to use dictionaries in Python. You know all about how dictionaries are mutable data structures that hold key-value pairs. You understand you must provide a key to the dictionary to retrieve a value. But you may not have realized dictionaries in Python come in all shapes and sizes and from all kinds of sources.
Tag: Elearning
Lucky Thirteen Python Articles of 2018 for Beginners
learn Python
python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
If you have just started learning Python, now is a great time to develop your skills further. Nowadays it is not problem to find resources about Python on the internet, however, it can be difficult to find good materials to read for beginners. Therefore I decided to gather and share with you my "Lucky thirteen" articles on Python written in 2018. Top 3 LearnPython.com Articles for Beginners The LearnPython.
Tag: Enumerate
The enumerate() Function in Python
Luke Hande
What is the enumerate() function in Python and when do you need it? Find out in this article. While iterating through a list in Python, you’ll often need to keep track of the list elements’ indexes. The enumerate() function provides a useful way to do this. In this article, we’ll show you how to use this function to take your loops to the next level. This article is aimed at people without much Python programming experience.
Tag: Error
How to Print to the Standard Error Stream in Python
Luke Hande
Printing to Python’s standard error stream will help you better manage handling any errors in your programs. Find out how to do it in this article. Standard streams allow a program to interact with its environment during execution. This could be accepting input from the keyboard (using the input() function in Python), or displaying a message on the screen (using the print() function). There are three standard streams in computing: standard input, standard output, and standard error; they are commonly referred to as stdin, stdout, and stderr, respectively.
Tag: Excel
Best Python Packages for Excel
Luke Hande
At some point, you’ll probably need to work with data from an Excel spreadsheet. How can you work with Excel data and files in Python? We review some of the best Python packages for Excel in this article. An Excel spreadsheet is a very common way of storing tabular data. But Excel is not without its problems, as we discussed in the article Excel Alternative: What to Learn as a Data Analyst.
How to Read Excel Files in Python
learn python
Yiğit Aras Tunalı
Have you worked with Excel files? I’ll show you how to read them into Python so that you can automate Excel-related tasks. If you are a data analyst, a data engineer, or someone who otherwise writes scripts to automate simple tasks, there is a high likelihood that you have worked with or will work with Excel files. In this article, we will go over how to read Excel files into Python.
Tag: Exceptions
A Brief Guide to Python Exceptions
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Confused about programming errors? In this article, you’ll learn what Python exceptions are, how to deal with them, and how to leverage them when writing and organizing your code. Errors are very common in programming. In Python, we use the term “exception” for errors that happen during code execution. Be it a typo, a coding distraction, or because the code reached an invalid state, it is inevitable: the more you write Python programs, the more you will have to face and handle Python exceptions.
Tag: Extras
Coding Wo[men]'s World: How to Start Coding
Kamila Ostrowska
Beware! This is not a motivational article. If you are not interested in how to start coding, don't read this. However, if you want to know how and where to start learning programming, please continue reading. When I started to think about learning to code, I decided to write about women's stories because of the stereotypes they face. Many women want to try coding but are afraid of it.
8 Most Common Programming Errors Made by Beginners
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jobs and career
Magdalena Wojtas
Learning to code can be fun and absorbing but it can also be a rocky road at first. If you have a feeling that your learning process could be faster and more efficient, take a look at this list of common programming mistakes. Maybe you're making some of them? When I first started learning to code it was a time of constant fire in my belly—I was so excited about every new issue and every new technology!
New Course: How to Read and Write JSON Files in Python
learn Python
LearnPython.com Team
Providing various types of data in a unified way is one of the core concepts of web communication. In recent years, JSON text files have become extremely popular due to their simplicity and universality. LearnPython.com's recent course—How to Read and Write JSON Files in Python—explains how to manipulate JSON files in Python. If you work with Python and want to learn a practical skill in high demand, you're in the right place.
New Course Launch: Python Data Structures in Practice
learn Python
LearnPython.com Team
Do you know the feeling when you've read the theory behind some programming concepts but you're at a loss when it comes to writing actual code? LearnPython.com's new course—Python Data Structures in Practice—addresses this exact problem by explaining the practical aspects of basic data structures. The course discusses frequent use cases and teaches you optimal solutions to common problems. As a bonus, you'll create a real Python game! Although you can find countless online courses teaching Python, very few of them actually explain how to use Python data structures in practice.
Git and GitHub – a Beginner Friendly Overview
get started
Kateryna Koidan
It looks like everybody in the tech world is using GitHub. Wondering if you need it too? Let's have a brief beginner-friendly overview to see what Git and GitHub are and how you can start working with them right away. What is Git? We are going to start with defining what Git is and how you can benefit from it. Git is an open-source distributed version control system. What does this mean in simple terms?
Becoming a Successful Freelance Software Developer
jobs and career
get started
Rasmus Ebsen
Freelancers are workers who, for one reason or another, decided to work independently. Flexibility and continuous training are usually what interest programmers who approach this career. You might have a lot of questions and wonder: what does it take to become a freelance software developer? In this article, we will give you some tips on how to approach this career and become a successful freelance software developer. Tips to Become a Successful Freelance Software Developer Like all jobs, freelancing comes with its pros and cons.
Why Python Should Be Your First Programming Language – Python Basics Course Review
learn Python
python basics
Magdalena Wojtas
Python was my love at first sight. It was at the very beginning of my interest in programming when I took my first Python course, and I instantly fell in love with this language. Unfortunately, I had few opportunities to work professionally in the Python environment, but I kept learning after hours, just for fun, until my new job became too demanding and I simply had no more time for my coding hobby.
New Course: How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python
learn Python
python basics
LearnPython.com Team
Another Python course is now available on LearnPython.com. "How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python" is an online course for anyone interested in working with files in Python—a must-have skill for any beginner software developer or data scientist! After the great success of our SQL courses, we began working hard on the Python learning path. So far, we've made five Python courses available, and we're proud to announce the release of yet another one: How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python!
Speaking the IT Language: A Basic Technical Dictionary for Non-Technical People
jobs and career
Magdalena Wojtas
It's sometimes hard to understand what IT people are talking about because of all the technical terms they throw around. So I compiled this little dictionary of IT terms for beginners! It may seem silly, but communication problems are all too common in IT teams. Programmers and other computer science professionals use a technical language of their own that may not be too accessible to non-technical people. But effective communication is one of the keys to survival in the industry, so it's definitely worth understanding what those terms mean so you're on the same page as everyone else.
A Typical Day in the Life of an IT Team
jobs and career
Magdalena Wojtas
Ever wondered what daily life in a tech company looks like but had no one to ask? Let's take a look at a day on the IT team from the inside. All programmers wear plaid shirts and thick glasses, eat junk food, sleep during the day, stay awake all night, and spend their time in dark basements where the only light comes from a few monitors displaying tons of unintelligible code.
New Course Launch: Python Basics for Programming
get started with python
learn Python
python programming
LearnPython.com Team
The LearnPython.com Team has been working hard to release a brand-new course, and it's finally here! Python Basics for Programming is a great place to start for anyone aspiring to become a software developer. Since our SQL courses, the LearnPython.com platform has been embraced by thousands of students who are eager to learn new technologies. After releasing Intro to Python for Data Science last month, we asked ourselves: why not create another introductory Python course, but this time from a software developer's perspective?
How to Land a Good Coding Job in Just Three Years
career change to tech
change direction
SQL basics
SQL job market
Magdalena Wojtas
Three years or three months? With all the 12-week bootcamps and coding schools out there, three years sound like a joke. "Enroll in our course today, and become an expert programmer!" "Start learning to code and jumpstart your programming career immediately!" Most probably, you've heard lots of claims like these if you're interested in coding. Are they reassuring? Maybe. Frustrating? Sometimes. If you've been learning for a year and still feel like a newbie programmer while others are starting their careers in three months, you start to wonder: What's wrong with me?
More Than Just Coding – IT Community Involvement
change direction
SQL basics
SQL job market
Magdalena Wojtas
There are many perceptions of IT, one of the fastest growing industries in the world. For a non-technical person, IT is usually associated with high salaries, numerous job offers, and elite clubs. But IT is more than just people earning big bucks for writing code. The most valuable part of the IT industry is its community. The first steps are the hardest As a complete IT newbie, I had lots of doubts and fears about entering the IT industry.
Agile Data Science: Improving Your Workflow with Scrum
data science
data visualization
descriptive statistics
Anuj Kumar Verma
Within organizations, Scrum promotes efficient time and process management along with better team building and leadership. In order to implement Scrum, you'll need to follow a few simple rules. Introducing Scrum Today, we have the power to collect precise data both quickly and in vast quantities. In fact, 90% of the data available today was collected in the last two years alone. The rise of big data has greatly increased demand for data scientists, but the profession is one where few candidates possess the right skills.
My Very First Script
get started
SQL basics
SQL job market
Kate Stolarek
We recently published a story from a LearnPython.com user who found her love thanks to SQL. On a similar note, I asked my colleagues to bring back old memories of writing their very first scripts. And yes, love is involved. Here at LearnPython.com, we've got some real OG programmers and data scientists making great content. They fell in love with data way before it was cool—and easy. So today, we're jumping back in time to see what it was like to learn SQL before the Internet and LearnPython.
Tag: Files and directories
Learn How to Work with Files and Directories in Python
learn python
files and directories
Jakub Romanowski
Are you a data analyst, app developer, or someone else who needs to work with various files in Python? Do you want to do your work faster and more efficiently? If so, we have something for you – a great interactive course called Working with Files and Directories in Python! Working with Files and Directories in Python is intended primarily for people who are just starting to learn Python. Of course, if you already have programming experience, you can also learn a lot from it.
Tag: Filter
How to Filter a Python Dictionary
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Learn how to build your own filters with multiple conditions, then use them to filter Python dictionaries by any combination of keys and values. Python dictionaries are extremely versatile. They can hold a variety of data types and are used to model many different real-world objects and relations. It is no surprise, then, that we want to perform specific operations (like filtering) on Python dictionaries. Filtering a dictionary in Python can be especially tricky because they can be filtered by key, values, or both, using an arbitrary number of conditions.
Tag: Functions
An Overview of Python String Methods
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Become a master of common Python string methods and level up your data manipulation skills! Python strings have a lot of functionality that you can leverage in your scripts. This includes common text operations like searching and replacing text, removing whitespace, or counting characters and words. Collectively, these functions are called Python string methods. In this article, we’ll go through an overview of the main string methods available for Python scripts.
Tag: Generators
What Are Generators in Python?
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you ever dealt with datasets so large that your computer's memory couldn’t handle them? Have you ever wondered if there could be a way to interrupt a function in the middle before resuming it? Here is where Python generators come into the picture. Python generators are a way to create custom iterators. You can read more about iterators here. Before we continue, if you are not familiar with Python terminology, check our articles about Python terms for beginners and more Python terms.
Tag: Get started
5 Ways Coding Skills Can Be Applied in Any Industry
jobs and career
get started
IT job market
Katherine Lutz
Why coding is a vital skill no matter where you work. In 2019, more businesses than ever before are looking to hire smart, technologically proficient candidates. As advances in technology increase, a growing number of industries are relying on computer systems and software to help manage their data and achieve their goals, making coding skills more of a necessity than it has ever been. Many people think that coding is a niche that only applies to specific tech-related jobs.
8 Most Common Programming Errors Made by Beginners
get started
jobs and career
Magdalena Wojtas
Learning to code can be fun and absorbing but it can also be a rocky road at first. If you have a feeling that your learning process could be faster and more efficient, take a look at this list of common programming mistakes. Maybe you're making some of them? When I first started learning to code it was a time of constant fire in my belly—I was so excited about every new issue and every new technology!
Git and GitHub – a Beginner Friendly Overview
get started
Kateryna Koidan
It looks like everybody in the tech world is using GitHub. Wondering if you need it too? Let's have a brief beginner-friendly overview to see what Git and GitHub are and how you can start working with them right away. What is Git? We are going to start with defining what Git is and how you can benefit from it. Git is an open-source distributed version control system. What does this mean in simple terms?
Becoming a Successful Freelance Software Developer
jobs and career
get started
Rasmus Ebsen
Freelancers are workers who, for one reason or another, decided to work independently. Flexibility and continuous training are usually what interest programmers who approach this career. You might have a lot of questions and wonder: what does it take to become a freelance software developer? In this article, we will give you some tips on how to approach this career and become a successful freelance software developer. Tips to Become a Successful Freelance Software Developer Like all jobs, freelancing comes with its pros and cons.
How to Install the Python Spyder IDE and Run Scripts
learn Python
python IDE
get started
Dorota Wdzięczna
One of the most popular Python IDEs is Spyder, which stands for Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment. This Python tool is "designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts." But it's not just for professionals. In this article, we'll learn why the Spyder IDE is also an excellent tool for beginners. In this article, I'll: Show you how to install Spyder on Windows and Linux. Guide you in starting a project and creating your first Python script.
Installing Python: How to start writing Python code
get started
installation guide
learn Python
python IDE
Dorota Wdzięczna
In this comprehensive beginner's guide, we'll look at how to install Python on three major operating systems, choose a Python IDE, and run your code. Would you like to start coding in Python but don't know where to begin? Maybe you've graduated from an online course like Python Basics and now are looking to continue your Python adventure on your own machine. But first, why Python? The answer is simple: Python is a very easy-to-learn and powerful programming language.
6 Benefits of Learning Python for Financial Experts
data-driven organization
get started
learn Python
python basics
Usman Malik
An increasing number of fintech companies are using Python for data analysis. But what makes Python so special? And why is it a better language for data analysis compared to traditional software? Python is quickly becoming the most popular coding language in the world. Currently, it's perching comfortably in the fourth spot after Java, C, and C++ on the Tiobe Index of Language Popularity. And the Popularity of Programming Language Index ranks Python as the most popular programming language in the world in October 2018.
New Course Launch: Intro to Python for Data Science
data science
get started
learn python
python basics
LearnPython.com Team
Over the past three months, we've been working on something completely new. Please welcome our new course on Python data analysis! We got many emails from users like you with good feedback on Vertabelo Academy's "Introduction to R" course. So first, I want to start off with a big thank you—reading your wonderful comments was like a burst of energy! We're always looking to improve our offerings, and we greatly value your input.
My Very First Script
get started
SQL basics
SQL job market
Kate Stolarek
We recently published a story from a LearnPython.com user who found her love thanks to SQL. On a similar note, I asked my colleagues to bring back old memories of writing their very first scripts. And yes, love is involved. Here at LearnPython.com, we've got some real OG programmers and data scientists making great content. They fell in love with data way before it was cool—and easy. So today, we're jumping back in time to see what it was like to learn SQL before the Internet and LearnPython.
Tag: Get started with python
Your Perfect Python Setup
get started with python
installation guide
Alexandre Bruffa
A good Python setup is the key to efficient and effective Python programming. Find out how to choose and install the right components in this article! A well-configured Python setup is essential for developers at every skill level. Whether you are just starting out with Python or you are a seasoned professional, I highly recommend you invest time learning how to configure and maintain a strong Python environment. The benefits are considerable: it facilitates development workflows, mitigates compatibility issues, enhances performance, and contributes to a collaborative and efficient development process.
Why Python Is the Perfect First Programming Language
python basics
python programming
get started with python
Alexandre Bruffa
Choosing your first programming language is a big step on the path to becoming a developer. It's the starting point of your coding journey, and making the right choice can set you up for success. In this article, we will explore why Python is often recommended as the first programming language for beginners. If you have decided to start your software or web developer journey, you will probably face challenges when learning to code.
10 Python Practice Exercises for Beginners with Solutions
python basics
get started with python
online practice
Luke Hande
A great way to improve quickly at programming with Python is to practice with a wide range of exercises and programming challenges. In this article, we give you 10 Python practice exercises to boost your skills. Practice exercises are a great way to learn Python. Well-designed exercises expose you to new concepts, such as writing different types of loops, working with different data structures like lists, arrays, and tuples, and reading in different file types.
New Course Launch: Python Basics for Programming
get started with python
learn Python
python programming
LearnPython.com Team
The LearnPython.com Team has been working hard to release a brand-new course, and it's finally here! Python Basics for Programming is a great place to start for anyone aspiring to become a software developer. Since our SQL courses, the LearnPython.com platform has been embraced by thousands of students who are eager to learn new technologies. After releasing Intro to Python for Data Science last month, we asked ourselves: why not create another introductory Python course, but this time from a software developer's perspective?
Tag: Github
Git and GitHub – a Beginner Friendly Overview
get started
Kateryna Koidan
It looks like everybody in the tech world is using GitHub. Wondering if you need it too? Let's have a brief beginner-friendly overview to see what Git and GitHub are and how you can start working with them right away. What is Git? We are going to start with defining what Git is and how you can benefit from it. Git is an open-source distributed version control system. What does this mean in simple terms?
Tag: Guide
How to Install Python on Windows
learn python
Dorota Wdzięczna
Programming skills are in great demand in today’s market. One very popular and easy-to-learn language is Python. But knowing Python's syntax is not enough; you also need to know how to install Python on your computer, configure everything, and start creating your own new and brilliant projects. Fortunately, installing Python on Windows machines is not difficult. In this article, I’ll show you everything you need to know to get up and running.
Tag: History
A Brief History of Python
Kamila Ostrowska
Python is one of the most popular programming languages of our time. It is widely used by programmers around the world. Big tech companies, small businesses, start-ups, freelancers – they are all eager to use the capabilities it offers. What is the history of Python? Who is behind its success? In 2021, Python turned 30 and had a lot to celebrate. It is now among the most popular programming languages according to a Stack Overflow report.
Tag: Ide
4 Best Python IDE and Code Editors
Luke Hande
If you want to learn to program in Python, you’ll need a code editor or an IDE. Find out which ones we recommend in this article! Professional software developers spend their whole day at the computer, writing and testing code. To make their programming lives easier, many Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) have been developed to help make programming more efficient. An IDE is simply a program in which you can write and run your code.
Best Python IDEs & Code Editors for Beginners
learn python
LearnPython.com Team
No matter if you’re learning Python for programming or data science, an IDE will let work much easier and faster. In this article, you will find out what tools are available and what functionalities they include. An integrated development environment (IDE) is a combination of a text editor and a Python runtime implementation. You can use it to write, modify, and execute Python scripts, create program resources and components, and a lot more.
Tag: Indentation
What 'inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation' Means in Python and How to Fix It
Luke Hande
Learn why indentation in Python is so important and how you can fix any mistakes. Indenting blocks of code is an important part of programming; it serves several purposes. First and foremost, it improves readability. Imagine removing all the formatting from a recipe leaving only the spaces between the list of ingredients and instructions. This would be hard for the cook to follow. In Python, indentation also controls how your code behaves.
Tag: Installation guide
Your Perfect Python Setup
get started with python
installation guide
Alexandre Bruffa
A good Python setup is the key to efficient and effective Python programming. Find out how to choose and install the right components in this article! A well-configured Python setup is essential for developers at every skill level. Whether you are just starting out with Python or you are a seasoned professional, I highly recommend you invest time learning how to configure and maintain a strong Python environment. The benefits are considerable: it facilitates development workflows, mitigates compatibility issues, enhances performance, and contributes to a collaborative and efficient development process.
Installing Python: How to start writing Python code
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installation guide
learn Python
python IDE
Dorota Wdzięczna
In this comprehensive beginner's guide, we'll look at how to install Python on three major operating systems, choose a Python IDE, and run your code. Would you like to start coding in Python but don't know where to begin? Maybe you've graduated from an online course like Python Basics and now are looking to continue your Python adventure on your own machine. But first, why Python? The answer is simple: Python is a very easy-to-learn and powerful programming language.
Tag: Interpreter
What Is the Python Interpreter?
Luke Hande
Without an interpreter, your Python code is just words on a screen. Find out what a Python interpreter is, what it does, and what your code looks like ‘under the hood’. At the most fundamental level, computer programs are simply sets of instructions. To do some basic arithmetic and save the output we need something like the following instructions: ‘load the number 8’, then ‘load the number 9’, then ‘add the first number to the second and store it somewhere’.
Tag: It job market
Why Every Organization Needs a Data Analyst
jobs and career
IT job market
career in data science
Kateryna Koidan
There is so much hype around the data scientist role these days that when a company needs a specialist to get some insights from data, the first idea is to look for a data scientist. But is it really the best option? Let's see how the roles of data scientists and data analysts differ and why you may want to hire an analyst before any other role. Data Scientist or Data Analyst?
5 Ways Coding Skills Can Be Applied in Any Industry
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get started
IT job market
Katherine Lutz
Why coding is a vital skill no matter where you work. In 2019, more businesses than ever before are looking to hire smart, technologically proficient candidates. As advances in technology increase, a growing number of industries are relying on computer systems and software to help manage their data and achieve their goals, making coding skills more of a necessity than it has ever been. Many people think that coding is a niche that only applies to specific tech-related jobs.
Python Jobs and Salaries
IT job market
jobs and career
learn Python
python basics
Anuj Kumar Verma
Python is a simple yet powerful programming language that's a must for beginners and advanced programmers alike. Here's why. High-level programming languages have one goal in mind: to make your life as a programmer easier. Messy syntax and obscure keywords? Forget about it. With languages like Python, you can get away with understanding just the basics of programming, enough to begin writing your own scripts and apps. And since Python developers are high in demand, Python is a great language to learn if you want to pursue a career in software development or big data.
9 Tips for Surviving Your First Day in IT
IT job market
jobs and career
Magdalena Wojtas
So, you've finally landed your first technical job? Congrats! But you go to the office and find that there are millions of things to memorize, tons of command-line magic to perform, and strange jargon being thrown around among your team members that you simply can't keep up with... How do you manage all of this without going crazy? Of course, your hard skills count the most, but you'll need more than that to be really good at what you'll be doing.
Tag: Java
Should I Learn Python or Java?
Xavier Rigoulet
Updated on: November 15, 2023 Are you starting your programming journey and wondering whether to choose Python or Java? This article breaks down key aspects of both languages to help you decide. Find out what makes Python a favorite for beginners. Get the basics, compare Python and Java, and see which language may be your best starting point in the world of coding. We have been talking about Python for years now.
Python vs. Java: Which Should You Learn as a Beginner?
learn python
Kateryna Koidan
Willing to start a programming career but not sure where to begin? In this article, we explore Python vs. Java in terms of key application areas, syntax differences, and expected pay level, among other things. Aspiring programmers and software developers often wonder what programming language they should learn first. Python and Java are two of the most popular choices. But which one should you learn first? There is no lack of online learning resources.
Tag: Jobs and career
15 Top Python Interview Questions for Data Analysts
data analysis
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
Coding – particularly in Python – is an important skill for data analysis roles. Check out these 15 Python interview questions specifically for data analysts and get a head start on your next job interview! Python has become one of the world’s favorite programming languages. Its robust ecosystem of data-handling libraries has made it an excellent (and in-demand) tool for data analysts. Whether you're a seasoned data enthusiast or just embarking on your journey into the field of data analysis, preparing for a data analyst interview is essential.
Career Change: Transitioning to Tech with Python
career change to tech
jobs and career
Jakub Romanowski
Considering a Python career change? This article is your comprehensive guide to transitioning into the tech industry with Python. Learn how this powerful and accessible programming language can become a crucial asset in your journey toward a successful and rewarding career in IT. Feeling stuck in a mundane job and curious about programming as a career choice? You're not alone. Many are turning to technology for a more engaging career, and Python is a great place to start.
Why Businesses Love Python Developers
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
Thinking of becoming a Python developer, but not sure if it is worth it? In this article, I will show the advantages of learning Python and then demonstrate why businesses love Python developers. Have you ever dreamed of diving into the tech world but felt unsure where to start? Let me tell you about a secret pathway: working as a Python developer. It's not just any job—it's a role that's in demand across startups and tech giants alike.
Building a Successful Python Career: Tips and Advice
career in data science
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learn python
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to build a career in Python? In this article, I will explain how to start your Python career and give you some tips and advice to make it an efficient and successful process. In recent years, I've observed many individuals transitioning into Python programming roles—especially in software development, Artificial Intelligence, and data science. The main reason behind these career shifts is the high and increasing demand for skilled people in these areas.
10 Reasons Why AI Won't Replace Python Developers
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere. Silently, AI has become part of our everyday life and has become indispensable, even for Python developers. Have you ever used Siri on your iPhone or Amazon Alexa at home? Those tools are based on Natural Language Processing, a field of AI. If you are an electric vehicle lover, you should know Tesla, which provides autopilot features on its vehicles. Those autopilot features are able to perform object and people detection; they’re based on Computer Vision, another field of AI.
Working as a Remote Python Developer: Pros & Cons
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
You may have friends or family members who are Python developers. Maybe you’ve heard about the way they work and you want to know more about it. In this article, I will share my experience as a Python Developer and discuss the pros and cons of working remotely. For some, it is a standard; others avoid it like the plague. Remote work in today's world has become a real scenario for many programmers, including Python developers.
Benefits of Learning Python for Business Professionals
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
In this article, we discuss the benefits of learning Python for a professional. What Is Python? There are many benefits to learning Python programming. But what is Python? It is a high-level programming language, designed to be easy to read, write, and understand, with a focus on expressing complex concepts concisely and intuitively. Python is also a general-purpose programming language. Developers use it for a wide range of applications and tasks, as opposed to domain-specific languages focused on specific use cases or fields.
Python Developer Career Path
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
In this article, we are going to define what a Python developer is nowadays, what kind of skills they should have, and what a company should expect from them. Maybe you’ve always loved experimenting with computers and you’d like to learn to write your own computer programs. Or maybe you’ve tried one or two other careers and you’re looking for something that’s interesting, challenging, and in demand. Or perhaps you’re working in another area of IT and you want to add Python to your toolkit.
Common Interview Questions for Your Next Python Job
jobs and career
Kamila Ostrowska
Learning Python is a great option – it’s one of the most in-demand programming languages. If you are about to start your career with Python, you’ll have to prepare yourself for job interview questions. In this article, I will help you with this task. If you don’t want to be surprised during a recruitment process, give yourself plenty of time to prepare for a Python job interview. I recommend first reviewing your knowledge with the help of one of our online courses, like the free Python Basics: Part 1.
How to Practice Python Before a Job Interview
jobs and career
Kamila Ostrowska
Job interviews can be stressful, especially if you apply for your dream job. The best remedy is to prepare as well as possible. We’ll share the secret of preparing for a Python job interview in this article. (Hint: Practice Python!) Python is one of the most commonly-used programming languages. Programmers around the world choose this language every day to work and develop their careers; people of all ages choose Python as their first programming language.
Should I Learn Python? Is Programming Career for Me?
jobs and career
Marko Calasan
Is learning Python and starting a career in programming the path for you? In this article, I’ll help you answer that question. Discover with me the "how" and "why" of coding for beginners! Everyone says that you should “learn to code”. And why not? It’s a career with tons of job openings, opportunities for advancement, and it pays well. But will you find it interesting? Can you think like a programmer?
Python or PHP: Which Should You Learn as a Beginner?
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
Which is better for you to start with: Python or PHP? Here is a brief comparison between these popular programming languages. At some point during our exploration of the wonderful IT world, we have all wondered: what programming language do I learn first? Specifically, you may have wondered whether to choose Python or PHP. Which is better for beginners? There are plenty of popular programming languages, old and new. The veteran PHP or the trendy Python?
Your Career Path from Learning Python to CEO
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Soner Yıldırım
Python is a popular programming language and one of the most sought-after skills in today’s tech industry. Find out what career paths open up to you if you know Python well! The Python programming language has an extensive variety of applications in web development, mobile and game development, data science, and Artificial Intelligence. It’s also a relatively easy language to learn. People who have never programmed before or want to step into IT choose Python.
Three Months Python: Ready for a Job Interview?
jobs and career
Kamila Ostrowska
Three months may seem like a very tight deadline. But it can be exactly the amount of time you need. Preparation for a Python job interview depends on your motivation and the learning path you choose. Let’s say that you have an interview for your dream Python job in three months. Your first move is to re-check all requirements for the position. It turns out that you need to be able to code Python at a certain level.
Upgrade Your Home Office and Write Better Python Code
jobs and career
Kamila Ostrowska
Is working from home affecting the quality of your Python code? These suggestions will help you code better from your home office! During the pandemic, most of us experienced working from home. Some of us enjoyed it; whereas others suffered from lack of motivation and developed procrastination into an art form. The home office has its pros and cons, for the company as well as for the employee. Setting up a productive home office requires space, equipment and an attitude that will push us toward reaching goals when our motivation is dropping.
Python Jobs and Salaries in 2022
jobs and career
Kamila Ostrowska
Python is one of the hottest programming languages. But what are the benefits of a Python job? Why is it worth learning? In the late 1980s, Guido van Rossum started designing the Python programming language. The goal was for it to be a general purpose language; this idea – along with its beginner-friendly nature – made Python very popular over the next decades. Python can be a perfect choice as a first programming language.
Why Your Company Needs to Learn Python to Grow
jobs and career
Soner Yıldırım
Are you trying to expand your business? What if I told you programming helps you with that? Check how learning Python helps you spread your wings and conquer the market. If you’re trying to grow your business, learning Python is a good first step. Python is a programming language with a wide range of applications in many different industries. It is usually the language of choice among those who want to take a step forward in programming or software development.
Learn Python Effectively: Think Like a Python Developer
jobs and career
Kamila Ostrowska
Python is one of the most popular and in-demand programming languages. In this article, I’ll follow the mysterious paths of a Python developer job and show you a little bit about how a professional Python dev thinks. Learning Python is a good idea. Why? First of all, learning to code is generally a good move toward a better career. Python is relatively simple to learn, which makes it good for beginners; even with no IT background, you can master the basics quickly.
Why Isn't Everyone Learning to Code for Career Success?
python basics
jobs and career
Soner Yıldırım
Thousands of job openings, high salaries, almost guaranteed employment – yet there is still a shortage of programming specialists in the market. Why is this happening? Why, despite the obvious advantages and chances of success, people still don't learn to code? I will try to answer this question in this article. When I was in college, I took one programming class which was Introduction to C++. I had to take it twice because I failed the first time.
Do You Need a Master’s Degree to Become a Data Scientist?
python basics
data science
jobs and career
Soner Yıldırım
Data science is a hot topic. The Internet is full of heated discussions about how to become a data scientist and whether you need an academic degree to do so. In this article, I will try to dispel any doubts on this subject. Read on! The potential of creating business value from data has attracted the attention of many. Organizations in a wide range of industries have started to invest in data science to take advantage of this potential.
Did You Lose Your Job During the Pandemic? Start Learning Python Programming!
python basics
jobs and career
Karolina Niewiarowska
Lots of people lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Others have taken some time to learn a new skill. Should learning Python programming be your next step? The world still can't shake off the COVID-19 pandemic and the economy has not recovered from the crisis. People lost their jobs, sometimes overnight. Are you one of them? Don't worry – better days will come. Learning Python may be an opportunity to improve your situation!
Why Use Python? Which Organizations Around the World Are Using it to Code?
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LearnPython.com Team
Many organizations around the world have selected Python from over 700 programming languages available. They use the world’s favorite language to solve their most important programming and data science problems. The popularity aside, what technical aspects have influenced these organizations to select Python? What Is Python? What is Python, and why use it? You can read an executive summary of Python on the official Python website, written by its creators:
Working Remotely With Python in Times of Pandemic
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András Novoszáth
Have you been thinking about working remotely with Python during the pandemic? Read our comprehensive guide to get you started. Maybe you are considering working remotely with Python during the pandemic. However, you might not know whether it is a good idea, what you should expect, and how to get into it. In this article, we describe the labor market situation, list some options for working remotely with Python, and provide you the resources to start with.
How Will Python Improve My Daily Work?
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Kateryna Koidan
Python is not just for professional programmers. Learning Python can dramatically change the daily work of marketers, researchers, doctors, and even artists. Let’s see how Python is enhancing jobs in different industries. You might think that only computer programmers, web developers, software engineers, and other tech-industry professionals are the only ones who use Python at work. But the truth is that just about any job can be made easier by learning a little Python.
Interview Questions for Junior Python Developers
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Yiğit Aras Tunalı
Are you preparing for a junior Python developer job interview? Let’s talk about potential Python questions you might encounter! Python has gained an enormous amount of ground; it’s ranked as the most popular programming language on many sites. The number of people using this powerful language and the number of Python job offers on different platforms has (not surprisingly) also been steadily increasing. The Popularity of Python Python’s rise in popularity can be largely attributed to machine learning and data science.
How to Survive as a Python Freelancer
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Jakub Romanowski
So, you’ve learned Python and want to make your living as a freelance Python programmer. Good for you! But there are some things you should know before getting started on the freelance life. “The world is a jungle and you must fight to survive!” Do you often hear such words from the lips of online coaches and pseudo-motivational speakers? Well ... It annoys me too, but unfortunately there is some truth to this saying.
Where to Find a Python Job
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jobs and career
Jakub Romanowski
Are you learning to program in Python? Then you're already winning, but the ultimate victory will be finding a new job that uses your new skills. Easier said than done? I’ve prepared a list of websites where you can find lots of Python job postings. There are many interesting places where you can find Python job openings. However, I chose the most popular ones because they draw the most employers and headhunters.
Jobs You Can Get When You Learn Python
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jobs and career
Jakub Romanowski
You learn and practice Python – everything to improve your day-to-day work or to help you change jobs. Well, the science itself is fun, but ultimately, all of these efforts have to pay off. In this article, I propose five types of positions to consider for when you have learned and mastered Python. Ready for a change? See which one might be for you. You've probably heard a lot about why you should learn Python, and about how it is one of the fastest-growing programming languages in the world.
Why Every Organization Needs a Data Analyst
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IT job market
career in data science
Kateryna Koidan
There is so much hype around the data scientist role these days that when a company needs a specialist to get some insights from data, the first idea is to look for a data scientist. But is it really the best option? Let's see how the roles of data scientists and data analysts differ and why you may want to hire an analyst before any other role. Data Scientist or Data Analyst?
5 Ways Coding Skills Can Be Applied in Any Industry
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IT job market
Katherine Lutz
Why coding is a vital skill no matter where you work. In 2019, more businesses than ever before are looking to hire smart, technologically proficient candidates. As advances in technology increase, a growing number of industries are relying on computer systems and software to help manage their data and achieve their goals, making coding skills more of a necessity than it has ever been. Many people think that coding is a niche that only applies to specific tech-related jobs.
8 Most Common Programming Errors Made by Beginners
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Magdalena Wojtas
Learning to code can be fun and absorbing but it can also be a rocky road at first. If you have a feeling that your learning process could be faster and more efficient, take a look at this list of common programming mistakes. Maybe you're making some of them? When I first started learning to code it was a time of constant fire in my belly—I was so excited about every new issue and every new technology!
Excel Alternative: What to Learn as a Data Analyst
data analysis
data science
jobs and career
Usman Malik
Excel spreadsheets are quickly becoming obsolete thanks to the emergence of the latest data analytics tools and languages such as Python, Java, R, and Microsoft HDInsight. However, a large number of companies still use digital spreadsheets, creating a lot of problems for modern business data analysts. Analyzing data through excel is a poor choice because of reasons like errors in data validation, a poor shared workbook feature, no multi-user editing, inaccurate data, and safety concerns, making it necessary for you to switch to better and advanced alternatives.
Becoming a Successful Freelance Software Developer
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Rasmus Ebsen
Freelancers are workers who, for one reason or another, decided to work independently. Flexibility and continuous training are usually what interest programmers who approach this career. You might have a lot of questions and wonder: what does it take to become a freelance software developer? In this article, we will give you some tips on how to approach this career and become a successful freelance software developer. Tips to Become a Successful Freelance Software Developer Like all jobs, freelancing comes with its pros and cons.
Speaking the IT Language: A Basic Technical Dictionary for Non-Technical People
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Magdalena Wojtas
It's sometimes hard to understand what IT people are talking about because of all the technical terms they throw around. So I compiled this little dictionary of IT terms for beginners! It may seem silly, but communication problems are all too common in IT teams. Programmers and other computer science professionals use a technical language of their own that may not be too accessible to non-technical people. But effective communication is one of the keys to survival in the industry, so it's definitely worth understanding what those terms mean so you're on the same page as everyone else.
A Typical Day in the Life of an IT Team
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Magdalena Wojtas
Ever wondered what daily life in a tech company looks like but had no one to ask? Let's take a look at a day on the IT team from the inside. All programmers wear plaid shirts and thick glasses, eat junk food, sleep during the day, stay awake all night, and spend their time in dark basements where the only light comes from a few monitors displaying tons of unintelligible code.
11 Tips for Building a Data Science Portfolio With Python
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career in data science
Kateryna Koidan
Looking for some advice to build a data science portfolio that will put you ahead of other aspiring data scientists? Don't miss these useful tips. Why Have a Portfolio at All? Even though the demand for data scientists is high, the competition for entry-level positions in this field is tough. It should come as no surprise that companies prefer to hire people with at least some real-world experience in data science.
Data Science Projects in Python: A Beginner's Guide
career in data science
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Kateryna Koidan
When you already have some experience with Python, building your own portfolio of data science projects is the best way to showcase your skills to potential employers. But where do you begin with developing your very first Python project? First, Why Develop a Data Science Project? There are a number of career development benefits to creating your own data science project in a language such as Python: Studying.
Python Jobs and Salaries
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learn Python
python basics
Anuj Kumar Verma
Python is a simple yet powerful programming language that's a must for beginners and advanced programmers alike. Here's why. High-level programming languages have one goal in mind: to make your life as a programmer easier. Messy syntax and obscure keywords? Forget about it. With languages like Python, you can get away with understanding just the basics of programming, enough to begin writing your own scripts and apps. And since Python developers are high in demand, Python is a great language to learn if you want to pursue a career in software development or big data.
15 Python Interview Questions for Data Science Jobs
career in data science
jobs and career
python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Looking for a data science job? Then you've probably noticed that most positions require applicants to have some level of Python programming skills. But how are they going to test this? What are they going to ask? Let's prepare you for some interview questions! Why Do Data Scientists Need Python? Data science goes beyond simple data analysis and requires that you be able to work with more advanced tools. Thus, if you work with big data and need to perform complex computations or create aesthetically pleasing and interactive plots, Python is one of the most efficient solutions out there.
9 Tips for Surviving Your First Day in IT
IT job market
jobs and career
Magdalena Wojtas
So, you've finally landed your first technical job? Congrats! But you go to the office and find that there are millions of things to memorize, tons of command-line magic to perform, and strange jargon being thrown around among your team members that you simply can't keep up with... How do you manage all of this without going crazy? Of course, your hard skills count the most, but you'll need more than that to be really good at what you'll be doing.
Tag: Json
How to Convert a String to JSON in Python
Soner Yıldırım
JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. Although its name indicates that it is associated with the JavaScript programming language, the JSON format is language-independent and frequently used in many different programming languages. What Is a JSON File? JSON files are commonly used in transferring data between computers. For instance, when downloading a file from an API, you often need to deal with JSON files. Here is a great article that explains downloading a file in Python from an API.
Tag: Jupyter
Jupyter Notebook – the Free Editor for Python
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
If you have basic knowledge about Python and are looking for an IDE to work with on your own computer, consider the Jupyter Notebook. It is a good tool, especially for Data Science projects. What is Jupyter Notebook? Jupyter Notebook is an open-source server-client application used to create and run mainly Data Science projects. Where does its name come from? JUPYTER is an acronym of Julia, Python, and R, because they were the first programming languages supported by this editor.
Tag: Jupyter notebook
Python Scripts vs. Jupyter Notebooks: Pros and Cons
jupyter notebook
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Learn the ins and outs of Python scripts and Jupyter Notebooks, including when to use each one. There are many tools available to Python developers. Since this language’s early days, Python scripts have been the canonical way of writing and sharing Python code. But in the past few years, Jupyter Notebooks have gained considerable recognition among data scientists as a powerful tool for testing ideas and sharing results. But what exactly sets Jupyter Notebooks apart from Python scripts?
Tag: Learn data science
5 Best Python IDEs for Data Science
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python IDE
Dorota Wdzięczna
Python is a programming language frequently used by scientists and data analysts to build applications. Why? Because it's easy to use and has few rules. But simply installing Python isn't enough—you also need a good interactive development environment (IDE) to program in. So what are the best Python IDEs for data science? Let's find out! (Note: all IDEs presented here support Windows, macOS, and Linux.) 1. Enthought Canopy Enthought Canopy is one of the best Python IDEs for scientists and engineers.
Tag: Learn python
Python in 2025: What’s Next for the World’s Favorite Programming Language?
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python programming
Jakub Romanowski
Python has been the king of programming for decades, powering everything from web apps to artificial intelligence (AI). As we head into 2025, Python’s relevance isn’t fading – it’s growing. In this post I’ll explore Python’s future, the trends that are shaping it and how you can use those to your advantage. Since 1991, when it was first released, Python has become the language of choice for developers because of its simplicity and versatility.
Using Python Web Scraping to Analyze Reddit Posts
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python programming
Luke Hande
If you’re interested in getting a unique data set consisting of user-generated posts, Python web scraping can help you get the job done. In this article, we’ll show you how to scrape text data from the web and give you inspiration about what to do with it. Web scraping is the process of downloading data from the source code of a webpage. This data can be anything – text, images, videos, or even data in tables.
The Best Python Books for Data Analysts
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data analysis
Soner Yıldırım
What role do books play in acquiring data analysis skills? Discover how you can benefit from the best Python books for data analysts – and how to use them as a supplementary learning material. Data is a highly valuable asset. In fact, we might even argue that it’s the most valuable asset in the 21st century. The success and performance of products depends on the quality of input data. However, data in its raw form does not give us its full potential.
Python Operators Cheat Sheet
python basics
learn python
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Discover the essential Python operators and how to effectively use them with our comprehensive cheat sheet. We cover everything from arithmetic to bitwise operations! If you’ve ever written a few lines of Python code, you are likely familiar with Python operators. Whether you're doing basic arithmetic calculations, creating variables, or performing complex logical operations, chances are that you had to use a Python operator to perform the task. But just how many of them exist, and what do you use them for?
10 if-else Practice Problems in Python
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python programming
Luke Hande
If you're trying to learn Python, you need to practice! These ten if-else Python practice problems provide you some hands-on experience. And don’t worry – we’ve provided full code solutions and detailed explanations! Python is particularly good for beginners to learn. Its clear syntax can be read almost as clearly as a normal sentence. The if-else statement is a good example of this; it lets you build logic into your programs.
How to Read XML Files into Python
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Juliano Luiz Faccioni
In this article, you’ll learn what an XML file is, what they are used for, and how to read XML into Python using a few different libraries. The ability to extract information from various file formats is a crucial data analysis skill. This is no different with an XML file: XML is a common file format in data processing, particularly when you’re dealing with data received from an API. If you're a novice data analyst venturing into the Python ecosystem, mastering the art of reading XML into Python can significantly enhance your skill set.
Why Should I Learn Python for Data Analysis?
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data analysis
Soner Yıldırım
Do you actually need Python to become a data analyst? Discover why you should learn Python and how you can benefit from it as a data analyst. Data is ubiquitous. From retail stores to digital marketing agencies, from sports teams to production sites, numerous industries use data in their operations to improve productivity, efficiency, productivity, or any other metric that’s important for them. They unlock the power of data, which has the potential to offer valuable insights, which are difficult for the human eye to catch.
15 Python String Exercises for Beginners
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online practice
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Want to hone your Python skills? Look no further than these 15 Python string exercises, taken directly from our Python courses! Have you heard that “practice makes perfect”? Well, it’s no different when you’re learning Python. Solving practice exercises is one of the best ways toimprove your Python skills. And with this article, you will do exactly that. We have curated 15 exercises that will help you practice your knowledge of Python strings.
Learn Python for Data Analysis
data analysis
learn python
Xavier Rigoulet
This guide is your first step towards mastering Python for data analysis and turning your data into actionable insights. Information is king, but what good is a mountain of data if you can't unlock its secrets? Have you ever wished you could transform raw numbers into actionable insights that drive better decisions? If you answered yes, then Python for data analysis is the key you've been searching for. This powerful skill empowers you to extract meaning from data, transforming you from a passive observer into an informed decision-maker that helps businesses reach the next level.
String Slicing in Python: A Complete Guide
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Soner Yıldırım
What is a string slice in Python? This article will explain several examples to show how to slice a string in Python. It also has an exercise for you to solve. Data does not always come in numbers. Textual data constitutes a big portion of data workflows. What differentiates textual data from numerical data is that it usually requires much more data cleaning and processing. We can take a numerical value as-is, but it’s quite often different with text.
The Best Way to Learn Python: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
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python programming
Jakub Romanowski
If you're curious about the best way to learn Python, you've come to the right place. This guide is perfect for anyone who’s just starting or who’s looking to enhance their skills. Python is an incredibly versatile and powerful programming language that has gained immense popularity in various fields – including web development, data analysis, and Artificial Intelligence. Its simplicity and readability make it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced developers alike.
Python String Fundamentals: A Guide for Beginners
python basics
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Luke Hande
In Python, text data is represented by the string data type. It’s one of the basic built-in data types, so knowing how to work with strings in Python efficiently is key to becoming a good programmer. In this article, we’ll show you Python string fundamentals with plenty of hands-on examples. Python has many built-in data types. Some of these include integers (e.g. 3, -7), floating-point numbers (e.g. 1.23, -8.0132), or even complex numbers (e.
8 Python while Loop Examples for Beginners
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Soner Yıldırım
What is a while loop in Python? These eight Python while loop examples will show you how it works and how to use it properly. In programming, looping refers to repeating the same operation or task multiple times. In Python, there are two different loop types, the while loop and the for loop. The main difference between them is the way they define the execution cycle or the stopping criteria.
10 Python Loop Exercises with Solutions
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online practice
Luke Hande
If you’re looking to learn Python, there are many resources available. A great way to increase your skills is to do practice exercises. This gives you hands-on experience in solving realistic problems. Here, we give you 10 exercises for practicing loops in Python. Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language that offers a wide array of tools and features to simplify the process of creating software applications. It’s a great language for beginners to learn, as we explain in Why Python Is the Perfect First Programming Language for Beginners.
How to Make a Python Program and Send It to Someone: A Beginner's Guide
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python programming
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you ever wondered how you can transform your Python code into a standalone application that anyone can run and use? Learn how to make and share Python executables in this article. Your code is stored in a Python script, but this doesn’t mean you can share it with friends and family as a ready-to-run application. In this article, we’ll talk about creating a Python executable and using it to create standalone applications that you can share with others.
Basics of Python: Tuple Examples
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Soner Yıldırım
What is a tuple in Python? Explore this data type, learn how it’s different from Python’s other data types, and discover use cases and tuple examples. A tuple is one of Python’s built-in data structures. Its unique features make tuples widely used for certain tasks. To use tuples for the right task, you need to know what they are and how to perform operations on them. In short, you need examples of Python tuples.
Top 10 Python Dictionary Exercises for Beginners
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python programming
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you ever wondered how Python manages to organize and manipulate data efficiently? Python dictionaries play a pivotal role. In this article, we'll take you on an exciting journey through Python dictionaries, offering a curated list of exercises with solutions to help you grasp the concept and unlock the full potential of dictionaries. Understanding Python Dictionaries Before diving into the exercises, let's take a moment to understand Python dictionaries and how to use them.
Learn Python: Why Python’s Popularity Has Soared
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python programming
Jakub Romanowski
Python's popularity in the tech industry is undeniable. Its user-friendly nature and robust capabilities have sparked a Python revolution, making it a top choice for developers. In this article, I will explore the reasons behind Python's widespread popularity and provide guidance for beginners eager to start learning Python programming. If you're on the fence about enrolling in an online Python course or scouring the web for Python learning resources, let me guide you through the importance of learning Python.
The Future of Python
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python programming
Xavier Rigoulet
What does the future hold for Python, the programming language that has become a household name in the tech industry? How is Python shaping up to meet the demands of emerging technologies, and what opportunities does it present for developers? In this article, we’ll explore the future of Python: its current standing, its emerging trends, and its role in cutting-edge technologies. If you need motivation to learn Python, this article will help you.
13 Python Dictionary Examples for Beginners
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ython programming
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Want to master dictionaries, one of Python’s core data types? This article contains 13 Python dictionary examples with explanations and code that you can run and learn with! Dictionaries are one of Python’s most fundamental data types; they are widely used to represent real-world data and structures. To truly master Python programming, you need to know how dictionaries work and what you can do with them. And what better way to achieve this other than checking out some Python dictionary examples for beginners?
Building a Successful Python Career: Tips and Advice
career in data science
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Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to build a career in Python? In this article, I will explain how to start your Python career and give you some tips and advice to make it an efficient and successful process. In recent years, I've observed many individuals transitioning into Python programming roles—especially in software development, Artificial Intelligence, and data science. The main reason behind these career shifts is the high and increasing demand for skilled people in these areas.
Python Course of the Month – Working with Files and Directories in Python
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Jakub Romanowski
Do you need to work faster and more efficiently with different types of files in Python? Are you a data scientist or an app developer? Our October Python Course of the Month, Working with Files and Directories in Python, is perfect for you! Python is the most popular programming language in the world today. There are many reasons to learn Python, like its simplicity, many uses, and huge number of libraries.
Python Loops: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
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python basics
Luke Hande
When writing your Python programs, you’ll have to implement for and while loops all the time. In this comprehensive guide for beginners, we’ll show you how to correctly loop in Python. Looping is a fundamental aspect of programming languages. It allows you to execute a piece of code repeatedly until some exit condition is met, at which point the program will move on to the next piece of code. In Python, there are two different types of loops: the for loop, and the while loop.
How to Sort a Dictionary in Python
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Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to learn how to sort a dictionary in Python? In this article, I explain different ways of sorting dictionaries as well as things to keep in mind while doing this operation. Data structures are fundamental building blocks of any programming language. To create robust and performant software products, one must know how to efficiently use data structures. Along with lists, tuples, and sets, dictionaries are one of Python’s most used built-in data structures.
How to Master Python: A Guide for Beginners
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python basics
Jakub Romanowski
Are you new to the tech world or just starting out with programming? You might have heard about Python; it's a pretty cool computer programming language that's used everywhere from building websites to analyzing data. If you're thinking, "That sounds awesome, but how do I master Python and get good at it?" – don't worry, I've got you covered! This article is like a friendly chat where I'll share some handy tips and answer common questions about learning Python.
Python’s Role in Big Data and Analytics
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data analysis
Xavier Rigoulet
Python is crucial for Big Data and data analysis. Want to know why? In this article, we’ll explain how learning Python can help you to get ahead and boost your career. Python is a popular programming language that is widely embraced by beginners and experienced developers alike. It was created over 30 years ago, but it’s stillworth learning in 2023 for several reasons – not least of which is that Python is essential to Big Data and data analytics.
Free Python Courses You Should Check Out
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Soner Yıldırım
Are you a beginning Python developer who’s looking for online courses to improve your skills? We’ve got free Python courses that will help you expedite your learning journey! Python is often considered one of the most intuitive and easy-to-learn programming languages. The simplicity of Python can be attributed to its syntax; its creator, Guido van Rossum, wanted to make a language that is as understandable as plain English. A strong indicator of the ease of learning Python is the growing number of schools and universities around the world adopting Python as their introductory language for computer science courses.
What to Do After Learning Python Basics
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Xavier Rigoulet
You've learned Python basics. What do you do next? This article is for people who are learning Python; we want it to be your roadmap so that you can save time on your journey to Python mastery. This article was created to help people like you. You’ve just mastered the basics of Python and you feel quite comfortable writing simple scripts. Wow! You are a coder! But what's next?
How to Fix the “List index out of range” Error in Python
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Luke Hande
At many points in your Python programming career, you’re going to run into the “List index out of range” error while writing your programs. What does this mean, and how do we fix this error? We’ll answer that question in this article. The short answer is: this error occurs when you’re trying to access an item outside of your list’s range. The long answer, on the other hand, is much more interesting.
Join Our Python Affiliate Program!
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Jakub Romanowski
Are you a content creator, blogger, or YouTuber with a loyal following? Do you find value in our interactive Python courses? Would you like to assist in promoting them – and earn some money as you do? If so, we have an opportunity for you: our Python Affiliate Program. At LearnPython.com, we are passionate about coding and we take pride in our Python courses. Our users have given us tons of positive feedback and reviews, which motivates us to continue providing quality content.
How to Append to a String in Python
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Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Find out how to append to a string in Python and concatenate strings in this article. We compare the different string appending methods and discuss which one you should use in each situation. Strings are one of the most basic data types in Python. But even experienced Python programmers may be confused about how to append text to the end of a string; unlike lists, strings do not have an append() method.
How to Convert JSON to CSV in Python
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Luke Hande
Converting from JSON to CSV in Python? We’ll show you how to do it quickly and easily! Depending on what project you happen to be working on, your data can come in multiple formats. So, it’s important to be comfortable handling data in a variety of formats. JSON and CSV are two very popular formats. In this article, we’ll show you how to convert the JSON format into CSV in Python.
How to Print a Newline in Python
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Xavier Rigoulet
Do you know how to print a newline in Python? Do you struggle with multiple print() statements whenever you want to start a new line in your Python script? In this article, we’ll explore how to overcome this pitfall. Newline is a feature related to the Python print()function. Maybe you already understand why you should learn Python but you’re unsure about Python printing techniques. That’s okay; this article will help you out.
Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Python
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python extensions
Xavier Rigoulet
What do you use to write Python code? Have you heard about these Python-friendly extensions to the popular Visual Studio Code editor? Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an editor that works with many programming languages. It’s designed to make your life as a Python developer easier – especially when you use VS Code’s Python-specific extensions. But first, let's start with a bit of background on the Python programming language.
Printing a List in Python – 10 Tips and Tricks
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Xavier Rigoulet
Do you know there are many ways to print a list in Python? This article will explore some of my best tips and tricks for printing a list in Python. The Python print() function is an essential built-in function, and it is important to use alongside Pythonlists. To learnhow a Python list works, what kind of data structure it is, and why it is essential to Python and programming in general, it's best to take our Python Data Structure course.
Python Track of the Season: Python for Data Science
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Jakub Romanowski
The New Year is upon us. You may have already broken some New Year's resolutions… Well, we have also! However, there is one resolution worth keeping – learn Python at last. Make a change in January! I will tell you why you should learn Python and take our Python Track of the Season, Python for Data Science! In this article, we’ll answer common questions about this track. Everyone loves gifts, and the best you can give yourself is a new skill.
Benefits of Learning Python
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Soner Yıldırım
Why should you learn Python? In this article, we discuss the benefits of learning Python and what makes it so popular. Because it is beginner-friendly, Python is usually the first choice for people who want to step into programming. It is also a highly efficient language used by many organizations from startups to tech giants. For these reasons and more, Python is one of the most popular programming languages of our time.
How to Open and Run Python Files in the Terminal
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Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to learn how to open or run Python files in the terminal? Read this article. A Python file or script is written in the Python language and saved with a ".py" extension. In this article, we focus on how to interact with Python files. We will learn how to create and open Python files in the terminal. We will also demonstrate how to run Python files in the terminal and redirect the output of the script to a file.
I Took the Python Basics Track... Here's What Happened!
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Jakub Romanowski
It's time for me to share my story with you. In this article, you will find out how I started learning Python, why I chose the Python Basics track at LearnPython.com, and what pushed me toward programming. Changing my career path shows that anyone can start coding. I started working in media while still a student. I liked how fast everything was; I liked being right in the middle of the action.
Python vs. Java: Which Should You Learn as a Beginner?
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Kateryna Koidan
Willing to start a programming career but not sure where to begin? In this article, we explore Python vs. Java in terms of key application areas, syntax differences, and expected pay level, among other things. Aspiring programmers and software developers often wonder what programming language they should learn first. Python and Java are two of the most popular choices. But which one should you learn first? There is no lack of online learning resources.
An Introduction to NumPy in Python
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Luke Hande
NumPy makes working with arrays easy. If you work with Python, it pays to know some basics of Python NumPy. It is incredibly useful for working with arrays since it is very fast and efficient. It also contains many methods to make manipulating and performing numerical operations on arrays simple. There are many data structures in Python, including lists, dictionaries, Pandas DataFrames, and of course NumPy arrays. Each has its strengths, and knowing when to use one or the other can save time and effort in writing your programs.
Object Serialization in Python
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Luke Hande
Serialization is a useful technique for saving complex objects. In this article, we give you an introduction to object serialization in Python and explain why it is important. Serialization is essentially a way of storing data or objects and is a useful technique for saving complex objects. It’s the process of converting an object into a byte stream that can be stored, for example in memory or to a file.
The Best YouTube Channels for Learning Python
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Kamila Ostrowska
Learning Python can be fun. You want to plan your learning path efficiently so you can enjoy developing your skills. How do you do that? One important factor is to use diverse sources of information. Online courses, with help and inspiration from vlogs and YouTube tutorials, can make a difference. In this article, I present a list of the best YouTube channels for Python beginners. They are all popular and worth a follow.
Why Learn Python in 2022?
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Kateryna Koidan
Is Python going to maintain its popularity? In this article, we’ll discuss the enormous potential of this programming language, the reasons behind its popularity, and why Python is likely to stay on top for a while. IT professionals rate Python as one of the top programming languages. Leading tech companies, small businesses, and everyone in between are looking for Python programmers for a variety of different roles. Following this huge demand, there are a ton of Python courses online and offline that purport to train new Python developers.
How to End Loops in Python
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Luke Hande
Knowing how to exit from a loop properly is an important skill. Read on to find out the tools you need to control your loops. In this article, we'll show you some different ways to terminate a loop in Python. This may seem a little trivial at first, but there are some important concepts to understand about control statements. We'll also introduce some lesser-known ways to end loops in Python to give you tools for greater control over how your programs are executed.
How Do You End Scripts in Python?
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Soner Yıldırım
Programming means giving instructions to a computer on how to perform a task. These instructions are written using a programming language. An organized sequence of such instructions is called a script. As a programmer, your main job is to write scripts (i.e. programs). However, you also need to know how scripts can end. In this article, we will go over different ways a Python script can end. There is no prerequisite knowledge for this article, but it is better if you are familiar with basic Python terms.
Top 10 Ideas for Using Python
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Soner Yıldırım
Have you learned Python? Congratulations, great decision! Remember that, like any skill, you need to keep practicing Python. Here are some cool ideas. Enjoy! Python is the predominant programming language in the data science ecosystem. It is so popular among data scientists that we tend to associate Python with only tasks related to data science. However, Python is a general-purpose language with several other use cases. Using Python for data science has lots of benefits.
Can I Learn Python in a Month?
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Soner Yıldırım
This is one of the most frequently asked questions among people who plan to step into programming. I will start by providing a short answer that includes a bit of Python history. Then, I will go more in-depth and show you how to learn Python in a month. Python was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. Although it has been around for a long time, Python has recently experienced a tremendous increase in popularity.
Python Data Science Project Ideas
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data science
Kateryna Koidan
Wondering what your first-ever data science project or your first big project in Python should be? Or are you looking for your next data science project? This article will give you some ideas and directions. Creating data science projects in Python is essential for your career development. It’s the best way to learn new data science tools, practice the skills you’ve acquired, and demonstrate your competencies to potential employers.
Python on Mars: How Programmers Conquered the Red Planet
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Jakub Romanowski
“Space, the final frontier …” This is how each episode of the iconic Star Trek series began. I’m a huge fan, but what happened in space recently was as interesting as the adventures of the Starship Enterprise crew. Moreover, Python, as one of the programming languages used by NASA, played a significant role in this. I’ve been interested in space exploration for years. I follow world media reports on the success of space probes, rovers, and landers.
Who Are Data Scientists and What Do They Use Python For?
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data science
Kateryna Koidan
Are you wondering if a data science career is a good fit for you? In this article, I will try to explain what data science is and who data science specialists are. Check out what skills you need to become one of them – including Python. I have been observing a huge interest in data science for some time. Online forums and social media are constantly inundated with all kinds of information and questions on this topic.
Why Use Python? Which Organizations Around the World Are Using it to Code?
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LearnPython.com Team
Many organizations around the world have selected Python from over 700 programming languages available. They use the world’s favorite language to solve their most important programming and data science problems. The popularity aside, what technical aspects have influenced these organizations to select Python? What Is Python? What is Python, and why use it? You can read an executive summary of Python on the official Python website, written by its creators:
7 Reasons Why You Are Not Too Old to Learn Python
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Marcin Koryszewski
Are you wondering if you are too old to learn Python? Read this article to find out why it's never too late to start programming and why it’s worth starting now! While browsing online, we see a popular question pop up: “Am I too old to learn Python?” And this question is being asked by many different age groups! People seem to have a long list of reasons why it's too late.
How To Define a Function in Python
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Kateryna Koidan
If you have written any code in Python, you have already used functions. Print(), max(), and sum() are all built-in Python functions. However, did you know that you can also define your own functions? Let’s go through how to define and call a function in Python. What Is a Function in Python? In programming, a function is a block of code that performs a certain task or a group of related tasks.
Working Remotely With Python in Times of Pandemic
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András Novoszáth
Have you been thinking about working remotely with Python during the pandemic? Read our comprehensive guide to get you started. Maybe you are considering working remotely with Python during the pandemic. However, you might not know whether it is a good idea, what you should expect, and how to get into it. In this article, we describe the labor market situation, list some options for working remotely with Python, and provide you the resources to start with.
5 Reasons to Learn Python in 2021
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Yiğit Aras Tunalı
Python has been climbing higher on the popularity ladder each year. Do you know Python? If not, you might want to learn it in 2021! If you looked at a chart showing the number of questions asked onStack Overflow about programming languages, you’d see that Python has been topping the charts year after year. There are good reasons why this is the case – and why you should consider learning Python in 2021.
Maybe You Shouldn't Learn Coding After All?
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Jakub Romanowski
You read everywhere that moving to IT and starting programming is a great career move. It seems like almost everyone is trying to convince you to learn to code. But what if it's not for you? Maybe you shouldn't learn coding after all? Read on and find out. In this article, I’ll present many of the arguments against beginners learning to code that can come to your mind. You might think it’s too hard or you’re too old to make a change.
Best Python IDEs & Code Editors for Beginners
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LearnPython.com Team
No matter if you’re learning Python for programming or data science, an IDE will let work much easier and faster. In this article, you will find out what tools are available and what functionalities they include. An integrated development environment (IDE) is a combination of a text editor and a Python runtime implementation. You can use it to write, modify, and execute Python scripts, create program resources and components, and a lot more.
How Will Python Improve My Daily Work?
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Kateryna Koidan
Python is not just for professional programmers. Learning Python can dramatically change the daily work of marketers, researchers, doctors, and even artists. Let’s see how Python is enhancing jobs in different industries. You might think that only computer programmers, web developers, software engineers, and other tech-industry professionals are the only ones who use Python at work. But the truth is that just about any job can be made easier by learning a little Python.
What Are the Advantages of Using Python for Data Science?
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data science
Soner Yıldırım
Which language should you pick to start your data science journey? Python, of course! In this article, you will learn about the advantages of using Python for data science. Python was first released in 1991, but it has gained popularity in recent years. Data science is the most influential factor in the rise of Python. And this relationship between Python and data science has been mutually beneficial. Python eases and expedites the process of learning data science.
Learn How to Work with Files and Directories in Python
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files and directories
Jakub Romanowski
Are you a data analyst, app developer, or someone else who needs to work with various files in Python? Do you want to do your work faster and more efficiently? If so, we have something for you – a great interactive course called Working with Files and Directories in Python! Working with Files and Directories in Python is intended primarily for people who are just starting to learn Python. Of course, if you already have programming experience, you can also learn a lot from it.
What Are the Best Online Python Courses?
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Jakub Romanowski
It’s useful for data science, application development, and many other things. What are we talking about? Python! Simplicity, ease of learning, and an active community attract followers to this brilliant programming language. While the decision that Python is worth learning seems obvious, where to learn it is not. Here is a list of the best Python courses to take in 2021. I selected six of what I think are the best Python courses, but of course, there are many other worthy offerings.
Interview Questions for Junior Python Developers
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Yiğit Aras Tunalı
Are you preparing for a junior Python developer job interview? Let’s talk about potential Python questions you might encounter! Python has gained an enormous amount of ground; it’s ranked as the most popular programming language on many sites. The number of people using this powerful language and the number of Python job offers on different platforms has (not surprisingly) also been steadily increasing. The Popularity of Python Python’s rise in popularity can be largely attributed to machine learning and data science.
Python Lists, Tuples, and Sets: What’s the Difference?
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Kateryna Koidan
Python lists, tuples, and sets are common data structures that hold other objects. Let’s see how these structures are similar and how they are different by going through some code examples. In Python, we have four built-in data structures that can store a collection of different elements. These are lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets. If you already know the theory behind these data structures, you can go to our Python Data Structures in Practice course and get hands-on experience with the most frequent ways they’re used.
Top 15 Python Libraries for Data Science
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Kateryna Koidan
We look at basic and advanced Python libraries for data science. Learn about getting, processing, modeling, and visualizing data in Python. The Python ecosystem offers a wide range of tools for data scientists. For newbies, it might be challenging to distinguish between fundamental data science tools and the ‘nice-to-haves’. In this article, I’ll guide you through the most popular Python libraries for data science. Python Libraries for Getting Data Data science starts with data.
Should I Learn Python or Java in 2021?
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Rebecca McKeown
It’s an age-old question among student programmers the world over: Should I learn Python or Java as the first programming language? The answer, without making you wait for a virtual drum roll right at the end of this article, is that you should learn whatever language captures your interest and feels right to you. BUT if you’re looking for a concise comparison between Python and Java - read on! We’ve got all the differences covered.
How to Survive as a Python Freelancer
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Jakub Romanowski
So, you’ve learned Python and want to make your living as a freelance Python programmer. Good for you! But there are some things you should know before getting started on the freelance life. “The world is a jungle and you must fight to survive!” Do you often hear such words from the lips of online coaches and pseudo-motivational speakers? Well ... It annoys me too, but unfortunately there is some truth to this saying.
The Best Python Talks on YouTube
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Jakub Romanowski
Learning Python on YouTube? It’s a thing! If you want to get an overview of this popular programming language, check out our picks for the best Python lectures on the ‘Tube. Be honest: Does YouTube only mean funny cat clips and new Ariana Grande or Drake music videos to you? Don’t get me wrong – I love them too, but YouTube is much more. If you know where to look, it’s actually a great place to learn something new from experts.
Where to Find a Python Job
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Jakub Romanowski
Are you learning to program in Python? Then you're already winning, but the ultimate victory will be finding a new job that uses your new skills. Easier said than done? I’ve prepared a list of websites where you can find lots of Python job postings. There are many interesting places where you can find Python job openings. However, I chose the most popular ones because they draw the most employers and headhunters.
What's the Best Way to Practice Python?
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Rebecca McKeown
Want to practice Python but don’t know the best way to go about it? We’ve come to the rescue with 10 ways you can practice Python online. All of them are useful, most are fun, and some might even make you new friends! Just like Grandma always used to say, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Source: giphy.com Kitties can relax – it’s Python practice we’re talking about.
How to Write a For Loop in Python
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Kateryna Koidan
The for loop is one of the basic tools in Python. You will likely encounter them at the very beginning of your Python journey. In this article, I’ll give you a brief overview of the for loop in Python and demonstrate with examples how you can use it to iterate over different types of sequences. What Is a For Loop in Python? Python is a powerful programming language that can be used for just about anything, and the for loop is one of its fundamental tools.
New Course Launch. “Python Practice: Word Games”
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Jakub Romanowski
Do you want to practice Python? Are you looking for Python exercises for beginners? Why not have fun while learning? Crack the code or become a Scrabble Master in this free Python course, Python Practice: Word Games. LearnPython.com presents the Python Practice: Word Games course. This set of simple programming exercises is for beginners and intermediate users. If you are learning Python and have finished the Python Basics courses, now's the time to test how much you know.
How to Read Excel Files in Python
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Yiğit Aras Tunalı
Have you worked with Excel files? I’ll show you how to read them into Python so that you can automate Excel-related tasks. If you are a data analyst, a data engineer, or someone who otherwise writes scripts to automate simple tasks, there is a high likelihood that you have worked with or will work with Excel files. In this article, we will go over how to read Excel files into Python.
Jobs You Can Get When You Learn Python
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Jakub Romanowski
You learn and practice Python – everything to improve your day-to-day work or to help you change jobs. Well, the science itself is fun, but ultimately, all of these efforts have to pay off. In this article, I propose five types of positions to consider for when you have learned and mastered Python. Ready for a change? See which one might be for you. You've probably heard a lot about why you should learn Python, and about how it is one of the fastest-growing programming languages in the world.
How to Check Your Python Version
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Kateryna Koidan
Chances are you have heard about Python 2 and Python 3. Although they are two versions of the same language, they have different syntax; code written in Python 3 might not work in Python 2. So, let’s discover how you can check your Python version on the command line and in the script on Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. Python is one of the most popular programming languages. With its simple syntax, high productivity, and amazing open-source libraries, Python can be used for just about anything.
How to Read CSV Files Python
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Yiğit Aras Tunalı
Have you encountered CSV files? In this article, I’ll show you what CSV files are and how easy it is to work with them in Python. If you are working as a back-end developer or data scientist, chances are that you’ve already dealt with CSV files. It is one of the most used formats for working with and transferring data. Many Python libraries can handle CSVs, but in this article, we’ll focus on Python’s csv module.
How to Learn Python Online for Free
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Jakub Romanowski
What if I told you that you can learn Python for free? Here are some websites for learning Python that I can recommend. Python rocks! This programming language will allow you to do a lot. If you learn it, you can create applications, build websites, work with databases, and process data collected by you or your company. Sound cool? It is! And if you can learn Python for free, well, why not give it a try?
How to Install Python on Windows
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Dorota Wdzięczna
Programming skills are in great demand in today’s market. One very popular and easy-to-learn language is Python. But knowing Python's syntax is not enough; you also need to know how to install Python on your computer, configure everything, and start creating your own new and brilliant projects. Fortunately, installing Python on Windows machines is not difficult. In this article, I’ll show you everything you need to know to get up and running.
New Course Launch: “Python Basics. Practice”.
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online practice
Jakub Romanowski
Are you a Python beginner? Or have you completed our Python Basics courses? In that case, congratulations – but you still have some way to go before you become a Python expert. In Python as in life, practice makes perfect. If you’re looking to practice your Python skills, you've come to the right place. Our Python Practice set will help you hone your knowledge. One of the biggest obstacles to making progress in Python is finding the right tasks and projects.
Why Learn Python in 2021
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Rebecca McKeown
There are a million resolutions you could make for 2021: taking up extreme knitting, limbo dancing, or rhinoceros riding. But deciding to learn Python in 2021? Now, that could be your smartest move to date. Guys, guys, guys! It’s less than THREE MONTHS until the end of 2020. Three months! That’s just enough time to start a diet, gain 20lbs, and learn Python. You heard me. The New Year is fast approaching, and we all know what that means.
Welcome to LearnPython.com
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Jakub Romanowski
Do you want to learn programming or data processing? Do you dream of a career in data science? If the answer to any of these questions is YES, you've come to the right place. LearnPython.com is here! With great pleasure and undisguised pride, the team behind LearnSQL.com announces the launch of a new learning platform: LearnPython.com. It is the perfect place for everyone who wants to enter the world of coding and knows that Python will give them new career opportunities.
Lists and List Comprehension in Python
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python basics
Marija Ilic
Everything you need to get started with lists and list comprehension in Python. Here comes the New Year — the perfect time for your own personal re-evaluation and a retrospective of the last year. It's also a great time to sit down and write a list of New Year's resolutions that you are planning to achieve in the incoming year. Are you going to write it on paper or will you reach for your laptop and, like any other nerd, use Excel or some other tool like Python to save and maintain this list?
How to Use Python Dictionaries
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python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Wondering how to get the most out of Python dictionaries? In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover all you need to know to effectively use dictionaries in your studies and in real-world projects. What Is a Python Dictionary? A Python dictionary is yet another very useful and important data type. Basically, Python dictionaries are an unordered collection of data values. However, in contrast to other data types, a dictionary's elements are key-value pairs instead of single data values.
Getting Started with Python Part 1: Data Types
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python basics
Tihomir Babic
Want to learn Python but think you have to know something before you start? You don't! That's the whole point of learning, as you'll see. So you want to learn Python, but something is stopping you. What is it? The usual misconception that stops people from doing something is that they should know everything, even before they start learning. This misconception makes you think everybody was born with their knowledge and that you're never going to reach their level.
13 Top Python Libraries You Should Know in 2020
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Dorota Wdzięczna
Python provides a lot of libraries to help developers with their work. Which of them will be the most popular in 2020? And which are worth your time? Here are our picks for the 13 top Python libraries. Python is one of the most popular programming languages. Many developers choose Python because it's easy to learn and good for varied tasks, including data science, machine learning, data analysis and visualization, and web or desktop app development.
How to Generate Random Numbers in Python
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python basics
Marija Ilic
Sometimes you need a random number or element. How can Python help? The truth is that randomness is all around us. Think about the lottery, a dice roll, or the (extreme) randomness of your office's Secret Santa workings. In this article, we'll discuss pseudo-randomness, how it's different from true randomness, and how it can be applied in Python to generate random numbers. We'll also delve into some more advanced topics, like reproducible coding with random numbers and using the choice() and choices() functions to return random string elements from a list.
Array vs. List in Python – What's the Difference?
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python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Both lists and arrays are used to store data in Python. Moreover, both data structures allow indexing, slicing, and iterating. So what's the difference between an array and a list in Python? In this article, we'll explain in detail when to use a Python array vs. a list. Python has lots of different data structures with different features and functions. Its built-in data structures include lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries.
Why Is Python So Popular?
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python basics
Rebecca McKeown
Learn Python, save lives. Yep, you heard me. No, I'm not talking about dragging babies from burning buildings or solving tensions in the Middle East. And no, perhaps you won't win a slew of civic hero awards anytime soon or collect the keys to the city. But there are certainly some compelling reasons why Python is so popular. Among them are some life-saving applications. In this article, we'll look at the many and varied uses of Python, the characteristics that make it so incredibly popular, as well as some of the downsides you should be aware of before choosing Python as your new language-learning challenge.
How to Learn Python Fast
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python basics
Jakub Romanowski
You're in a hurry! Does your boss want you to finally learn to code? Or would you like to start a career as a programmer? We'll show you how to learn Python fast and how long it will take. I assume you've already decided to become a programmer. You know it's a good opportunity. You browse job postings, and you can't believe how many are on the market. But you don't know which language to learn.
What is Python Used For?
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python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Let's clarify first. This article is not about snakes, it's about coding in the fastest-growing programming language. That language happens to be named Python. In this article, we'll go through a number of inspiring ways to use Python. So, what is Python used for? Why Code in Python? You have probably heard about many different programming languages, including JavaScript, Java, C++, Ruby, and others. Why should you choose Python?
How Long Does It Take to Learn Python Basics?
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python basics
Arleta Więch
Chances are you've heard about the infinite possibilities Python gives you both in your professional and private life. When you sit down at your desk, full of motivation and eagerness, the question that probably comes to your mind is: how long does it take to learn Python? You'll find the answer here! Professionals around the world love Python. According to IEEE Spectrum, an industry magazine issued by the largest international engineering organization, Python is the most popular programming language (see how others were ranked here).
9 Best Online Resources to Start Learning Python Today
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
Want to start learning Python but struggling to find quality resources? Well, they're out there—and we'll review them here. In no particular order, here are the best online resources to learn Python. Courses 1. LearnPython.com LearnPython.com is an interactive e-learning platform that offers nine Python courses. Among them, you can find two learning paths: programming and data science. Programming path: Python Basics Part 1. This is the first of a two-part course that covers everything you need to know about Python so you can start writing your own scripts and applications.
Pros and Cons of Python Programming Language
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python basics
Usman Malik
Python is one of the fastest growing programming languages in the world. It is becoming equally popular among novice and experienced programmers and taking over rival languages such as C++ and Java. One of the biggest reasons why Python's popularity has skyrocketed is its simplicity and flexibility. Even people with no prior programming knowledge can learn Python within weeks. In fact, Python has all the characteristics to become the lingua franca of coding in the near future.
New Course: How to Read and Write JSON Files in Python
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LearnPython.com Team
Providing various types of data in a unified way is one of the core concepts of web communication. In recent years, JSON text files have become extremely popular due to their simplicity and universality. LearnPython.com's recent course—How to Read and Write JSON Files in Python—explains how to manipulate JSON files in Python. If you work with Python and want to learn a practical skill in high demand, you're in the right place.
New Course Launch: Python Data Structures in Practice
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LearnPython.com Team
Do you know the feeling when you've read the theory behind some programming concepts but you're at a loss when it comes to writing actual code? LearnPython.com's new course—Python Data Structures in Practice—addresses this exact problem by explaining the practical aspects of basic data structures. The course discusses frequent use cases and teaches you optimal solutions to common problems. As a bonus, you'll create a real Python game! Although you can find countless online courses teaching Python, very few of them actually explain how to use Python data structures in practice.
Why Use Python in Marketing?
data-driven marketing
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Kateryna Koidan
Python can help you get more insights from your data, make better-informed data-driven decisions, automate many routine activities, and increase the ROI from your marketing campaigns. Interested? Then let's see how exactly Python can boost your marketing efforts. How Can Your Marketing Activities Benefit from Python? As a marketer, you probably face a number of challenges: Ads are getting more expensive. Previously profitable marketing channels, like content marketing, are becoming crowded.
Jupyter Notebook – the Free Editor for Python
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Dorota Wdzięczna
If you have basic knowledge about Python and are looking for an IDE to work with on your own computer, consider the Jupyter Notebook. It is a good tool, especially for Data Science projects. What is Jupyter Notebook? Jupyter Notebook is an open-source server-client application used to create and run mainly Data Science projects. Where does its name come from? JUPYTER is an acronym of Julia, Python, and R, because they were the first programming languages supported by this editor.
Python IDE: PyCharm Tutorial for Beginners
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
The PyCharm IDE is one of the most popular editors used by professional Python developers and programmers. But if you are a beginner, don't worry, it can help you too! Find out how to create Python projects using PyCharm and what basic features can help you write code more efficiently. The PyCharm IDE is one of the most popular editors used by professional Python developers and programmers. The vast number of PyCharm features doesn't make this IDE difficult to use–just the opposite.
Why Python Should Be Your First Programming Language – Python Basics Course Review
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python basics
Magdalena Wojtas
Python was my love at first sight. It was at the very beginning of my interest in programming when I took my first Python course, and I instantly fell in love with this language. Unfortunately, I had few opportunities to work professionally in the Python environment, but I kept learning after hours, just for fun, until my new job became too demanding and I simply had no more time for my coding hobby.
How to Install the PyCharm IDE (Windows and Ubuntu)
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
This tutorial will show you how to install the PyCharm IDE on your own computer–whether you have Windows or Ubuntu. To start developing with the PyCharm IDE, you need to download and install it on your computer's operating system. PyCharm is an editor developed by the JetBrains company. As of today, it is the most popular IDE used by Python developers. Knowing this, JetBrains delivers PyCharm in three versions: Professional (full-featured IDE), Community (lightweight IDE, not full-featured), and Educational (community IDE with added education features).
Python Drawing: Intro to Python Matplotlib for Data Visualization (Part 2)
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python basics
Usman Malik
Ever wondered how you can use Python to create stunning data visualizations? In the first part of this series, we saw how to draw line plots and histograms using the matplotlib library. We also saw how to change the default size of a plot and how to add titles, axes, and legends to a plot. In this article, we'll see a few more types of plots that can be drawn using the matplot library with pro tips on how to improve them.
How to Work with Python Date and Time Objects
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python basics
Kateryna Koidan
At some point in your Python journey, you'll definitely need to work with dates, times, or both. Learn all the basics of date and time in Python with this short tutorial. Need to calculate how long it's been since a given date? Working with date and time objects in Python? In this beginner's guide, we'll take a look at how to write programs with these two key data types in Python.
Python Drawing: Intro to Python Matplotlib for Data Visualization (Part 1)
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python basics
Usman Malik
Want to know how Python is used for plotting and data visualization? Interested in learning one of the most commonly used data visualization libraries in Python? If so, you're in the right place. In this installment of a two-part tutorial, we'll learn how to use matplotlib, one of the most commonly used data visualization libraries in Python. Over the course of both articles, we'll create different types of graphs, including:
Python Set Operations: A Complete Guide
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python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Even if you're just starting your Python journey, you've most likely come across Python sets. But do you know how to use them effectively? This article aims to cover all the main Python set operations to give you a better feel for when and how to use this important data structure. What Are Python Sets? First, let's start with the basics. A set is a built-in type in Python that has a number of important characteristics:
Customer Churn Prediction with Python
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python basics
Usman Malik
Python is one of the most frequently used programming languages for financial data analysis, with plenty of useful libraries and built-in functionality. In this article, you'll see how Python's machine learning libraries can be used for customer churn prediction. Customer churn is a financial term that refers to the loss of a client or customer—that is, when a customer ceases to interact with a company or business. Similarly, the churn rate is the rate at which customers or clients are leaving a company within a specific period of time.
12 Must-Know Python Tips and Tricks for Data Scientists
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data science
Kateryna Koidan
You already have some foundational knowledge of Python for data science. But do you write your code efficiently? Check out these tips and tricks to supercharge your Python skills. How to Write Efficient Python Code In this article, we'll take a look at some tricks that will help you write fast and efficient Python code. I'll start with how to optimize code that involves the pandas library. If you want to refresh your knowledge of pandas, check out our Introduction to Python for Data Science course.
New Course: How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python
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LearnPython.com Team
Another Python course is now available on LearnPython.com. "How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python" is an online course for anyone interested in working with files in Python—a must-have skill for any beginner software developer or data scientist! After the great success of our SQL courses, we began working hard on the Python learning path. So far, we've made five Python courses available, and we're proud to announce the release of yet another one: How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python!
Visualize Time Series Data with Pandas
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Usman Malik
How can Python's pandas library be used to analyze time series data? Let's find out. The pandas library is frequently used to import, manage, and analyze datasets in a variety of formats. In this article, we'll use it to analyze Microsoft's stock prices for previous years. We'll also see how to perform basic tasks, such as time resampling and time shifting, with pandas. What is Time Series Data? Time series data contains values dependent on some sort of time unit.
How to Install the Python Spyder IDE and Run Scripts
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python IDE
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Dorota Wdzięczna
One of the most popular Python IDEs is Spyder, which stands for Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment. This Python tool is "designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts." But it's not just for professionals. In this article, we'll learn why the Spyder IDE is also an excellent tool for beginners. In this article, I'll: Show you how to install Spyder on Windows and Linux. Guide you in starting a project and creating your first Python script.
Regression Analysis in Python
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regression analysis
Usman Malik
Regression analysis is one of the most fundamental tasks in data-oriented industries. In simple words, it involves finding a relationship between independent and dependent variables (attributes) in a given dataset. Consider the example of a house price prediction problem—given the size and number of bedrooms, we want to predict the price of a house. This is a simple regression problem where the size of the house and the number of bedrooms are the independent variables and the price of the house is the dependent variable.
Python Coding Best Practices and Style Guidelines
style guide
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python basics
Kateryna Koidan
You've spent hours studying Python, and you may even have several successful projects in your portfolio. But do you write your Python code like a pro? Let's review some important guidelines to help you clean up your code. What Is the Pythonic Way of Writing Code? There are often several ways to do something in Python; naturally, some are better than others. But you should always prefer code that is not only syntactically correct but also in alignment with coding best practices and the way the language ought to be used.
Finished Python Basics Course? Code on Your Computer
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
Online Python courses help you acquire basic knowledge of working with Python. But how do you retain what you've learned and start writing Python code on your own? Nowadays, there are plenty of e-learning platforms for programming languages like Python. With these platforms, you can learn the fundamentals of the Python language: syntax, basic functions, and programming best practices. On platforms like LearnPython.com, for example, you don't need others tools to work through the content and can get your hands dirty with a language in a sandbox environment.
Lucky Thirteen Python Articles of 2018 for Beginners
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
If you have just started learning Python, now is a great time to develop your skills further. Nowadays it is not problem to find resources about Python on the internet, however, it can be difficult to find good materials to read for beginners. Therefore I decided to gather and share with you my "Lucky thirteen" articles on Python written in 2018. Top 3 LearnPython.com Articles for Beginners The LearnPython.
Python Jobs and Salaries
IT job market
jobs and career
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python basics
Anuj Kumar Verma
Python is a simple yet powerful programming language that's a must for beginners and advanced programmers alike. Here's why. High-level programming languages have one goal in mind: to make your life as a programmer easier. Messy syntax and obscure keywords? Forget about it. With languages like Python, you can get away with understanding just the basics of programming, enough to begin writing your own scripts and apps. And since Python developers are high in demand, Python is a great language to learn if you want to pursue a career in software development or big data.
Installing Python: How to start writing Python code
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installation guide
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python IDE
Dorota Wdzięczna
In this comprehensive beginner's guide, we'll look at how to install Python on three major operating systems, choose a Python IDE, and run your code. Would you like to start coding in Python but don't know where to begin? Maybe you've graduated from an online course like Python Basics and now are looking to continue your Python adventure on your own machine. But first, why Python? The answer is simple: Python is a very easy-to-learn and powerful programming language.
6 Benefits of Learning Python for Financial Experts
data-driven organization
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Usman Malik
An increasing number of fintech companies are using Python for data analysis. But what makes Python so special? And why is it a better language for data analysis compared to traditional software? Python is quickly becoming the most popular coding language in the world. Currently, it's perching comfortably in the fourth spot after Java, C, and C++ on the Tiobe Index of Language Popularity. And the Popularity of Programming Language Index ranks Python as the most popular programming language in the world in October 2018.
5 Best Python IDEs for Data Science
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python IDE
Dorota Wdzięczna
Python is a programming language frequently used by scientists and data analysts to build applications. Why? Because it's easy to use and has few rules. But simply installing Python isn't enough—you also need a good interactive development environment (IDE) to program in. So what are the best Python IDEs for data science? Let's find out! (Note: all IDEs presented here support Windows, macOS, and Linux.) 1. Enthought Canopy Enthought Canopy is one of the best Python IDEs for scientists and engineers.
How to Create Python Heat Maps for Marketing Campaigns
data-driven marketing
data-driven organization
learn Python
Kateryna Koidan
Heat maps are a great way to visualize patterns in data, but some businesses avoid them because creating them seems challenging and time consuming. Well, it's not. Do you know what the most popular programming language currently is? According to the PYPL Index, it's—you guessed it—Python. And our serpentine friend was also crowned the best programming language in 2018 by Linux Journal readers. Why all the buzz? Because Python is simple and easy to learn.
New Course Launch: Python Basics for Programming
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python programming
LearnPython.com Team
The LearnPython.com Team has been working hard to release a brand-new course, and it's finally here! Python Basics for Programming is a great place to start for anyone aspiring to become a software developer. Since our SQL courses, the LearnPython.com platform has been embraced by thousands of students who are eager to learn new technologies. After releasing Intro to Python for Data Science last month, we asked ourselves: why not create another introductory Python course, but this time from a software developer's perspective?
New Course Launch: Intro to Python for Data Science
data science
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python basics
LearnPython.com Team
Over the past three months, we've been working on something completely new. Please welcome our new course on Python data analysis! We got many emails from users like you with good feedback on Vertabelo Academy's "Introduction to R" course. So first, I want to start off with a big thank you—reading your wonderful comments was like a burst of energy! We're always looking to improve our offerings, and we greatly value your input.
Tag: Learn sql
Your Career Path from Learning Python to CEO
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jobs and career
Soner Yıldırım
Python is a popular programming language and one of the most sought-after skills in today’s tech industry. Find out what career paths open up to you if you know Python well! The Python programming language has an extensive variety of applications in web development, mobile and game development, data science, and Artificial Intelligence. It’s also a relatively easy language to learn. People who have never programmed before or want to step into IT choose Python.
How to Count Money Exactly in Python
learn sql
Luke Hande
Using floats to do exact calculations in Python can be dangerous. Here, we explain why and show you an alternative solution. When you try to find out how much 2.32 x 3 is, Python tells you it's 6.959999999999999. For some calculations, that’s fine. But if you are calculating a transaction involving money, that’s not what you want to see. Sure, you could round it off, but that's a little hacky.
Tag: Libraries
Top Python Libraries for SQL
Luke Hande
Did you know that Python and SQL can work together? Find out all about Python’s SQL libraries in this article. Along with Python, SQL is a very common and useful tool for working with data. SQL stands for Structured Query Language; it’s a language used to manage data in a relational database. Although SQL is a different language to Python and has its own syntax, Python has libraries which can be used to connect to a database and write SQL queries to retrieve data – all from within your Python script.
The Most Popular Python Libraries
Soner Yıldırım
What programming language is simple to learn and has enormous potential? Python! Its power comes from the amazing libraries that are used by programmers on a daily basis to solve problems. Let’s see which Python libraries are the most popular and what they are used for. Python is a programming language that has numerous applications across a variety of industries. It has gained tremendous popularity in recent years. Compared to other popular programming languages, Python offers a shallow learning curve, which attracts people who want to take their first steps into programming.
Python Libraries Every Programming Beginner Should Know
Luke Hande
Want to take full advantage of the Python computer programming language? Check out our top Python libraries for beginners! Python is a popular general-purpose programming language. Its clear syntax makes it ideal for beginners to learn. One of this language’s advantages is the large number of open-source libraries available. A Python library is a group of related code modules. You can use these modules in your own programs to make coding simpler and faster – e.
Useful Python Libraries for Fun Hobby Projects
Kateryna Koidan
Do you want to start your Python journey with some fun projects? It’s usually much more exciting to acquire new skills by practicing rather than reading theory. Let’s explore some useful Python libraries to help you on your way. Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for just about anything. With Python, you can build apps and develop video games, automate routine tasks, analyze and visualize data, create machine learning models, build blockchains, and more.
Tag: List
Printing a List in Python – 10 Tips and Tricks
learn python
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you know there are many ways to print a list in Python? This article will explore some of my best tips and tricks for printing a list in Python. The Python print() function is an essential built-in function, and it is important to use alongside Pythonlists. To learnhow a Python list works, what kind of data structure it is, and why it is essential to Python and programming in general, it's best to take our Python Data Structure course.
How to Get the Index of an Item in a List in Python
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to practice data structures in Python? In this article, I explain every detail about getting the index of an item in a Python list, a fundamental data structure used in Python programs. The list is one of the built-in data structures in Python. It is represented as a collection of data points in square brackets and can store values with different data types. The Python list is a versatile and efficient data structure, so it is of great importance to know how to manipulate and interact for designing efficient Python programs.
An Overview of Python List Methods
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Learn how to modify lists in Python using list methods – specialized operations that give you tons of flexibility. Python lists have a lot of functionality that you can leverage in your scripts. This includes common sequence operations like adding elements to a list, reordering elements, and counting the number of times a given element appears in a list. Collectively, these operations are called list methods. In this article, we will go through an overview of Python’s main list methods.
Adding a List to a Set in Python: 5 Things You Must Know
Alexandre Bruffa
What is a Python set? What is a list in Python, for that matter? This article will give an overview of these two data structures and show how to add list values to a set in Python. To explain the differences between sets and lists in Python – and to help you understand how to add a list to a set correctly – let’s start with an example of these data structures.
Where Can I Find Good Python List Exercises?
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you feel like you forgot everything you ever knew about Python lists? Wish you could find good practice Python list exercises? This article will share our top picks. Here is the thing… Practice makes perfect! This is especially true when talking about programming. It’s not enough to watch some videos without putting your newly-acquired skills into practice. Python can belearned quickly, but you still need to solidify your knowledge and practice your coding skills.
Tag: Lists
7 Ways to Loop Through a List in Python
Emad Bin Abid
Lists are one of the six fundamental data types in the Python programming language. To work effectively with Python, you need to know the functions and methods that work with lists. And that’s what we’ll explain in this article. In Python, lists can be used to store multiple elements in a single variable. Moreover, a single Python iterate list can harbor elements of multiple data types. Lists (like arrays in other programming languages) can also be nested – i.
Tag: Loop
How to Loop Over Multiple Lists in Python
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Learn how to loop over multiple lists side-by-side in Python – one element at a time. These techniques will work even if the lists have different lengths! Looping over lists is one of the most basic skills in Python. In some situations, you may find yourself having to loop over multiple lists side-by-side, taking one element from each list and performing an operation with it. If you’re new to Python, it is not always obvious how to do that or what caveats and best practices exist for this task.
How to Decrement a Python for Loop
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you know how to decrement in Python? It’s easy! You can do it with a simple for loop, and I’ll show you how. Unlike other programming languages (such as C++) Python has no decrement operator (i.e. similar to the -- in C++). In Python, we state the beginning and the end of the iteration with the number of steps in between. If you need a refresher on the Python for loop, read Kateryna's article on writing forloops in Python, then come back here.
Tag: Main function
How Do You Write a Main Function in Python?
main function
Kateryna Koidan
If you are just starting with Python, you might not be aware yet of the best practice of defining functions. In this guide, I’ll explain how including a main() function, though not required in Python, can structure your programs in a logical way and ensure that your functions are executed only when expected. The Python ecosystem is very rich in modules, packages, libraries, and frameworks. It is sometimes challenging for beginners to understand the difference between these concepts, but basically they’re all forms of organizing Python code.
Tag: Marketing
4 Ways Python Can Boost Your Marketing Activities
Alexandre Bruffa
In this article, we are going to see why and how you can use Python for marketing. Most people probably think Python is only for programmers, that this is a skill reserved for a small group. This is not true; Python can be useful to everyone. In this article, I'll tell you why you should start using Python for marketing – even if you've had nothing to do with coding before.
Tag: Match case
How to Use a match case Statement in Python 3.10
Match Case
Luke Hande
The Python programming language is under constant development, with new features and functionality added with every update. Python 3.10 was released in mid-2021 and comes with structural pattern matching, also known as a match case statement. This is Python 3.10’s most important new feature; the new functionality allows you to more easily control the flow of your programs by executing certain parts of code if conditions (or cases) are met.
Tag: Matplotlib
Python Drawing: Intro to Python Matplotlib for Data Visualization (Part 2)
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python basics
Usman Malik
Ever wondered how you can use Python to create stunning data visualizations? In the first part of this series, we saw how to draw line plots and histograms using the matplotlib library. We also saw how to change the default size of a plot and how to add titles, axes, and legends to a plot. In this article, we'll see a few more types of plots that can be drawn using the matplot library with pro tips on how to improve them.
Python Drawing: Intro to Python Matplotlib for Data Visualization (Part 1)
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python basics
Usman Malik
Want to know how Python is used for plotting and data visualization? Interested in learning one of the most commonly used data visualization libraries in Python? If so, you're in the right place. In this installment of a two-part tutorial, we'll learn how to use matplotlib, one of the most commonly used data visualization libraries in Python. Over the course of both articles, we'll create different types of graphs, including:
Tag: Module
How to Write a Custom Module in Python
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you wonder how you can write your own Python custom module, similar to famous Python libraries such as NumPy or Pandas? In my previous article for LearnPython.com, we learned about custom classes in Python. With Kateryna’s article on Python functions, you now have the required knowledge to implement your own custom module in Python. If you are still wondering why you should learn Python in 2021, check out Rebecca’s excellent article on the topic.
Tag: How to Check Multiple Conditions in a Python if statement
How to Check Multiple Conditions in a Python if statement
multiple conditions
Luke Hande
Conditional statements are commands for handling decisions, which makes them a fundamental programming concept. They help you selectively execute certain parts of your program if some condition is met. In this article, we’ll tell you all you need to know about using multiple conditional statements in Python. And we’ll show you plenty of examples to demonstrate the mechanics of how it all works. Python has a simple and clear syntax, meaning the code is easy to read and interpret.
Tag: Notebooks
How to Use Notebooks in Python
Kateryna Koidan
When reading or watching Python tutorials online, you might notice that many data scientists use Python notebooks for their projects. Let’s explore what a notebook is and how to use notebooks in Python. Python is a general-purpose programming language that can be used for just about anything. It is also one of the key tools used in data science these days. There are several popular Python IDEs for data science, but if you follow this field for a while, you’ll notice that many data scientists choose to carry on their projects in Jupyter Notebooks.
Tag: Null
Null in Python: A Complete Guide
Kateryna Koidan
Looking for Null in Python? You’ll not find it. However, Python has None, which is the closest equivalent of Null from other programming languages. Let’s explore Python’s None object. If you are familiar with other programming languages like Java, JavaScript, or PHP, you may wonder if Python has a Null value that works the same as Null in other languages. The short answer is that there is no Null in Python, but there is the None object that Python programmers use to define null objects and variables.
Tag: Numpy
An Introduction to NumPy in Python
learn python
Luke Hande
NumPy makes working with arrays easy. If you work with Python, it pays to know some basics of Python NumPy. It is incredibly useful for working with arrays since it is very fast and efficient. It also contains many methods to make manipulating and performing numerical operations on arrays simple. There are many data structures in Python, including lists, dictionaries, Pandas DataFrames, and of course NumPy arrays. Each has its strengths, and knowing when to use one or the other can save time and effort in writing your programs.
Tag: Online course
Our 5 Favorite Free Python Online Courses for Beginners
online course
Kamila Ostrowska
There are so many ways to learn Python online that it can be difficult to choose your best learning path. In this article, we will lead you through some of the best examples of free online Python courses. Learning Python has many advantages. It’s more than just another skill on your resume; it can change your career path. Programmers all over the world choose Python because it is a great language to write scripts, build websites, create machine learning and AI projects, and work with data science.
Tag: Online practice
10 Python Function Practice Exercises for Beginners
python basics
online practice
Ignacio L. Bisso
Looking to enhance your Python skills through practice? Dive into this collection of Python function practice exercises crafted specifically for beginners! Functions allow you to encapsulate code into reusable and organized blocks, making your programs more modular and maintainable. As you start your programming career, mastering Python functions is a critical step in your journey. And to help you get there, we’ve curated 10 Python function practice exercises designed specifically for beginners.
15 Python String Exercises for Beginners
learn python
online practice
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Want to hone your Python skills? Look no further than these 15 Python string exercises, taken directly from our Python courses! Have you heard that “practice makes perfect”? Well, it’s no different when you’re learning Python. Solving practice exercises is one of the best ways toimprove your Python skills. And with this article, you will do exactly that. We have curated 15 exercises that will help you practice your knowledge of Python strings.
Python Practice for Beginners: 15 Hands-On Problems
online practice
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Want to put your Python skills to the test? Challenge yourself with these 15 Python practice exercises taken directly from our Python courses! There’s no denying that solving Python exercises is one of the best ways to practice and improve your Python skills. Hands-on engagement with the language is essential for effective learning. This is exactly what this article will help you with: we've curated a diverse set of Python practice exercises tailored specifically for beginners seeking to test their programming skills.
10 Python Loop Exercises with Solutions
learn python
online practice
Luke Hande
If you’re looking to learn Python, there are many resources available. A great way to increase your skills is to do practice exercises. This gives you hands-on experience in solving realistic problems. Here, we give you 10 exercises for practicing loops in Python. Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language that offers a wide array of tools and features to simplify the process of creating software applications. It’s a great language for beginners to learn, as we explain in Why Python Is the Perfect First Programming Language for Beginners.
Python Online Training 101: A Complete Beginner's Guide
python basics
python programming
online practice
Jakub Romanowski
In this article, I will be your guide to the world of Python online training. Together, we will explore how to master Python's fundamentals and set you on a path to becoming proficient in this powerful programming language. Let's dive in! Welcome to the world of Python! This guide is your starting point to dive into Python online training. Python is a versatile and widely used programming language, perfect for beginners on their first coding journey.
7 Datasets to Practice Data Analysis in Python
data analysis
online practice
Luke Hande
Data analysis is a skill that is becoming more essential in today's data-driven world. One effective way to practice with Python is to take on your own data analysis projects. In this article, we’ll show you 7 datasets you can start working on. Python is a great tool for data analysis – in fact, it has become very popular, as we discuss in Python’s Role in Big Data and Analytics.
10 Python Practice Exercises for Beginners with Solutions
python basics
get started with python
online practice
Luke Hande
A great way to improve quickly at programming with Python is to practice with a wide range of exercises and programming challenges. In this article, we give you 10 Python practice exercises to boost your skills. Practice exercises are a great way to learn Python. Well-designed exercises expose you to new concepts, such as writing different types of loops, working with different data structures like lists, arrays, and tuples, and reading in different file types.
How Long Does It Take To Learn Python?
online practice
Soner Yıldırım
Python is often recommended as the first programming language beginners should learn. How long does it take to learn Python? And how can you make the learning process easier? Find out in this article. Python is a programming language that seems to be more appealing to newcomers than any other programming language. Those who want to take a step into data science, programming, or software development mostly choose Python as their programming language.
How to Write the Python if Statement in one Line
online practice
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Have you ever heard of writing a Python if statement in a single line? Here, we explore multiple ways to do exactly that, including using conditional expressions in Python. The if statement is one of the most fundamental statements in Python. In this article, we learn how to write the Python if in one line. The if is a key piece in writing Python code. It allows developers to control the flow and logic of their code based on information received at runtime.
Best Python Blogs to Follow
online practice
Kamila Ostrowska
Python has been among the most popular programming languages for many years. Learning and developing your Python skills is an investment that is sure to pay off. Let’s focus on Python blogs, a noteworthy resource for your learning. The popularity of Python in recent years has spun up many Python blogs. The language has many advantages even outside of its obvious attractiveness for professional development. It is a beginner-friendly language, with a simple syntax just like plain English that is easy to understand.
Different Ways to Practice Python
online practice
Alexandre Bruffa
Learning Python means practicing Python. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular ways to practice your Python programming skills. Learning almost any new skill requires not only gaining knowledge but experience. And this is what we acquire through practice. This article will help anyone who has recently started learning Python or who already knows the basics of Python but cannot progress to the next level. Here are the best ways to practice Python.
Is Python Hard to Learn?
online practice
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you heard about Python? And if so, have you ever wondered if it's hard to learn? In this article, I will tell you what Python is and why learning it in 2023 is a good idea. Python is a computer programming language widely used for web development, scientific computing, data analysis, Artificial Intelligence, and many other applications. It is considered one of the world's most popular programming languages and is consistently ranked as a top language by various reports.
5 Reasons to Learn Python in 2024
online practice
Alexandre Bruffa
Updated on: October 10, 2023 Why learn Python in 2024? There are many reasons, some related to career and earnings, others to personal development. In this article, I will demonstrate why learning Python should be one of your New Year’s resolutions. You got here because you’re wondering why you should start learning Python. Maybe you haven't made up your mind yet and you’d like to get more facts. This is the first sign that you may become a programmer – we call it the analytical mindset.
How to Practice Python Beyond 'Hello World!'
online practice
Soner Yıldırım
Want to finally learn Python? Are you stuck in theory and don't know how to start writing your own code? Don't worry! In this article, I’ll give you tips on how to practice Python. Get ready to quickly level up your programming skills. Python is a highly popular programming language. Although it has been around for more than 30 years, Python’s popularity skyrocketed more recently. Part of this boost is associated with the rise of data science and machine learning; Python is often the programming language of choice in these domains.
Want to Learn Python Faster? Learn It With a Friend
online practice
Marcin Koryszewski
Working together can yield amazing effects. If you are in the middle of learning programming and want to boost your results, consider finding a learning partner! Read this article to find out just how a study buddy will help you learn Python! So you’ve decided to start learning Python programming. It’s an exciting journey! But even so, it’s common for some fatigue and frustration to set in for all learners.
Why Python is a Good Programming Language
online practice
Kateryna Koidan
Python is one of the most popular programming languages. But is it really good? Will it pay off to learn Python? Let’s explore why software developers and data analysts choose Python and why you should start learning Python right now. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022, Python is one of the top four popular technologies among developers (alongside JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and SQL). After reading this article, you’ll know the key factors behind this popularity.
Need Some Motivation for Learning Python?
online practice
Marcin Koryszewski
No matter where you are in learning Python, you need one thing: Motivation. Keeping yourself on track can be a challenge. Getting closer to an achievement isn’t just a matter of investing time and energy. It’s also about staying motivated. People who learn Python can have different motivations: a new career, better pay, growing their skills. If you already know some Python and need a fresh source of motivation, this article is for you.
Is Python Still Worth Learning?
online practice
Xavier Rigoulet
Is Python worth learning in 2022? This is a valid question, and we’ll answer it in this article. Let's start with some important data. According to the latest Stack Overflow Survey, Python ranks high among the most popular technologies. It is also high up among the loved and highest among the wanted technologies. The IEEE Spectrum ranking also points to Python as the most popular language in 2022. Why is Python so popular as a programming language?
Top 7 Online Courses for Python Practice in 2023
online practice
Soner Yıldırım
Practice makes perfect. This famous saying applies to everything from cooking to coding. So if you want to learn Python and write good code, you need to practice! In this article, I'll tell you about the top places to practice Python online. When Guido van Rossum created Python in 1991, one of his primary goals was to develop an easy and intuitive language that is as understandable as plain English.
The 5 Best Resources to Start Learning Python
online practice
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to learn to program in Python? Or maybe you are just wondering if an IT career is for you? In this article, I’ll answer some basic questions about Python learning methods and resources. Python is one of today’s most popular computer programming languages. It’s used in many ways across different industries. Before we dive into our discussion of the best resources for learning Python, let’s try to understand what programming is.
How to Improve Your Python Skills
online practice
Xavier Rigoulet
In this article, I’ll show you how you can improve your Python skills. Discover what you can do better, faster, and more effectively as you learn Python like never before! You’re all set! You started to learn Python, and your Python home office is ready. But you wonder what to do after completing your first Python course. Or maybe you want to improve your Python skills and increase your market value.
Music Can Help You Learn Python
online practice
Marcin Koryszewski
Boost your Python study with music. I practically live with my headphones on. Music helps me: it helps me work, it helps me work out, and it helps me learn. And today, I'm going to explain how it helps you learn Python. Music has accompanied man since the dawn of time. All around the world, different cultures have been built around music. If you're like me, chances are you were a part of a music subculture at some time.
Top 5 Python Learning Platforms for Beginners
online practice
Karolina Niewiarowska
Are you looking for a good platform to learn Python from A to Z? You've come to the right place! In this article, I'll tell you which the best ones are. If you are ready to get on the programming train, I'll show you where to buy the tickets. And it's in business class! The world is full of technology. Wherever we go, we are faced with some code, whether or not we are conscious of it.
How to Learn Python Faster
python basics
online practice
Karolina Niewiarowska
Programming is one of the most profitable activities in the world you can learn online. If you have already decided you want to begin your adventure in the IT world, start by learning Python. I'll show you how to learn Python faster – in a way that is fun, no chaos, and well planned. I love learning new things. Since you came here, I assume you want to gain a new skill.
How to Practice Python Online
python basics
online practice
Karolina Niewiarowska
Are you looking for a way to understand the practical uses of Python? Want to learn how to practice Python to achieve absolute mastery? Good, because I'm about to show you the way! You can’t learn any programming language without practice. Have you already started an online Python course and want to excel in coding? Perfecting your Python coding skills can guarantee you a better job, better earnings, and maybe even an overall improvement in your quality of life.
Learning Python Has Never Been Easier!
python basics
online practice
Jakub Romanowski
LearnPython.com has changed! Our platform has a new design, better UX, and a lot of new functionalities. We’ve been working hard to give you the best learning experience possible. Tell us if we did a good job! We are very proud of what the new LearnPython.com looks like. At first glance, you can see that a lot has changed. We liked the previous version of the platform, but it's really awesome now.
Is it Difficult to Learn Python?
python basics
online practice
Kamila Ostrowska
Yes! No! Maybe? There are as many answers as there are people. Don't let anyone discourage you from achieving your goal. Learn Python and develop the skills that are in high demand right now. What would you do if I told you learning Python IS difficult? Would you try anyway? Or would you give up immediately? Learning new skills is demanding in general. You need time, discipline, and a clearly stated goal.
What Are the Best Online Python Courses?
learn python
online practice
Jakub Romanowski
It’s useful for data science, application development, and many other things. What are we talking about? Python! Simplicity, ease of learning, and an active community attract followers to this brilliant programming language. While the decision that Python is worth learning seems obvious, where to learn it is not. Here is a list of the best Python courses to take in 2021. I selected six of what I think are the best Python courses, but of course, there are many other worthy offerings.
What's the Best Way to Practice Python?
learn python
online practice
Rebecca McKeown
Want to practice Python but don’t know the best way to go about it? We’ve come to the rescue with 10 ways you can practice Python online. All of them are useful, most are fun, and some might even make you new friends! Just like Grandma always used to say, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Source: giphy.com Kitties can relax – it’s Python practice we’re talking about.
How to Write a For Loop in Python
learn python
online practice
Kateryna Koidan
The for loop is one of the basic tools in Python. You will likely encounter them at the very beginning of your Python journey. In this article, I’ll give you a brief overview of the for loop in Python and demonstrate with examples how you can use it to iterate over different types of sequences. What Is a For Loop in Python? Python is a powerful programming language that can be used for just about anything, and the for loop is one of its fundamental tools.
New Course Launch. “Python Practice: Word Games”
learn python
online practice
Jakub Romanowski
Do you want to practice Python? Are you looking for Python exercises for beginners? Why not have fun while learning? Crack the code or become a Scrabble Master in this free Python course, Python Practice: Word Games. LearnPython.com presents the Python Practice: Word Games course. This set of simple programming exercises is for beginners and intermediate users. If you are learning Python and have finished the Python Basics courses, now's the time to test how much you know.
New Course Launch: “Python Basics. Practice”.
learn python
online practice
Jakub Romanowski
Are you a Python beginner? Or have you completed our Python Basics courses? In that case, congratulations – but you still have some way to go before you become a Python expert. In Python as in life, practice makes perfect. If you’re looking to practice your Python skills, you've come to the right place. Our Python Practice set will help you hone your knowledge. One of the biggest obstacles to making progress in Python is finding the right tasks and projects.
Tag: Package
Python Module and a Python Package: Key Differences
Luke Hande
One of Python’s many advantages is its packages – or are they Python modules? Discover the difference between Python packages and Python modules and learn why both are important in this article. Python is an open-source language, meaning its existing and new developments are freely available to everyone. Anyone can write some code and then make it available for others to download, install, and use. You might find these programs referred to as Python modules or Python packages.
Python Library Gems: Useful Python Packages
Alexandre Bruffa
In this article, we will demonstrate some Python packages that aren’t very well-known but are very useful. Packages are basically completed Python code (classes, functions, etc.) that you can use in your projects. They are usually located in a specific directory of your environment. You can create your own custom Python packages or download plenty of fabulous and free Python packages from the PyPI official repository. If you’re not already familiar with Python, I suggest you check out our Learn Programming with Python track, which introduces you to the fundamentals of programming.
Most Popular Python Packages in 2021
python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Python packages provide a beginner-friendly and efficient way to solve complex problems in scientific computing, data visualization, data modeling, and many other fields. Let's review 2021's most popular Python packages for data analysts and developers. With the rise of data science and artificial intelligence, Python became one of the most popular programming languages. It's preferred by top organizations, including Netflix, Uber, IBM, AstraZeneca, NASA, and the CIA. And Python isn't limited to data science and AI; it's used in many industries, including blockchain, physics, astronomy, medicine, game development, and entertainment.
Tag: Pandas
Python Data Cleaning: A How-to Guide for Beginners
data analysis
data visualization
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you ever wondered why your data analysis sometimes yields unexpected results or errors? Do you know how to ensure the data for your project is accurate and reliable? Are you curious about the tools and techniques data professionals use to clean messy datasets? Have you ever struggled with data containing misspelled words, mixed-case text, or missing values? Would you like to discover how Python, a versatile programming language, helps you automate the process of data cleaning?
Python Libraries You Need to Know in 2023
data science
Soner Yıldırım
If you are serious about learning Python and want to make your daily tasks easier, start using these Python libraries. Each one will save you time and effort. Python is a programming language with a breadth of applications in data science, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, web development, and game development. To understand what makes Python such a widely-used and beginner-friendly choice, let’s look at the goals set by Python creator Guido van Rossum.
Visualize Time Series Data with Pandas
learn Python
python basics
Usman Malik
How can Python's pandas library be used to analyze time series data? Let's find out. The pandas library is frequently used to import, manage, and analyze datasets in a variety of formats. In this article, we'll use it to analyze Microsoft's stock prices for previous years. We'll also see how to perform basic tasks, such as time resampling and time shifting, with pandas. What is Time Series Data? Time series data contains values dependent on some sort of time unit.
Tag: Php
Python or PHP: Which Should You Learn as a Beginner?
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
Which is better for you to start with: Python or PHP? Here is a brief comparison between these popular programming languages. At some point during our exploration of the wonderful IT world, we have all wondered: what programming language do I learn first? Specifically, you may have wondered whether to choose Python or PHP. Which is better for beginners? There are plenty of popular programming languages, old and new. The veteran PHP or the trendy Python?
Tag: Pillow
Pillow: Basic Picture Manipulation in Python
Luke Hande
In this article, we provide an introduction to the Python Pillow module. It is useful to have some experience in image processing, as it is a foundation for various applications: post-processing photographs automatically, generating thumbnails in Python for online content, and pre-processing images for machine learning, among others. The Python Pillow module is a fork of the Python Image Library (PIL). Pillow needs to be installed by the user. The easiest way to do this is with pip.
Tag: Podcast
9 Python Podcasts to Level up Your Coding Skills
Marcin Koryszewski
Podcasts are a great way to get a dose of Python knowledge. And you can skill up while doing your daily chores! These are my picks for the best Python podcasts in 2021. A Python podcast is an amazing tool for people short on time. When you learn the Python programming language, you need to have a trusted source of up-to-date information. But finding the right source takes time and can be hit or miss.
Tag: Postgresql
Can Python Help You Win Scrabble?
Patrycja Dybka
It is hard to find someone who doesn’t know how to play Scrabble. In case someone isn’t familiar with the game, here’s a quick explanation: Scrabble is played by two to four players on a square board with a 15×15 grid of cells, each of which accommodates a single letter tile. The board is marked with “premium” squares, which multiply the number of points awarded; each letter tile has its own assigned numeric score.
Tag: Print
A Complete Guide to the Python print() Function
python basics
Luke Hande
Let’s explore the Python print() function in detail with some examples. There is more to it than you realize! There’s a reasonable chance one of your first encounters with Python included print(), possibly in the form of a “Hello, World!” program. The Python print() function is a basic one you can understand and start using very quickly. But there’s more to it than meets the eye. In this article, we explore this function in detail by explaining how all the arguments work and showing you some examples.
Tag: Programming
Is Python a Frontend or Backend Language?
Soner Yıldırım
If you learn Python, you will be able to apply it to web development. But is Python a frontend or a backend language? Let’s find out. Python is a general-purpose programming language that has gained tremendous popularity in recent years. Its clean and easy-to-understand syntax makes it the #1 choice for new programmers (as well as experienced programmers). Once you start learning Python, it does not take long to get productive.
Python or JavaScript: Which to Learn as a Beginner?
Kateryna Koidan
Ready to learn your first programming language? Python and JavaScript are two popular programming languages that are both beginner-friendly. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each of these languages to help you make a smart choice. Newcomers to programming often wonder what programming language they should learn first. The answer largely depends on the kind of IT career you want. For example, you might be looking for a career as an application developer, front-end developer, full-stack developer, or data scientist; each of these require knowledge of different programming languages.
Learn Programming? Take an Online Python Course!
Soner Yıldırım
Maybe you’ve heard you should learn how to code and are wondering how to get started. In this article, I show you what first steps to take on your way to becoming a developer. First, choose a good Python online course. Don't worry, there is value in learning to code even if you are not going to work in IT. Python helps you with your day-to-day tasks in any industry.
Tag: Pycharm
Python IDE: PyCharm Tutorial for Beginners
learn Python
python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
The PyCharm IDE is one of the most popular editors used by professional Python developers and programmers. But if you are a beginner, don't worry, it can help you too! Find out how to create Python projects using PyCharm and what basic features can help you write code more efficiently. The PyCharm IDE is one of the most popular editors used by professional Python developers and programmers. The vast number of PyCharm features doesn't make this IDE difficult to use–just the opposite.
How to Install the PyCharm IDE (Windows and Ubuntu)
learn Python
python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
This tutorial will show you how to install the PyCharm IDE on your own computer–whether you have Windows or Ubuntu. To start developing with the PyCharm IDE, you need to download and install it on your computer's operating system. PyCharm is an editor developed by the JetBrains company. As of today, it is the most popular IDE used by Python developers. Knowing this, JetBrains delivers PyCharm in three versions: Professional (full-featured IDE), Community (lightweight IDE, not full-featured), and Educational (community IDE with added education features).
Tag: Pyenv
Your Guide to pyenv
Xavier Rigoulet
This is your guide to pyenv for changing and switching between Python versions. pyenv lets you switch between Python versions. Running multiple Python versions can be a challenge; pyenv makes it easier to change versions of Python. It's simple and discreet, and it follows the UNIX tradition of the single-purpose tool that does one thing well. It's useful for developers who need access to different versions of the language and those who want to use the latest version of Python without upgrading their entire system.
Tag: Python
Course of the Month – Built-in Algorithms in Python
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Do you want to work with data in Python faster and more efficiently? Learn Python’s built-in algorithms with our interactive Python Course of the Month for March 2025! If you already know the basics of Python syntax and can write simple scripts or work with Python data, our Built-in Algorithms in Python course is perfect for you. Find out what this course is all about and why we’re recommending it in March 2025 in this article.
Course of the Month: Read and Write CSV Files in Python
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
If you deal with data, you work with CSV files sooner or later. It is one of the most popular data storage formats in the world. Would you like to use Python to make your day-to-day tasks easier? You can now do it with our February Python Course of the Month, How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python! Learning Python is a great idea. It is one of those skills that change your world.
Course of the Month – Working With Strings in Python
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: January 1, 2025 Being able to work with strings in Python is essential to becoming a confident programmer. For those who want to improve their Python skills, we have chosen the interactive course Working with Strings in Python as the Python Course of the Month for January 2025. This is not a Python course for absolute beginners. If you have never written a line of code or are not familiar with basic Python syntax, I recommend you start with our Python Basics track and come back here later.
Python in 2025: What’s Next for the World’s Favorite Programming Language?
learn python
python programming
Jakub Romanowski
Python has been the king of programming for decades, powering everything from web apps to artificial intelligence (AI). As we head into 2025, Python’s relevance isn’t fading – it’s growing. In this post I’ll explore Python’s future, the trends that are shaping it and how you can use those to your advantage. Since 1991, when it was first released, Python has become the language of choice for developers because of its simplicity and versatility.
Course of the Month – Python Data Structures in Practice
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Are you looking for a place where you can get some training in programming? Take your Python skills to the next level with hands-on coding exercises. Here is our Python Course of the Month for December: Python Data Structures in Practice. Are you looking for a Python course with practical hands-on exercises? I have always told everyone that knowledge becomes real only when we use it in practice. Even the best books and courses do not help us if we do not use the skills we learn.
Python Course of the Month – How to Read and Write JSON Files in Python
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: November 1, 2024 Do you work with JSON files? Would you like to use Python to make your work easier? Now you can do it with our November Python Course of the Month, How to Read and Write JSON Files in Python! If you are a regular reader of our blog, you probably already know the great potential of Python. If it's your first time here and you don't know much about Python, let me just tell you that it's one of the most popular programming languages in the world.
Python Course of the Month – How to Read and Write Excel Files in Python
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: October 1, 2024 Are you working with data in spreadsheets daily? Do you want to know how to read and manage Excel files in Python? Learn how in our October 2024 Python Course of the Month: How to Read and Write Excel Files in Python! If you've come here, you are most likely looking for a good place to improve your Python skills. Perhaps you already know the basics and you want to learn more, like how to work with Excel files.
Course of the Month – Intro to Python for Data Science
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: September 1, 2024 If you dream of a career in data science – or if you just want to work with data more efficiently – learn Python. It's the world's most popular language for data analytics. Our Introduction to Python for Data Science is the Python Course of the Month for September 2024! You do not need any IT experience to start this interactive Python course. It’s a great first step towards data science and Python expertise.
Python Course of the Month – Python Basics Part 3
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: August 1, 2024 Have you already done the first two parts of our online Python Basics course? Keep learning and take your next step toward an IT career with Python Basics: Part 3 – our Course of the Month for August 2024! If you are reading this, you most likely are either wondering if you should learn Python or you’re looking for the best Python course online. You've come to the right place.
Python Course of the Month – Python Basics. Part 2
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: July 1, 2024 Have you started learning Python? Keep learning and take your next step towards an IT career. We present Python Basics: Part 2, the second installment of our Python courses for beginners. For some time now, our PythonBasics: Part 1 course has been available for free. We believe that anyone should be able to see if coding is for them; that’s why we made this course open to everyone.
Just How Valuable Is Python for Business?
data science
data analysis
Jakub Romanowski
If you're wondering how Python can reshape your business, this article is for you. We’ll look at the practical applications of using Python for Business and discuss why implementing Python tools might be a smart move for your organization. Python is definitely having a moment – or maybe a decade! Implementing Python for business uses – especially in data analysis – is transforming the way companies handle data, analytics, and automation.
Python Course of the Month – Python Basics: Part 1
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Updated on: June 3, 2024 Summer has arrived! A top-notch pick to add to our Summer 2024 list is to delve into Python programming. In this article, I am going to introduce this awesome Python Basics: Part 1 course, which is an optimal starting point for novices. The best part is that this course is currently completely free! Yes, you read it right. You can start learning Python coding without spending a dime.
String Slicing in Python: A Complete Guide
learn python
Soner Yıldırım
What is a string slice in Python? This article will explain several examples to show how to slice a string in Python. It also has an exercise for you to solve. Data does not always come in numbers. Textual data constitutes a big portion of data workflows. What differentiates textual data from numerical data is that it usually requires much more data cleaning and processing. We can take a numerical value as-is, but it’s quite often different with text.
Python Data Analysis Example: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
data analysis
Luke Hande
Doing real data analysis exercises is a great way to learn. But data analysis is a broad topic, and knowing how to proceed can be half the battle. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you a Python data analysis example and demonstrate how to analyze a dataset. A great way to get practical experience in Python and accelerate your learning is by doing data analysis challenges. This will expose you to several key Python concepts, such as working with different file types, manipulating various data types (e.
Python Course of the Month – Python Basics: Practice
course of the month
Jakub Romanowski
Do you already know the basics of Python? Are you looking for a place to develop your skills and gain some new ones? At LearnPython.com, we believe people learn best through practice. That's why we created the course Python Basics: Practice – our Course of the Month for April 2024! If you’ve found this article, you are most likely looking for online Python exercises. You want to practice and check what you have learned so far.
Python Practice for Beginners: 15 Hands-On Problems
online practice
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Want to put your Python skills to the test? Challenge yourself with these 15 Python practice exercises taken directly from our Python courses! There’s no denying that solving Python exercises is one of the best ways to practice and improve your Python skills. Hands-on engagement with the language is essential for effective learning. This is exactly what this article will help you with: we've curated a diverse set of Python practice exercises tailored specifically for beginners seeking to test their programming skills.
Python Data Analysis Example: Ames Housing Dataset
data analysis
Xavier Rigoulet
Are you curious about analyzing data with Python? This article walks you through a step-by-step Python data analysis example. Have you ever wondered how companies make informed decisions based on vast amounts of data? Have you ever found yourself staring at a dataset, wondering where to start your data analysis? This article will guide you through the process of conducting data analyses in Python and transforming data into actionable knowledge.
Career Change: Transitioning to Tech with Python
career change to tech
jobs and career
Jakub Romanowski
Considering a Python career change? This article is your comprehensive guide to transitioning into the tech industry with Python. Learn how this powerful and accessible programming language can become a crucial asset in your journey toward a successful and rewarding career in IT. Feeling stuck in a mundane job and curious about programming as a career choice? You're not alone. Many are turning to technology for a more engaging career, and Python is a great place to start.
7 Datasets to Practice Data Analysis in Python
data analysis
online practice
Luke Hande
Data analysis is a skill that is becoming more essential in today's data-driven world. One effective way to practice with Python is to take on your own data analysis projects. In this article, we’ll show you 7 datasets you can start working on. Python is a great tool for data analysis – in fact, it has become very popular, as we discuss in Python’s Role in Big Data and Analytics.
Why Businesses Love Python Developers
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
Thinking of becoming a Python developer, but not sure if it is worth it? In this article, I will show the advantages of learning Python and then demonstrate why businesses love Python developers. Have you ever dreamed of diving into the tech world but felt unsure where to start? Let me tell you about a secret pathway: working as a Python developer. It's not just any job—it's a role that's in demand across startups and tech giants alike.
12 Beginner-Level Python List Exercises with Solutions
python programming
Luke Hande
Need to improve your Python programming skills? In this article, we give you 12 Python list exercises so you can master working with this common data structure. A data structure is a way of organizing and storing data. Python has several built-in data structures, including lists, arrays, tuples, and dictionaries. They all have different properties, making them useful in different situations. See our article Array vs. List in Python - What’s the Difference?
Python Set Examples: From Basic to Advanced Use Cases
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Learn how to use Python sets and set operations like a pro! Learn what sets are, how to create them, and how to work with them in real-world use cases. In the world of Python data types, Python sets are not as famous as lists, dictionaries, or tuples. Even seasoned Python developers are sometimes unaware of how useful Python sets can be. But worry not: This article will provide you with clear explanations of Python sets, and practical examples on how to use them.
Why Use Python for E-Commerce?
data-driven marketing
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to start an e-commerce business or take your existing business online? In this article, I will explain the benefits of Python for e-commerce and what it can do for an Internet-based business. Python is mostly associated with data science and artificial intelligence. However, Python is a great choice for e-commerce and many other types of businesses; in fact, this is a general purpose programming language with a large and enthusiastic following.
Python Course of the Month – Working with Files and Directories in Python
learn python
Jakub Romanowski
Do you need to work faster and more efficiently with different types of files in Python? Are you a data scientist or an app developer? Our October Python Course of the Month, Working with Files and Directories in Python, is perfect for you! Python is the most popular programming language in the world today. There are many reasons to learn Python, like its simplicity, many uses, and huge number of libraries.
10 Reasons Why AI Won't Replace Python Developers
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere. Silently, AI has become part of our everyday life and has become indispensable, even for Python developers. Have you ever used Siri on your iPhone or Amazon Alexa at home? Those tools are based on Natural Language Processing, a field of AI. If you are an electric vehicle lover, you should know Tesla, which provides autopilot features on its vehicles. Those autopilot features are able to perform object and people detection; they’re based on Computer Vision, another field of AI.
How to Sort a Dictionary in Python
learn python
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to learn how to sort a dictionary in Python? In this article, I explain different ways of sorting dictionaries as well as things to keep in mind while doing this operation. Data structures are fundamental building blocks of any programming language. To create robust and performant software products, one must know how to efficiently use data structures. Along with lists, tuples, and sets, dictionaries are one of Python’s most used built-in data structures.
An In-Depth Guide to Working with Python Sets
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Do a deep dive into Python sets with our guide. Master set operations and commonly used set methods and learn relevant use cases for this fundamental data structure. Have you heard about Python sets? They may not be as famous as other data structures in Python, such as lists and dictionaries. But ignoring Python sets is a mistake: They are just as flexible as lists, can be used to create complex filtering logic, and often outperform other data types.
Python Exploratory Data Analysis Cheat Sheet
data analysis
Luke Hande
Get a quick overview of exploratory data analysis, a process used to summarize your dataset and get some quick insights. We’ll give you the tools and techniques you need in this cheat sheet. Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is a term used to describe the process of starting to analyze your data in the early stages. Its primary purpose is to understand the properties of the data, with the aim of using these insights to refine the analysis to derive the best insights possible from the data you have.
How to Master Python: A Guide for Beginners
learn python
python basics
Jakub Romanowski
Are you new to the tech world or just starting out with programming? You might have heard about Python; it's a pretty cool computer programming language that's used everywhere from building websites to analyzing data. If you're thinking, "That sounds awesome, but how do I master Python and get good at it?" – don't worry, I've got you covered! This article is like a friendly chat where I'll share some handy tips and answer common questions about learning Python.
Python’s Role in Big Data and Analytics
learn python
data analysis
Xavier Rigoulet
Python is crucial for Big Data and data analysis. Want to know why? In this article, we’ll explain how learning Python can help you to get ahead and boost your career. Python is a popular programming language that is widely embraced by beginners and experienced developers alike. It was created over 30 years ago, but it’s stillworth learning in 2023 for several reasons – not least of which is that Python is essential to Big Data and data analytics.
How to Comment Code in Python
python basics
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to learn how to use Python comments properly in your code? We’ve put together a guide to teach beginners how and when to use Python comments to write clean code and increase code readability. Developers spend much more time reading code than writing code, which makes code readability a very important aspect of creating efficient and maintainable software products. Comments play a key role in enhancing code readability.
How to Print in Python - A Detailed Guide for Beginners
python basics
Luke Hande
How often have you used the Python print() function? Let’s take a deep-dive look at this built-in function. Since you’ll be using it often in your programs, we’ll walk you through all its functionality. Python has many useful built-in functions that you can start using straight out of the box. You can check out all of them in the official Python documentation. One of the most useful is the print() function, which you can use to print a message to the screen or to a file.
Working as a Remote Python Developer: Pros & Cons
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
You may have friends or family members who are Python developers. Maybe you’ve heard about the way they work and you want to know more about it. In this article, I will share my experience as a Python Developer and discuss the pros and cons of working remotely. For some, it is a standard; others avoid it like the plague. Remote work in today's world has become a real scenario for many programmers, including Python developers.
What Is a Moving Average? Calculate It in Python
data science
Marko Calasan
Learn how to calculate Python moving averages and supercharge your data analysis skills! The moving average, also known as a rolling average, running average or running mean, is a critical part of any data scientist’s toolbox. When analyzing datasets like weather patterns and stock market trends, we tend to run into outliers and noise that can obscure the more meaningful trends we’re looking for. In this article, you’ll learn how to use Python to calculate moving averages to “smooth out” noise in your data science code.
Free Python Courses You Should Check Out
learn python
Soner Yıldırım
Are you a beginning Python developer who’s looking for online courses to improve your skills? We’ve got free Python courses that will help you expedite your learning journey! Python is often considered one of the most intuitive and easy-to-learn programming languages. The simplicity of Python can be attributed to its syntax; its creator, Guido van Rossum, wanted to make a language that is as understandable as plain English. A strong indicator of the ease of learning Python is the growing number of schools and universities around the world adopting Python as their introductory language for computer science courses.
What to Do After Learning Python Basics
learn python
Xavier Rigoulet
You've learned Python basics. What do you do next? This article is for people who are learning Python; we want it to be your roadmap so that you can save time on your journey to Python mastery. This article was created to help people like you. You’ve just mastered the basics of Python and you feel quite comfortable writing simple scripts. Wow! You are a coder! But what's next?
How to Fix the “List index out of range” Error in Python
learn python
Luke Hande
At many points in your Python programming career, you’re going to run into the “List index out of range” error while writing your programs. What does this mean, and how do we fix this error? We’ll answer that question in this article. The short answer is: this error occurs when you’re trying to access an item outside of your list’s range. The long answer, on the other hand, is much more interesting.
Does Python Have a Ternary Conditional Operator?
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
Are you a Python programmer who loves writing clean and concise code? If so, you may wonder if Python has a ternary conditional operator. We’ll answer your question in this article. Other programming languages have a ternary operator – a programming feature that lets you compare three conditions in one line. With Python’s insistence on code that’s clear, clean, and concise, you’d expect Python to have a ternary conditional operator as well.
Join Our Python Affiliate Program!
learn python
Jakub Romanowski
Are you a content creator, blogger, or YouTuber with a loyal following? Do you find value in our interactive Python courses? Would you like to assist in promoting them – and earn some money as you do? If so, we have an opportunity for you: our Python Affiliate Program. At LearnPython.com, we are passionate about coding and we take pride in our Python courses. Our users have given us tons of positive feedback and reviews, which motivates us to continue providing quality content.
Why Python Developers Should Learn SQL
Kamila Ostrowska
Python developers don’t need to learn SQL – or do they? Find out how adding SQL to your Python toolkit can supercharge your programming skills (and possibly your job search). If you want to start your journey as a programmer or data analyst, Python may be the first language you learn. But to become a more attractive candidate in the job market, it's worth adding more skills to your repertoire.
The 5 Best Books for Python Developers
Soner Yıldırım
Are you a beginning Python developer who’s looking to deepen your knowledge? We’ve got 5 books that will take your Python coding skills to the next level! The breadth and depth of software products and applications that use Python have been increasing tremendously. You can observe Python’s dominance across many domains such as artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, web development, and mobile game development. As a natural result of this dominance, the demand for Python developers skyrocketed.
How to Append to a String in Python
learn python
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Find out how to append to a string in Python and concatenate strings in this article. We compare the different string appending methods and discuss which one you should use in each situation. Strings are one of the most basic data types in Python. But even experienced Python programmers may be confused about how to append text to the end of a string; unlike lists, strings do not have an append() method.
How to Convert JSON to CSV in Python
learn python
Luke Hande
Converting from JSON to CSV in Python? We’ll show you how to do it quickly and easily! Depending on what project you happen to be working on, your data can come in multiple formats. So, it’s important to be comfortable handling data in a variety of formats. JSON and CSV are two very popular formats. In this article, we’ll show you how to convert the JSON format into CSV in Python.
How to Print a Newline in Python
python basics
learn python
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you know how to print a newline in Python? Do you struggle with multiple print() statements whenever you want to start a new line in your Python script? In this article, we’ll explore how to overcome this pitfall. Newline is a feature related to the Python print()function. Maybe you already understand why you should learn Python but you’re unsure about Python printing techniques. That’s okay; this article will help you out.
Python Libraries You Need to Know in 2023
data science
Soner Yıldırım
If you are serious about learning Python and want to make your daily tasks easier, start using these Python libraries. Each one will save you time and effort. Python is a programming language with a breadth of applications in data science, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, web development, and game development. To understand what makes Python such a widely-used and beginner-friendly choice, let’s look at the goals set by Python creator Guido van Rossum.
4 Ways Python Can Boost Your Marketing Activities
Alexandre Bruffa
In this article, we are going to see why and how you can use Python for marketing. Most people probably think Python is only for programmers, that this is a skill reserved for a small group. This is not true; Python can be useful to everyone. In this article, I'll tell you why you should start using Python for marketing – even if you've had nothing to do with coding before.
How to Measure Python Script Execution Times
date and time
Luke Hande
Program timing can give you a lot of valuable information. Let’s talk about the best ways to measure execution times in Python. In this article, we’ll show you how to measure the execution time of Python programs. We’ll introduce you to some tools and show you helpful examples to demonstrate how to measure the time of a whole program, a single function, or just a simple statement. At the end, you’ll be better able to understand how your code is working by timing it accurately.
Benefits of Learning Python for Business Professionals
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
In this article, we discuss the benefits of learning Python for a professional. What Is Python? There are many benefits to learning Python programming. But what is Python? It is a high-level programming language, designed to be easy to read, write, and understand, with a focus on expressing complex concepts concisely and intuitively. Python is also a general-purpose programming language. Developers use it for a wide range of applications and tasks, as opposed to domain-specific languages focused on specific use cases or fields.
How to Delete a File in Python
Xavier Rigoulet
Need to safely delete files and directories in Python? This article will show you how! How do you delete a file or a bunch of files programmatically? You can do so with the help of Python. In this article, we will cover how to delete a file, a batch of files, or a directory using Python. Let's get started – without deleting the root folder! But first, let’s answer a basic question:
How Long Does It Take To Learn Python?
online practice
Soner Yıldırım
Python is often recommended as the first programming language beginners should learn. How long does it take to learn Python? And how can you make the learning process easier? Find out in this article. Python is a programming language that seems to be more appealing to newcomers than any other programming language. Those who want to take a step into data science, programming, or software development mostly choose Python as their programming language.
cURL, Python requests: Downloading Files with Python
python library
Luke Hande
This article is for all those data analysts out there. If you’ve been looking for a better way to download data from the Internet, check out what Python requests and cURL can do. One of the first steps in any data analytics project is getting your hands on a dataset. It could be anything – measurements of physical phenomenon, results from a simulation, images, text, even music. In fact, we have an article on How to Visualize Sound in Python to provide some inspiration.
Python Developer Career Path
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
In this article, we are going to define what a Python developer is nowadays, what kind of skills they should have, and what a company should expect from them. Maybe you’ve always loved experimenting with computers and you’d like to learn to write your own computer programs. Or maybe you’ve tried one or two other careers and you’re looking for something that’s interesting, challenging, and in demand. Or perhaps you’re working in another area of IT and you want to add Python to your toolkit.
Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Python
learn python
python extensions
Xavier Rigoulet
What do you use to write Python code? Have you heard about these Python-friendly extensions to the popular Visual Studio Code editor? Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an editor that works with many programming languages. It’s designed to make your life as a Python developer easier – especially when you use VS Code’s Python-specific extensions. But first, let's start with a bit of background on the Python programming language.
How to Write the Python if Statement in one Line
online practice
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Have you ever heard of writing a Python if statement in a single line? Here, we explore multiple ways to do exactly that, including using conditional expressions in Python. The if statement is one of the most fundamental statements in Python. In this article, we learn how to write the Python if in one line. The if is a key piece in writing Python code. It allows developers to control the flow and logic of their code based on information received at runtime.
Best Python Blogs to Follow
online practice
Kamila Ostrowska
Python has been among the most popular programming languages for many years. Learning and developing your Python skills is an investment that is sure to pay off. Let’s focus on Python blogs, a noteworthy resource for your learning. The popularity of Python in recent years has spun up many Python blogs. The language has many advantages even outside of its obvious attractiveness for professional development. It is a beginner-friendly language, with a simple syntax just like plain English that is easy to understand.
Different Ways to Practice Python
online practice
Alexandre Bruffa
Learning Python means practicing Python. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular ways to practice your Python programming skills. Learning almost any new skill requires not only gaining knowledge but experience. And this is what we acquire through practice. This article will help anyone who has recently started learning Python or who already knows the basics of Python but cannot progress to the next level. Here are the best ways to practice Python.
Is Python Hard to Learn?
online practice
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you heard about Python? And if so, have you ever wondered if it's hard to learn? In this article, I will tell you what Python is and why learning it in 2023 is a good idea. Python is a computer programming language widely used for web development, scientific computing, data analysis, Artificial Intelligence, and many other applications. It is considered one of the world's most popular programming languages and is consistently ranked as a top language by various reports.
Printing a List in Python – 10 Tips and Tricks
learn python
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you know there are many ways to print a list in Python? This article will explore some of my best tips and tricks for printing a list in Python. The Python print() function is an essential built-in function, and it is important to use alongside Pythonlists. To learnhow a Python list works, what kind of data structure it is, and why it is essential to Python and programming in general, it's best to take our Python Data Structure course.
What 'inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation' Means in Python and How to Fix It
Luke Hande
Learn why indentation in Python is so important and how you can fix any mistakes. Indenting blocks of code is an important part of programming; it serves several purposes. First and foremost, it improves readability. Imagine removing all the formatting from a recipe leaving only the spaces between the list of ingredients and instructions. This would be hard for the cook to follow. In Python, indentation also controls how your code behaves.
A Guide to the Python csv Module
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
What are CSV files, and how can you use Python alongside them? Learn how to use the csv module to read and work with CSV files in Python. You have probably seen tabular data before: it’s simply rows and columns containing some data. (Think of a table in an article or an Excel spreadsheet.) CSV files are one of the most common types of tables used by data scientists, but they can be daunting if you don’t know exactly how they work or how to use them alongside Python.
Python Module and a Python Package: Key Differences
Luke Hande
One of Python’s many advantages is its packages – or are they Python modules? Discover the difference between Python packages and Python modules and learn why both are important in this article. Python is an open-source language, meaning its existing and new developments are freely available to everyone. Anyone can write some code and then make it available for others to download, install, and use. You might find these programs referred to as Python modules or Python packages.
How to Get the Index of an Item in a List in Python
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to practice data structures in Python? In this article, I explain every detail about getting the index of an item in a Python list, a fundamental data structure used in Python programs. The list is one of the built-in data structures in Python. It is represented as a collection of data points in square brackets and can store values with different data types. The Python list is a versatile and efficient data structure, so it is of great importance to know how to manipulate and interact for designing efficient Python programs.
What Is the Python Interpreter?
Luke Hande
Without an interpreter, your Python code is just words on a screen. Find out what a Python interpreter is, what it does, and what your code looks like ‘under the hood’. At the most fundamental level, computer programs are simply sets of instructions. To do some basic arithmetic and save the output we need something like the following instructions: ‘load the number 8’, then ‘load the number 9’, then ‘add the first number to the second and store it somewhere’.
How to Filter a Python Dictionary
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Learn how to build your own filters with multiple conditions, then use them to filter Python dictionaries by any combination of keys and values. Python dictionaries are extremely versatile. They can hold a variety of data types and are used to model many different real-world objects and relations. It is no surprise, then, that we want to perform specific operations (like filtering) on Python dictionaries. Filtering a dictionary in Python can be especially tricky because they can be filtered by key, values, or both, using an arbitrary number of conditions.
Best Python Packages for Excel
Luke Hande
At some point, you’ll probably need to work with data from an Excel spreadsheet. How can you work with Excel data and files in Python? We review some of the best Python packages for Excel in this article. An Excel spreadsheet is a very common way of storing tabular data. But Excel is not without its problems, as we discussed in the article Excel Alternative: What to Learn as a Data Analyst.
Common Interview Questions for Your Next Python Job
jobs and career
Kamila Ostrowska
Learning Python is a great option – it’s one of the most in-demand programming languages. If you are about to start your career with Python, you’ll have to prepare yourself for job interview questions. In this article, I will help you with this task. If you don’t want to be surprised during a recruitment process, give yourself plenty of time to prepare for a Python job interview. I recommend first reviewing your knowledge with the help of one of our online courses, like the free Python Basics: Part 1.
The 5 Best Python Books for Beginners
Soner Yıldırım
There are lots of books for Python beginners out there. In this article, I’ll share the five that are most worth your time. Online courses are the best source of Python knowledge. This does not mean, however, that you cannot enhance your learning with other resources. In this article, I will show you 5 Python books you should read. They will help you spread your wings in the field of coding and start thinking like a programmer.
Should I Learn Python or Java?
Xavier Rigoulet
Updated on: November 15, 2023 Are you starting your programming journey and wondering whether to choose Python or Java? This article breaks down key aspects of both languages to help you decide. Find out what makes Python a favorite for beginners. Get the basics, compare Python and Java, and see which language may be your best starting point in the world of coding. We have been talking about Python for years now.
Python Library Gems: Useful Python Packages
Alexandre Bruffa
In this article, we will demonstrate some Python packages that aren’t very well-known but are very useful. Packages are basically completed Python code (classes, functions, etc.) that you can use in your projects. They are usually located in a specific directory of your environment. You can create your own custom Python packages or download plenty of fabulous and free Python packages from the PyPI official repository. If you’re not already familiar with Python, I suggest you check out our Learn Programming with Python track, which introduces you to the fundamentals of programming.
How to Loop Over Multiple Lists in Python
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Learn how to loop over multiple lists side-by-side in Python – one element at a time. These techniques will work even if the lists have different lengths! Looping over lists is one of the most basic skills in Python. In some situations, you may find yourself having to loop over multiple lists side-by-side, taking one element from each list and performing an operation with it. If you’re new to Python, it is not always obvious how to do that or what caveats and best practices exist for this task.
5 Reasons to Learn Python in 2024
online practice
Alexandre Bruffa
Updated on: October 10, 2023 Why learn Python in 2024? There are many reasons, some related to career and earnings, others to personal development. In this article, I will demonstrate why learning Python should be one of your New Year’s resolutions. You got here because you’re wondering why you should start learning Python. Maybe you haven't made up your mind yet and you’d like to get more facts. This is the first sign that you may become a programmer – we call it the analytical mindset.
Python Scripts vs. Jupyter Notebooks: Pros and Cons
jupyter notebook
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Learn the ins and outs of Python scripts and Jupyter Notebooks, including when to use each one. There are many tools available to Python developers. Since this language’s early days, Python scripts have been the canonical way of writing and sharing Python code. But in the past few years, Jupyter Notebooks have gained considerable recognition among data scientists as a powerful tool for testing ideas and sharing results. But what exactly sets Jupyter Notebooks apart from Python scripts?
How to Run a Python Script in Windows
script, windows
Luke Hande
If you want to learn Python, you’ll need to know how to run Python scripts or .py files in Windows. Find out what you need to do in this article! When it comes to operating systems, there are three main ones for personal computers: Microsoft Windows, Apple’s macOS, and Linux. You can use any of these operating systems to develop and run your Python programs. However, there are subtle differences you need to keep in mind while developing your projects.
The Top 5 Python Libraries for Data Visualization
data analysis
András Novoszáth
Which Python library should you pick for data visualization? Read on to see our assessment! Data visualization is an increasingly valuable skill, one that’s sought after in many organizations. It helps you to find insight into data and to communicate your findings to less technical audiences. You can benefit from it in your career and use it to pivot toward a data-focused role. There are many paths to learning and practicing data visualization.
How to Practice Python Beyond 'Hello World!'
online practice
Soner Yıldırım
Want to finally learn Python? Are you stuck in theory and don't know how to start writing your own code? Don't worry! In this article, I’ll give you tips on how to practice Python. Get ready to quickly level up your programming skills. Python is a highly popular programming language. Although it has been around for more than 30 years, Python’s popularity skyrocketed more recently. Part of this boost is associated with the rise of data science and machine learning; Python is often the programming language of choice in these domains.
Want to Learn Python Faster? Learn It With a Friend
online practice
Marcin Koryszewski
Working together can yield amazing effects. If you are in the middle of learning programming and want to boost your results, consider finding a learning partner! Read this article to find out just how a study buddy will help you learn Python! So you’ve decided to start learning Python programming. It’s an exciting journey! But even so, it’s common for some fatigue and frustration to set in for all learners.
10 Useful Tips for Writing Python Scripts
Xavier Rigoulet
Would you like some helpful tips for Python scripts? Read on to get some advice from a pro! In this article, I will give you some Python tips and tricks alongside script examples to help you make the best out of Python. First, let's define what a Python script is. A Python script is a set of instructions written in Python to ask the computer to perform some tasks.
A Brief Guide to Python Exceptions
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Confused about programming errors? In this article, you’ll learn what Python exceptions are, how to deal with them, and how to leverage them when writing and organizing your code. Errors are very common in programming. In Python, we use the term “exception” for errors that happen during code execution. Be it a typo, a coding distraction, or because the code reached an invalid state, it is inevitable: the more you write Python programs, the more you will have to face and handle Python exceptions.
Why Python is a Good Programming Language
online practice
Kateryna Koidan
Python is one of the most popular programming languages. But is it really good? Will it pay off to learn Python? Let’s explore why software developers and data analysts choose Python and why you should start learning Python right now. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022, Python is one of the top four popular technologies among developers (alongside JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and SQL). After reading this article, you’ll know the key factors behind this popularity.
The enumerate() Function in Python
Luke Hande
What is the enumerate() function in Python and when do you need it? Find out in this article. While iterating through a list in Python, you’ll often need to keep track of the list elements’ indexes. The enumerate() function provides a useful way to do this. In this article, we’ll show you how to use this function to take your loops to the next level. This article is aimed at people without much Python programming experience.
Top Python Libraries for SQL
Luke Hande
Did you know that Python and SQL can work together? Find out all about Python’s SQL libraries in this article. Along with Python, SQL is a very common and useful tool for working with data. SQL stands for Structured Query Language; it’s a language used to manage data in a relational database. Although SQL is a different language to Python and has its own syntax, Python has libraries which can be used to connect to a database and write SQL queries to retrieve data – all from within your Python script.
Need Some Motivation for Learning Python?
online practice
Marcin Koryszewski
No matter where you are in learning Python, you need one thing: Motivation. Keeping yourself on track can be a challenge. Getting closer to an achievement isn’t just a matter of investing time and energy. It’s also about staying motivated. People who learn Python can have different motivations: a new career, better pay, growing their skills. If you already know some Python and need a fresh source of motivation, this article is for you.
10 Native Python One-Liners That Will Blow Your Mind
Alexandre Bruffa
The essence of Python is simplicity and ease of use. In this article, we will focus on how to write complex operations in a single line in Python. Python is a general-purpose programming language. It is used for AI and machine learning, web development, data analytics, game development, and financial predictive models, among other things. Almost all modern tech companies, including Google and Netflix, use Python. Python is a perfect fit as a first programming language.
Is Python Still Worth Learning?
online practice
Xavier Rigoulet
Is Python worth learning in 2022? This is a valid question, and we’ll answer it in this article. Let's start with some important data. According to the latest Stack Overflow Survey, Python ranks high among the most popular technologies. It is also high up among the loved and highest among the wanted technologies. The IEEE Spectrum ranking also points to Python as the most popular language in 2022. Why is Python so popular as a programming language?
Top 7 Online Courses for Python Practice in 2023
online practice
Soner Yıldırım
Practice makes perfect. This famous saying applies to everything from cooking to coding. So if you want to learn Python and write good code, you need to practice! In this article, I'll tell you about the top places to practice Python online. When Guido van Rossum created Python in 1991, one of his primary goals was to develop an easy and intuitive language that is as understandable as plain English.
An Overview of Python List Methods
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Learn how to modify lists in Python using list methods – specialized operations that give you tons of flexibility. Python lists have a lot of functionality that you can leverage in your scripts. This includes common sequence operations like adding elements to a list, reordering elements, and counting the number of times a given element appears in a list. Collectively, these operations are called list methods. In this article, we will go through an overview of Python’s main list methods.
How to Create Your First Python KPI Dashboard
András Novoszáth
Is Python a good tool for building dashboards? Want to build one but don't know how? Check out this article! Measuring KPIs (key performance indicators) is a common way to assess organizational and project performance. However, understanding and communicating these KPIs is not a trivial issue, as they compress a complex situation into a few numbers. KPI dashboards are great ways to present these metrics, as they provide context and customizable means to visualize them.
4 Best Python IDE and Code Editors
Luke Hande
If you want to learn to program in Python, you’ll need a code editor or an IDE. Find out which ones we recommend in this article! Professional software developers spend their whole day at the computer, writing and testing code. To make their programming lives easier, many Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) have been developed to help make programming more efficient. An IDE is simply a program in which you can write and run your code.
Our 5 Favorite Free Python Online Courses for Beginners
online course
Kamila Ostrowska
There are so many ways to learn Python online that it can be difficult to choose your best learning path. In this article, we will lead you through some of the best examples of free online Python courses. Learning Python has many advantages. It’s more than just another skill on your resume; it can change your career path. Programmers all over the world choose Python because it is a great language to write scripts, build websites, create machine learning and AI projects, and work with data science.
The Most Popular Python Libraries
Soner Yıldırım
What programming language is simple to learn and has enormous potential? Python! Its power comes from the amazing libraries that are used by programmers on a daily basis to solve problems. Let’s see which Python libraries are the most popular and what they are used for. Python is a programming language that has numerous applications across a variety of industries. It has gained tremendous popularity in recent years. Compared to other popular programming languages, Python offers a shallow learning curve, which attracts people who want to take their first steps into programming.
Adding a List to a Set in Python: 5 Things You Must Know
Alexandre Bruffa
What is a Python set? What is a list in Python, for that matter? This article will give an overview of these two data structures and show how to add list values to a set in Python. To explain the differences between sets and lists in Python – and to help you understand how to add a list to a set correctly – let’s start with an example of these data structures.
How to Reverse a Range in Python
reverse range
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Find out how to reverse a range in Python and learn more about the range(), reversed(), and sorted() functions. Early in your Python journey, you’ll start working with sequences and ranges. At some point, you may wonder ‘How would I get these values in the reverse order?’. If you think about it, we reverse ranges constantly: when we sort files in our computer from ascending to descending order, we effectively reverse their original order.
Python or R: Which to Learn as a New Data Analyst?
data analysis
Kateryna Koidan
Thinking about becoming a data analyst? It’s a very promising career path, but data analysts are often required to master at least one programming language. Let’s explore whether this should be Python or R. If you scroll through a couple of data analyst job descriptions, you’ll notice that most of them have a requirement for at least one programming language – Python, R, or SQL. SQL is somewhat unique as the key language for communicating with relational databases.
Learning Python Makes You Smarter
Marcin Koryszewski
Our brain is like a muscle; it shrinks without exercise. In this article, I will tell you what to do to tire your mind a bit and build intellectual muscles instead of mindlessly scrolling on your smartphone. Get brain-fit with Python! Learning new things is always a good idea. But some choices are better for us than others. Take coding for example. Do you know that when you learn Python, you exercise your brain to level up?
How to Use Notebooks in Python
Kateryna Koidan
When reading or watching Python tutorials online, you might notice that many data scientists use Python notebooks for their projects. Let’s explore what a notebook is and how to use notebooks in Python. Python is a general-purpose programming language that can be used for just about anything. It is also one of the key tools used in data science these days. There are several popular Python IDEs for data science, but if you follow this field for a while, you’ll notice that many data scientists choose to carry on their projects in Jupyter Notebooks.
How to Decrement a Python for Loop
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you know how to decrement in Python? It’s easy! You can do it with a simple for loop, and I’ll show you how. Unlike other programming languages (such as C++) Python has no decrement operator (i.e. similar to the -- in C++). In Python, we state the beginning and the end of the iteration with the number of steps in between. If you need a refresher on the Python for loop, read Kateryna's article on writing forloops in Python, then come back here.
Python Libraries Every Programming Beginner Should Know
Luke Hande
Want to take full advantage of the Python computer programming language? Check out our top Python libraries for beginners! Python is a popular general-purpose programming language. Its clear syntax makes it ideal for beginners to learn. One of this language’s advantages is the large number of open-source libraries available. A Python library is a group of related code modules. You can use these modules in your own programs to make coding simpler and faster – e.
Free Python Course: Find Out If Programming Is For You
course of the month
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you heard about software engineers making half a million US dollars annually? Do you want to learn to program but do not know if you are cut out for it? Our free Python course can help you find out if programming is for you. But first, let's define programming. Programming is the action of providing a set of instructions to the computer to make it perform a task. A pre-defined set of instructions is called an algorithm.
The 5 Best Resources to Start Learning Python
online practice
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to learn to program in Python? Or maybe you are just wondering if an IT career is for you? In this article, I’ll answer some basic questions about Python learning methods and resources. Python is one of today’s most popular computer programming languages. It’s used in many ways across different industries. Before we dive into our discussion of the best resources for learning Python, let’s try to understand what programming is.
Python Set Operations Explained With Examples
set operations
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Having a hard time wrapping your head around set operations in Python? This article will help you visualize and understand Python set operations! Python sets are useful data structures when you need to create and compare groups of elements. These tasks can be performed with set operations like union and intersection. However, using Python set operations may not be a straightforward task when you’re first starting out with Python itself.
How to Practice Python Before a Job Interview
jobs and career
Kamila Ostrowska
Job interviews can be stressful, especially if you apply for your dream job. The best remedy is to prepare as well as possible. We’ll share the secret of preparing for a Python job interview in this article. (Hint: Practice Python!) Python is one of the most commonly-used programming languages. Programmers around the world choose this language every day to work and develop their careers; people of all ages choose Python as their first programming language.
7 Ways to Loop Through a List in Python
Emad Bin Abid
Lists are one of the six fundamental data types in the Python programming language. To work effectively with Python, you need to know the functions and methods that work with lists. And that’s what we’ll explain in this article. In Python, lists can be used to store multiple elements in a single variable. Moreover, a single Python iterate list can harbor elements of multiple data types. Lists (like arrays in other programming languages) can also be nested – i.
Useful Python Libraries for Fun Hobby Projects
Kateryna Koidan
Do you want to start your Python journey with some fun projects? It’s usually much more exciting to acquire new skills by practicing rather than reading theory. Let’s explore some useful Python libraries to help you on your way. Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for just about anything. With Python, you can build apps and develop video games, automate routine tasks, analyze and visualize data, create machine learning models, build blockchains, and more.
Should I Learn Python? Is Programming Career for Me?
jobs and career
Marko Calasan
Is learning Python and starting a career in programming the path for you? In this article, I’ll help you answer that question. Discover with me the "how" and "why" of coding for beginners! Everyone says that you should “learn to code”. And why not? It’s a career with tons of job openings, opportunities for advancement, and it pays well. But will you find it interesting? Can you think like a programmer?
Your First Programming Language: Python vs. C++
Xavier Rigoulet
You’ve decided to learn computer programming! It’s a great idea, but which programming language should you learn? This article will compare two of today’s most popular languages, Python and C++. In this article, I will help you decide which programming language to learn by comparing two of the most popular: Python vs. C++, and if you do not believe me, the TIOBE index ranks the popularity of programming languages. As you can see, Python is the most popular; C++ comes in fourth, behind C and Java.
How to Print to the Standard Error Stream in Python
Luke Hande
Printing to Python’s standard error stream will help you better manage handling any errors in your programs. Find out how to do it in this article. Standard streams allow a program to interact with its environment during execution. This could be accepting input from the keyboard (using the input() function in Python), or displaying a message on the screen (using the print() function). There are three standard streams in computing: standard input, standard output, and standard error; they are commonly referred to as stdin, stdout, and stderr, respectively.
Benefits of Learning Python
learn python
Soner Yıldırım
Why should you learn Python? In this article, we discuss the benefits of learning Python and what makes it so popular. Because it is beginner-friendly, Python is usually the first choice for people who want to step into programming. It is also a highly efficient language used by many organizations from startups to tech giants. For these reasons and more, Python is one of the most popular programming languages of our time.
How to Improve Your Python Skills
online practice
Xavier Rigoulet
In this article, I’ll show you how you can improve your Python skills. Discover what you can do better, faster, and more effectively as you learn Python like never before! You’re all set! You started to learn Python, and your Python home office is ready. But you wonder what to do after completing your first Python course. Or maybe you want to improve your Python skills and increase your market value.
Why Should Every Data Scientist Know Python?
data science
András Novoszáth
Are you planning to move into data science and wondering whether you should learn Python? Do you want to know why Python is so popular in data science? This article explains why learning Python is important for data scientists and provides tips and resources for learning. Python is the most common programming language among data scientists. If you are planning to work as a data scientist, there is a great chance you need to work with it.
Music Can Help You Learn Python
online practice
Marcin Koryszewski
Boost your Python study with music. I practically live with my headphones on. Music helps me: it helps me work, it helps me work out, and it helps me learn. And today, I'm going to explain how it helps you learn Python. Music has accompanied man since the dawn of time. All around the world, different cultures have been built around music. If you're like me, chances are you were a part of a music subculture at some time.
An Overview of Python String Methods
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Become a master of common Python string methods and level up your data manipulation skills! Python strings have a lot of functionality that you can leverage in your scripts. This includes common text operations like searching and replacing text, removing whitespace, or counting characters and words. Collectively, these functions are called Python string methods. In this article, we’ll go through an overview of the main string methods available for Python scripts.
Is Python a Frontend or Backend Language?
Soner Yıldırım
If you learn Python, you will be able to apply it to web development. But is Python a frontend or a backend language? Let’s find out. Python is a general-purpose programming language that has gained tremendous popularity in recent years. Its clean and easy-to-understand syntax makes it the #1 choice for new programmers (as well as experienced programmers). Once you start learning Python, it does not take long to get productive.
How to Generate Test Data in Python
data science
Luke Hande
Here's all you need to know about the code library for generating test data in Python. This article introduces you to a useful library to generate test data in Python. If you’re building an application designed to process data, you need an appropriate test dataset to make sure all the bugs have been ironed out. Getting your hands on data is the first step of any data analysis project. The data may be provided directly to you by a customer.
Web Scraping With Python Libraries
web scraping
Luke Hande
Here are some useful Python libraries to get you started in web scraping. Looking for Python website scrapers? In this article, we will get you started with some helpful libraries for Python web scraping. You'll find the tools and the inspiration to kickstart your next web scraping project. Web scraping is the process of extracting information from the source code of a web page. This may be text, numerical data, or even images.
Python or PHP: Which Should You Learn as a Beginner?
jobs and career
Alexandre Bruffa
Which is better for you to start with: Python or PHP? Here is a brief comparison between these popular programming languages. At some point during our exploration of the wonderful IT world, we have all wondered: what programming language do I learn first? Specifically, you may have wondered whether to choose Python or PHP. Which is better for beginners? There are plenty of popular programming languages, old and new. The veteran PHP or the trendy Python?
Movies That Will Inspire You to Learn Python
Jakub Romanowski
Are you learning programming? Have you started your adventure with writing Python code or are you just going to get down to work? In this article, I am going to suggest a few movies that can motivate you (and are fun to watch). Here is a list of my favorite films that will make you want to code! It is said that every journey begins with a first step. However, you can immediately add that after taking a few steps, you’ll need to rest to get to your goal.
A Brief History of Python
Kamila Ostrowska
Python is one of the most popular programming languages of our time. It is widely used by programmers around the world. Big tech companies, small businesses, start-ups, freelancers – they are all eager to use the capabilities it offers. What is the history of Python? Who is behind its success? In 2021, Python turned 30 and had a lot to celebrate. It is now among the most popular programming languages according to a Stack Overflow report.
What Is the Python ord() Function? How Do You Use It?
Emad Bin Abid
Working with Unicode characters? You’ll need the Python ord() and chr() functions. Find out what each one does and why you should use them by reading this article. In this article, we'll examine several examples of converting a character to its Unicode code using Python's ord() function. We’ll also review Unicode and Python's chr() function. So let's get started! Unicode Basics Computers, at their most fundamental, work with numbers. Under the hood, the characters and letters on a screen are encoded as a list of integers.
How to Open and Run Python Files in the Terminal
learn python
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to learn how to open or run Python files in the terminal? Read this article. A Python file or script is written in the Python language and saved with a ".py" extension. In this article, we focus on how to interact with Python files. We will learn how to create and open Python files in the terminal. We will also demonstrate how to run Python files in the terminal and redirect the output of the script to a file.
Where Can I Find Good Python List Exercises?
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you feel like you forgot everything you ever knew about Python lists? Wish you could find good practice Python list exercises? This article will share our top picks. Here is the thing… Practice makes perfect! This is especially true when talking about programming. It’s not enough to watch some videos without putting your newly-acquired skills into practice. Python can belearned quickly, but you still need to solidify your knowledge and practice your coding skills.
How to Work with Date and Time in Python
date and time
Luke Hande
Working with date and time data in Python is an important skill. This article will demonstrate the most important Python date and time modules. Working with dates and times in Python can present some unique challenges. The number of days in a month can change, which can complicate a seemingly simple calculation of the number of days between two dates. Leap years make this more complex if you’re working with data spanning several years.
I Took the Python Basics Track... Here's What Happened!
learn python
Jakub Romanowski
It's time for me to share my story with you. In this article, you will find out how I started learning Python, why I chose the Python Basics track at LearnPython.com, and what pushed me toward programming. Changing my career path shows that anyone can start coding. I started working in media while still a student. I liked how fast everything was; I liked being right in the middle of the action.
Three Months Python: Ready for a Job Interview?
jobs and career
Kamila Ostrowska
Three months may seem like a very tight deadline. But it can be exactly the amount of time you need. Preparation for a Python job interview depends on your motivation and the learning path you choose. Let’s say that you have an interview for your dream Python job in three months. Your first move is to re-check all requirements for the position. It turns out that you need to be able to code Python at a certain level.
Python Coding Project Ideas for Beginners
python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Need to practice your Python coding skills but can’t think of a beginner-level project? Check out our seven Python project ideas! Coding projects are the best way for beginners to get their first programming experience. In this article, I’ll suggest a few Python projects aimed at developing a variety of skills, like web scraping, building simple games, or even developing machine learning models. Why Should You Do Your Own Project?
Python’s String format() Cheat Sheet
Marko Calasan
Everything you need to know about formatting strings in Python and the Python formatting mini-language. You may know all kinds of ways to manually manipulate strings in Python – maybe you learned from our Working with Strings in Python course (part of the Python Basics track). Today you will learn about how Python handles string formatting, or the art of combining a string with dynamic data in such a way that it is easily legible by either a human reader or an expecting machine.
5 Ways to Create a Dictionary in Python
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Want to step up your Python game? Learn how to create dictionaries in Python from many different sources, including reading from JSON files and combining two dictionaries. So, you've already figured out how to use dictionaries in Python. You know all about how dictionaries are mutable data structures that hold key-value pairs. You understand you must provide a key to the dictionary to retrieve a value. But you may not have realized dictionaries in Python come in all shapes and sizes and from all kinds of sources.
How Do You Write a Main Function in Python?
main function
Kateryna Koidan
If you are just starting with Python, you might not be aware yet of the best practice of defining functions. In this guide, I’ll explain how including a main() function, though not required in Python, can structure your programs in a logical way and ensure that your functions are executed only when expected. The Python ecosystem is very rich in modules, packages, libraries, and frameworks. It is sometimes challenging for beginners to understand the difference between these concepts, but basically they’re all forms of organizing Python code.
How to Uppercase the First Letter of a Word in Python
Soner Yıldırım
Start manipulating textual data by learning how to uppercase the first letter in Python. In this article, we focus on a specific string operation in Python: how to change the letter case of the first letter in a word. A word may consist of uppercase and lowercase letters. We need to consider this because "Python" and "python" are two different strings in Python. Here is an article that discusses the case-sensitiveness of Python in great detail.
How to Sort a List of Tuples in Python
Emad Bin Abid
Are you confused about sorting lists of tuples in Python? Want to know how to sort them efficiently? This introduction will cover everything you need to know to master this type of sorting. Lists and tuples are essential data structures in Python. In several cases, you may have to sort a list of tuples. This post will teach you how to utilize the sorted() function and the sort() method and the distinctions between the two.
Upgrade Your Home Office and Write Better Python Code
jobs and career
Kamila Ostrowska
Is working from home affecting the quality of your Python code? These suggestions will help you code better from your home office! During the pandemic, most of us experienced working from home. Some of us enjoyed it; whereas others suffered from lack of motivation and developed procrastination into an art form. The home office has its pros and cons, for the company as well as for the employee. Setting up a productive home office requires space, equipment and an attitude that will push us toward reaching goals when our motivation is dropping.
Python Jobs and Salaries in 2022
jobs and career
Kamila Ostrowska
Python is one of the hottest programming languages. But what are the benefits of a Python job? Why is it worth learning? In the late 1980s, Guido van Rossum started designing the Python programming language. The goal was for it to be a general purpose language; this idea – along with its beginner-friendly nature – made Python very popular over the next decades. Python can be a perfect choice as a first programming language.
What Are Generators in Python?
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you ever dealt with datasets so large that your computer's memory couldn’t handle them? Have you ever wondered if there could be a way to interrupt a function in the middle before resuming it? Here is where Python generators come into the picture. Python generators are a way to create custom iterators. You can read more about iterators here. Before we continue, if you are not familiar with Python terminology, check our articles about Python terms for beginners and more Python terms.
5 Tips for Learning Python From Scratch
python basics
Jakub Romanowski
Want to become a professional programmer? Heard you should start learning Python? Well, you heard right! Whether you have already decided to learn Python or you are just getting into it, I have 5 tips for you on how to do it right. In this article, I will show you how to approach learning Python effectively. I tested all the learning tips myself. As you are reading this article, you most likely find yourself in the same boat as I was some time ago.
How to Use a match case Statement in Python 3.10
Match Case
Luke Hande
The Python programming language is under constant development, with new features and functionality added with every update. Python 3.10 was released in mid-2021 and comes with structural pattern matching, also known as a match case statement. This is Python 3.10’s most important new feature; the new functionality allows you to more easily control the flow of your programs by executing certain parts of code if conditions (or cases) are met.
Python or JavaScript: Which to Learn as a Beginner?
Kateryna Koidan
Ready to learn your first programming language? Python and JavaScript are two popular programming languages that are both beginner-friendly. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each of these languages to help you make a smart choice. Newcomers to programming often wonder what programming language they should learn first. The answer largely depends on the kind of IT career you want. For example, you might be looking for a career as an application developer, front-end developer, full-stack developer, or data scientist; each of these require knowledge of different programming languages.
Why Your Company Needs to Learn Python to Grow
jobs and career
Soner Yıldırım
Are you trying to expand your business? What if I told you programming helps you with that? Check how learning Python helps you spread your wings and conquer the market. If you’re trying to grow your business, learning Python is a good first step. Python is a programming language with a wide range of applications in many different industries. It is usually the language of choice among those who want to take a step forward in programming or software development.
Python Set Operations: Union, Intersection, and Difference – With 10 Examples
set operations
Emad Bin Abid
Are you stuck trying to use Python set operations? Want to know how to use them? This introduction gives you a basic understanding of set operations in Python. In this tutorial, we look at set operations in Python and other operations performed on sets. Furthermore, we look at the different methods on sets as well as examples of set operations in Python. Check out this article for a deeper look into combinatorics with Python.
How to Read a CSV File Into a List in Python
LearnPython.com Team
Read and process CSV files in Python. Comma-separated value files, or CSV files, are the most popular file type for storing tabular data. Why would you want to read CSV files in Python? Perhaps your programming journey has brought you to a point where you need to work with files. Or maybe you want to perform calculations on data gathered from an IoT sensor. The easiest way to work with CSV files in Python is to use the pandasmodule.
How to Get a Substring of a String in Python
Luke Hande
Learn how to get a substring of a string in Python. Learning anything new can be a challenge. The more you work with Python, the more you notice how often strings pop up. String manipulation in Python is an important skill. In this article, we give you an introduction to generating a substring of a string in Python. Python is a great language to learn especially if you’re a beginner, as we discuss in this article.
Null in Python: A Complete Guide
Kateryna Koidan
Looking for Null in Python? You’ll not find it. However, Python has None, which is the closest equivalent of Null from other programming languages. Let’s explore Python’s None object. If you are familiar with other programming languages like Java, JavaScript, or PHP, you may wonder if Python has a Null value that works the same as Null in other languages. The short answer is that there is no Null in Python, but there is the None object that Python programmers use to define null objects and variables.
Learn Programming? Take an Online Python Course!
Soner Yıldırım
Maybe you’ve heard you should learn how to code and are wondering how to get started. In this article, I show you what first steps to take on your way to becoming a developer. First, choose a good Python online course. Don't worry, there is value in learning to code even if you are not going to work in IT. Python helps you with your day-to-day tasks in any industry.
How to Plot a Running Average in Python Using matplotlib
Running Average
Luke Hande
Visualizing data is an essential part of data science. We show you how to plot running averages using matplotlib The running average, also known as the moving average or rolling mean, can help filter out the noise and create a smooth curve from time-series data. It can also help highlight different seasonal cycles in time-series data. This is a very common tool used in many fields from physics to environmental science and finance.
How to Generate a Data Summary in Python
Data Summary
Soner Yıldırım
Learn different methods for summarizing data in Python. Data is power. The more data we have, the better and more robust products we create. However, working with large amounts of data has its challenges. We need software tools and packages to gain insights, like for creating a data summary in Python. A substantial number of data-based solutions and products use tabular data, that is, data stored in a table format with labeled rows and columns.
How to Write “Greater Than or Equal To” in Python
Xavier Rigoulet
Comparison operators are an important part of Python programming. In this article, let’s explore how to use the greater than or equal to comparison in Python. Many programming beginners wonder how to write “greater than or equal to” in Python. Well, to write greater than or equal to in Python, you need to use the >= comparison operator. It will return a Boolean value – either True or False.
Python vs. Java: Which Should You Learn as a Beginner?
learn python
Kateryna Koidan
Willing to start a programming career but not sure where to begin? In this article, we explore Python vs. Java in terms of key application areas, syntax differences, and expected pay level, among other things. Aspiring programmers and software developers often wonder what programming language they should learn first. Python and Java are two of the most popular choices. But which one should you learn first? There is no lack of online learning resources.
How to Sort a List Alphabetically in Python
Xavier Rigoulet
What if you have a list of strings (text items) and you need to sort them alphabetically? In this article, we’ll show you how to sort a list in Python. A sorting algorithm puts elements of a list into a particular order. They help reduce the complexity of a problem and can even optimize other algorithms. Because of its complexity, sorting is one of the most important problems in computer science.
How to Check Multiple Conditions in a Python if statement
multiple conditions
Luke Hande
Conditional statements are commands for handling decisions, which makes them a fundamental programming concept. They help you selectively execute certain parts of your program if some condition is met. In this article, we’ll tell you all you need to know about using multiple conditional statements in Python. And we’ll show you plenty of examples to demonstrate the mechanics of how it all works. Python has a simple and clear syntax, meaning the code is easy to read and interpret.
A Guide to the Python argparse Module
Xavier Rigoulet
Want to write more professional, cleaner-looking code? Use the Python argparse module. This article will show you how to build a command line interface in Python with argparse. In Python, argparse is one of those modules that can help you write more professional and better-looking Python code. This is because argparse makes it easy to write user-friendly command-line interfaces. By the end of this article, you will have acquired a solid knowledge of the argparse module – you can even use the article as your Python argparse cheat sheet.
Data Science Projects for Python Practice
data science
Kateryna Koidan
Looking to start a data science career? Just as in any new field, you’ll need a lot of practice. Let’s explore where you can find data science projects to practice your newly acquired Python skills. Organizations large and small all over the world use Python in their software development and data science projects. But even if you are very excited about a career in data science, it can seem very challenging to learn a new programming language.
Is Python Case-Sensitive?
Magdalena Wojtas
Learn about case sensitivity in Python. When learning a new programming language, one of the most basic things you think of is whether it is case-sensitive. Python is no exception – case sensitivity is an important factor. You are probably wondering whether Python is case-sensitive if you’re new to the language. Let’s find out! Yes, Python Is a Case-Sensitive Language First, let’s clarify what case sensitivity is. It’s the differentiation between lower- and uppercase letters.
An Introduction to NumPy in Python
learn python
Luke Hande
NumPy makes working with arrays easy. If you work with Python, it pays to know some basics of Python NumPy. It is incredibly useful for working with arrays since it is very fast and efficient. It also contains many methods to make manipulating and performing numerical operations on arrays simple. There are many data structures in Python, including lists, dictionaries, Pandas DataFrames, and of course NumPy arrays. Each has its strengths, and knowing when to use one or the other can save time and effort in writing your programs.
How to Convert a String to JSON in Python
Soner Yıldırım
JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. Although its name indicates that it is associated with the JavaScript programming language, the JSON format is language-independent and frequently used in many different programming languages. What Is a JSON File? JSON files are commonly used in transferring data between computers. For instance, when downloading a file from an API, you often need to deal with JSON files. Here is a great article that explains downloading a file in Python from an API.
How to Use virtualenv in Python
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you tried to install a Python package for a new project, just to see your other projects break because of some compatibility issues? You can avoid this with the help of virtualenv in Python. virtualenv is a tool that allows you to create virtual environments in Python and manage Python packages. It helps you avoid installing packages globally; global installations can result in breaking some system tools or other packages.
What Is The Zen of Python?
Kateryna Koidan
Have you heard about the Zen of Python? These are the guiding principles that every Python programmer should know; they are as concise and beautiful as Python itself. Let’s explore these principles together. The Zen of Python is a collection of 19 guiding principles that influence the design of Python. The principles were written by software engineer Tim Peters; he wanted Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, to add a 20th principle.
How to Visualize Sound in Python
Luke Hande
There’s a lot of music and voice data out there. There are also interesting applications to go with them. We show you how to visualize sound in Python. The analysis of audio data has become ever more relevant in recent times. Popular virtual assistant products have been released by major technology companies, and these products are becoming more common in smartphones and homes around the world. They are largely developed on top of models that analyze voice data and extract information from it.
Object Serialization in Python
learn python
Luke Hande
Serialization is a useful technique for saving complex objects. In this article, we give you an introduction to object serialization in Python and explain why it is important. Serialization is essentially a way of storing data or objects and is a useful technique for saving complex objects. It’s the process of converting an object into a byte stream that can be stored, for example in memory or to a file.
The Best Python Books for Data Science
data science, books
Soner Yıldırım
Python was first released in 1991, so it has been around for a long while. However, it has gained much of its popularity in recent years. The use of Python in data science has been the most influential factor in its proliferation. According to the Popularity of Programming Language Index (PYPL Index), Python is currently the most popular language, and it grew the most in the last 5 years. The PYPL Index is created by analyzing how often language tutorials are searched on Google.
Working With iCalendar in Python
Python modules
Xavier Rigoulet
In my previous article on How to Work With the Calendar and Arrow Python Modules, we explored how to use calendars in Python. But what about iCal files? In this article, we will discuss how to work with iCalendar in Python, write and read iCal files, and parse a calendar from a URL like Google Calendar. But first, what is an iCal file? The iCalendar (Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification) format allows users to store and exchange calendaring and scheduling information such as events and to-dos.
Pillow: Basic Picture Manipulation in Python
Luke Hande
In this article, we provide an introduction to the Python Pillow module. It is useful to have some experience in image processing, as it is a foundation for various applications: post-processing photographs automatically, generating thumbnails in Python for online content, and pre-processing images for machine learning, among others. The Python Pillow module is a fork of the Python Image Library (PIL). Pillow needs to be installed by the user. The easiest way to do this is with pip.
How to Keep Focused While Learning Python
python basics
Karolina Niewiarowska
There is nothing that can stop you from making your dreams come true. If you dream of learning to program, start by learning Python. With a good learning resource and some tricks for staying focused, learning Python is possible in as little as a month! There’s probably no better time to start a new phase in your life than the beginning of a new year. If you agree, we should have coffee together!
The Best YouTube Channels for Learning Python
learn python
Kamila Ostrowska
Learning Python can be fun. You want to plan your learning path efficiently so you can enjoy developing your skills. How do you do that? One important factor is to use diverse sources of information. Online courses, with help and inspiration from vlogs and YouTube tutorials, can make a difference. In this article, I present a list of the best YouTube channels for Python beginners. They are all popular and worth a follow.
Why Learn Python in 2022?
learn python
Kateryna Koidan
Is Python going to maintain its popularity? In this article, we’ll discuss the enormous potential of this programming language, the reasons behind its popularity, and why Python is likely to stay on top for a while. IT professionals rate Python as one of the top programming languages. Leading tech companies, small businesses, and everyone in between are looking for Python programmers for a variety of different roles. Following this huge demand, there are a ton of Python courses online and offline that purport to train new Python developers.
A Complete Guide to the Python print() Function
python basics
Luke Hande
Let’s explore the Python print() function in detail with some examples. There is more to it than you realize! There’s a reasonable chance one of your first encounters with Python included print(), possibly in the form of a “Hello, World!” program. The Python print() function is a basic one you can understand and start using very quickly. But there’s more to it than meets the eye. In this article, we explore this function in detail by explaining how all the arguments work and showing you some examples.
Your Guide to pyenv
Xavier Rigoulet
This is your guide to pyenv for changing and switching between Python versions. pyenv lets you switch between Python versions. Running multiple Python versions can be a challenge; pyenv makes it easier to change versions of Python. It's simple and discreet, and it follows the UNIX tradition of the single-purpose tool that does one thing well. It's useful for developers who need access to different versions of the language and those who want to use the latest version of Python without upgrading their entire system.
How to Pretty-Print Tables in Python
Luke Hande
Do you want to make your tabular data look nice in Python? There are some useful libraries to get the job done. In this article, we'll show you some helpful libraries to print and format a table in Python quickly, easily, and in a visually appealing way – that is, pretty printing. With little effort, your tables will be ready for an online publication, an analytics report, or a scientific paper.
What Is Data Processing in Python?
Data Processing
Soner Yıldırım
We live in the era of Big Data. There is a tremendous amount of data flowing around us constantly. It seems like this flow of data will keep increasing. In order not to drown in this stream, you should know how to properly process data, analyze it, and draw correct conclusions from it. One of the best tools for this is Python! It’s become very easy to collect, store, and transfer data.
Top 5 Python Learning Platforms for Beginners
online practice
Karolina Niewiarowska
Are you looking for a good platform to learn Python from A to Z? You've come to the right place! In this article, I'll tell you which the best ones are. If you are ready to get on the programming train, I'll show you where to buy the tickets. And it's in business class! The world is full of technology. Wherever we go, we are faced with some code, whether or not we are conscious of it.
Learn Python Effectively: Think Like a Python Developer
jobs and career
Kamila Ostrowska
Python is one of the most popular and in-demand programming languages. In this article, I’ll follow the mysterious paths of a Python developer job and show you a little bit about how a professional Python dev thinks. Learning Python is a good idea. Why? First of all, learning to code is generally a good move toward a better career. Python is relatively simple to learn, which makes it good for beginners; even with no IT background, you can master the basics quickly.
How to Learn Python Faster
python basics
online practice
Karolina Niewiarowska
Programming is one of the most profitable activities in the world you can learn online. If you have already decided you want to begin your adventure in the IT world, start by learning Python. I'll show you how to learn Python faster – in a way that is fun, no chaos, and well planned. I love learning new things. Since you came here, I assume you want to gain a new skill.
How to Download a File in Python
Xavier Rigoulet
Did you know you can download a file programmatically in Python? I will show you how to fetch and save a file in Python. This process is known as web scraping and is an essential step of any data-related project. Web scraping is the process of collecting data from a website. While it can be done manually by a user, it usually refers to an automated method of data collection with the help of a web crawler.
6 Reasons Why Python Is Used For Data Science
data science
Kateryna Koidan
Today, almost any job description for a data-related position requires Python. Why is that? Is it really that important for data science? In this article, I explore the reasons behind Python’s domination in the data science world. Python and Data Science There is a lot of buzz around data science and data science careers. As organizations recognize the value a data-driven approach can bring them, the demand for data scientists continues to grow.
How to End Loops in Python
learn python
Luke Hande
Knowing how to exit from a loop properly is an important skill. Read on to find out the tools you need to control your loops. In this article, we'll show you some different ways to terminate a loop in Python. This may seem a little trivial at first, but there are some important concepts to understand about control statements. We'll also introduce some lesser-known ways to end loops in Python to give you tools for greater control over how your programs are executed.
How Do You End Scripts in Python?
learn python
Soner Yıldırım
Programming means giving instructions to a computer on how to perform a task. These instructions are written using a programming language. An organized sequence of such instructions is called a script. As a programmer, your main job is to write scripts (i.e. programs). However, you also need to know how scripts can end. In this article, we will go over different ways a Python script can end. There is no prerequisite knowledge for this article, but it is better if you are familiar with basic Python terms.
Top 10 Laptops for Learning Python
python basics
Jakub Romanowski
Do you want to learn Python? Great decision! But you need the right equipment for it. In this article, I am going to show you a variety of laptops for learning Python, from budget ones to high-performance machines designed for professional use. Here is my list of the best laptops for learning Python. Looking for the right laptop for learning Python can give you a headache. There are so many different models with various specifications and details; it is difficult to choose the one that is right for you.
An Introduction to Combinatoric Iterators in Python
Luke Hande
Combinatoric iterators are tools that provide building blocks to make code more efficient. This introduction shows you some of the most useful ones in Python. Counting Things In this article, I would like to provide a brief introduction to combinatoric iterators in Python. Combinatorics in the mathematical sense is about counting things. It can help us count the number of permutations of something (how many possible arrangements of a deck of cards) or the number of combinations (how many unique arrangements of different colored balls).
Learning Python Has Never Been Easier!
python basics
online practice
Jakub Romanowski
LearnPython.com has changed! Our platform has a new design, better UX, and a lot of new functionalities. We’ve been working hard to give you the best learning experience possible. Tell us if we did a good job! We are very proud of what the new LearnPython.com looks like. At first glance, you can see that a lot has changed. We liked the previous version of the platform, but it's really awesome now.
Is it Difficult to Learn Python?
python basics
online practice
Kamila Ostrowska
Yes! No! Maybe? There are as many answers as there are people. Don't let anyone discourage you from achieving your goal. Learn Python and develop the skills that are in high demand right now. What would you do if I told you learning Python IS difficult? Would you try anyway? Or would you give up immediately? Learning new skills is demanding in general. You need time, discipline, and a clearly stated goal.
How to Write Custom Sort Functions in Python
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
In computer science, a sorting algorithm puts elements of a list into a particular order. They are important because they often reduce the complexity of a problem. Let’s discover how to use custom sort functions to implement custom orders and comparisons in Python. In my previous article on working with streams in Python, I briefly introduced sorting methods with list.sort() and sorted(). Both list.sort() and sorted() have a key parameter that specifies a function to be called on each list element before making comparisons.
Is Python Popular?
python basics
Soner Yıldırım
Have you been hearing about Python? Do you see its popularity growing, with more and more jobs requiring knowledge of this programming language? Are you wondering if you should start learning Python yourself? I have some convincing arguments that will help you make this decision. It takes time and effort to acquire a new skill. Since time is the most valuable resource we have, we should think thoroughly before investing our time in new learning adventures.
Map, Filter, Reduce – Working on Streams in Python
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you know how to work with Python streams like Java streams? A stream is a sequence of elements. With map(), filter(), and reduce() – the three cornerstone functions of functional programming – you can operate over a sequence of elements. In this article, we will learn how to work with streams in Python like we work with them in Java. But first, let’s say a word about functional programming.
How to Write to File in Python
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
With Python, you can modify and write directly to a file programmatically, saving you the hassle of doing it manually. In this article, you will learn how to write to a file in Python. Before diving into the nitty-gritty of how to write to file in Python, I want to mention that I use Python 3.8.5 and Windows 10. However, your results should be the same on any operating system.
Things That Can Help You Write Better Python Code
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you wonder how to start learning programming with Python? Do you wonder how you can improve your Python code? Do you feel like you need to write better Python code but are unsure of what to do next? Do you feel like you’ve reached a plateau and struggle to get to the next level? In this article, I will go through a few things that can help you write better Python code.
How to Write a Custom Module in Python
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you wonder how you can write your own Python custom module, similar to famous Python libraries such as NumPy or Pandas? In my previous article for LearnPython.com, we learned about custom classes in Python. With Kateryna’s article on Python functions, you now have the required knowledge to implement your own custom module in Python. If you are still wondering why you should learn Python in 2021, check out Rebecca’s excellent article on the topic.
Why Isn't Everyone Learning to Code for Career Success?
python basics
jobs and career
Soner Yıldırım
Thousands of job openings, high salaries, almost guaranteed employment – yet there is still a shortage of programming specialists in the market. Why is this happening? Why, despite the obvious advantages and chances of success, people still don't learn to code? I will try to answer this question in this article. When I was in college, I took one programming class which was Introduction to C++. I had to take it twice because I failed the first time.
Simple Steps for Creating Your Own Class in Python
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you know how to build your own class in Python? Writing custom classes and custom objects in Python makes your code clearer, more readable, and easier to maintain. Before we start, if you still need some good reasons to learn Python, Rebecca can help you here. The concept of object-oriented programming emerged in the '60s, but its popularity did not start growing until the '90s. Today, object-oriented programming is everywhere and is an essential programming paradigm to understand.
How to Filter Rows and Select Columns in a Python Data Frame With Pandas
python basics
Yiğit Aras Tunalı
For a data scientist, pandas is a must-know library for modifying data. It is essential and expected in many other jobs that deal with data using Python. Let’s get you up to speed with all the powerful tools pandas offers! Python is one of the most widely used programming languages today. The ability to work with data is highly sought after, and jobs as data scientists, data analysts, and machine learning engineers are very popular.
Do You Need a Master’s Degree to Become a Data Scientist?
python basics
data science
jobs and career
Soner Yıldırım
Data science is a hot topic. The Internet is full of heated discussions about how to become a data scientist and whether you need an academic degree to do so. In this article, I will try to dispel any doubts on this subject. Read on! The potential of creating business value from data has attracted the attention of many. Organizations in a wide range of industries have started to invest in data science to take advantage of this potential.
Did You Lose Your Job During the Pandemic? Start Learning Python Programming!
python basics
jobs and career
Karolina Niewiarowska
Lots of people lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Others have taken some time to learn a new skill. Should learning Python programming be your next step? The world still can't shake off the COVID-19 pandemic and the economy has not recovered from the crisis. People lost their jobs, sometimes overnight. Are you one of them? Don't worry – better days will come. Learning Python may be an opportunity to improve your situation!
How to Work With the Calendar and Arrow Python Modules
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
During your journey as a developer or data scientist, you will have to work with dates and times. Fortunately, Python has several convenient libraries that make it easier. In this article, we’ll quickly review the datetime module, then examine the calendar and Arrow modules in Python. As a Python-using programmer, developer, data analyst, or data scientist, you’ll probably have to deal with date and time data quite often. Fortunately, Python’s datetime, calendar, and arrow libraries are available to streamline your tasks.
5 Reasons You Might Fail to Learn Python
python basics
Kamila Ostrowska
Learning Python is one of the best choices beginning programmers can make. But there are some difficulties lurking along the way. Learning new skills is crucial in our fast-evolving world. I hear a lot of stories from my friends about how they want to change their career path or upgrade their qualifications. And there’s a recurring theme: learn programming. Learning computer programming online offers a lot of possibilities for you to develop skills without leaving home.
The Best Python Books, Part 2
python basics
Jakub Romanowski
Are you looking for good Python books? Look no further – I have some great ones for you. Here are 5 books that will boost your career and make you a better Python developer. Some time ago, on the LearnPython.com blog, I wrote an article called “The Best Python Books.” The list included books about the basics of Python, data analysis, automation, and the Django framework. It’s time for another batch of great Python books.
Most Popular Python Packages in 2021
python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Python packages provide a beginner-friendly and efficient way to solve complex problems in scientific computing, data visualization, data modeling, and many other fields. Let's review 2021's most popular Python packages for data analysts and developers. With the rise of data science and artificial intelligence, Python became one of the most popular programming languages. It's preferred by top organizations, including Netflix, Uber, IBM, AstraZeneca, NASA, and the CIA. And Python isn't limited to data science and AI; it's used in many industries, including blockchain, physics, astronomy, medicine, game development, and entertainment.
Python Terms Beginners Should Know – Part 2
python basics
python terms
Soner Yıldırım
Still learning Python terms? No worries – we're here to help you master the basics of Python for beginners. If you missed Part 1 of Python Terms Beginners Should Know, you can read it here. Why should you spend your time learning Python terms? Well, this general-purpose programming language has experienced tremendous popularity in recent years. There are several reasons that make people from different professions choose Python. First, Python is easy to learn and has an intuitive syntax.
Python Terms Beginners Should Know – Part 1
python basics
python terms
Magdalena Wojtas
Have you ever tried learning Python? If it's still on your to-do list, why not start with the basic Python terms in this article? And if you've already taken your first steps into the Python world, this can be a handy checklist to verify your knowledge. To start, let's take a look at what Python is and why the IT world is so excited about it. What Is Python?
The 6 Best Python Certificates
python basics
Kamila Ostrowska
You want to learn Python but don’t know how to evidence your knowledge? Take a look at our list of the 6 best Python certification programs. The IT industry is still in need of new employees. This is why we encourage anyone who feels like trying their hand at it to learn. Some time ago, I created a list of the best SQL certificates. Now, it’s time to do the same for Python!
A Day in the Life of a Python Developer
python basics
Magdalena Wojtas
Want to become a Python developer? We explain what your daily life will look like and what skills you will need to be successful. Do you know what a typical day looks like for a Python developer? Many think that programmers are loners, anti-social, or at least introverts, and that they spend all day only coding in front of multiple screens. There are even those who think programmers are freaks who have no hobbies or interests besides computers.
Python Modules, Packages, Libraries, and Frameworks
python basics
Kateryna Koidan
If you are new to Python, you might be confused about all its libraries, packages, modules, and frameworks. From the context, you can usually understand that these are some pieces of code. But what’s the difference between them? In this article, I’ll explain the difference between Python modules, packages, libraries, and frameworks in simple terms. Real-world programs are complex. Even a simple game like a dice roll simulator would require lots of code if you programmed everything from scratch.
The Best Python Books
python basics
Jakub Romanowski
What if I told you that you can meet the best Python experts and learn from them about one of the most popular programming languages? That you can do it without leaving your home, while sitting comfortably in an armchair and sipping tea? How do you do it? Start reading Python books. Here are the ones that should be on your shelf or your reading playlist. Do you learn Python from online courses or watch tutorials on YouTube?
Top 10 Ideas for Using Python
learn python
Soner Yıldırım
Have you learned Python? Congratulations, great decision! Remember that, like any skill, you need to keep practicing Python. Here are some cool ideas. Enjoy! Python is the predominant programming language in the data science ecosystem. It is so popular among data scientists that we tend to associate Python with only tasks related to data science. However, Python is a general-purpose language with several other use cases. Using Python for data science has lots of benefits.
9 Python Podcasts to Level up Your Coding Skills
Marcin Koryszewski
Podcasts are a great way to get a dose of Python knowledge. And you can skill up while doing your daily chores! These are my picks for the best Python podcasts in 2021. A Python podcast is an amazing tool for people short on time. When you learn the Python programming language, you need to have a trusted source of up-to-date information. But finding the right source takes time and can be hit or miss.
Can I Learn Python in a Month?
learn python
Soner Yıldırım
This is one of the most frequently asked questions among people who plan to step into programming. I will start by providing a short answer that includes a bit of Python history. Then, I will go more in-depth and show you how to learn Python in a month. Python was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. Although it has been around for a long time, Python has recently experienced a tremendous increase in popularity.
Python Data Science Project Ideas
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data science
Kateryna Koidan
Wondering what your first-ever data science project or your first big project in Python should be? Or are you looking for your next data science project? This article will give you some ideas and directions. Creating data science projects in Python is essential for your career development. It’s the best way to learn new data science tools, practice the skills you’ve acquired, and demonstrate your competencies to potential employers.
How to Rename Files Python
Xavier Rigoulet
How much time do you spend renaming your files? Do you wonder if you could do it more quickly and easily? What if you could rename a huge number of files in the blink of an eye? Python comes with multiple built-in modules and functions to do exactly that. In this article, you will learn how to use many of these modules and functions to rename and move files in Python.
Who Are Data Scientists and What Do They Use Python For?
learn python
data science
Kateryna Koidan
Are you wondering if a data science career is a good fit for you? In this article, I will try to explain what data science is and who data science specialists are. Check out what skills you need to become one of them – including Python. I have been observing a huge interest in data science for some time. Online forums and social media are constantly inundated with all kinds of information and questions on this topic.
Why Use Python? Which Organizations Around the World Are Using it to Code?
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jobs and career
LearnPython.com Team
Many organizations around the world have selected Python from over 700 programming languages available. They use the world’s favorite language to solve their most important programming and data science problems. The popularity aside, what technical aspects have influenced these organizations to select Python? What Is Python? What is Python, and why use it? You can read an executive summary of Python on the official Python website, written by its creators:
How To Start Your Adventure With Programming
python basics
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to learn programming? However, do you associate it with movie scenes in which hackers furiously tap their fingers on a keyboard? Unfortunately, these types of scenes complicate the idea of programming for people who have never done it before. Please know that programming is not reserved for only a small group of computer geeks. You too can start coding, even if you don’t have any IT experience.
7 Reasons Why You Are Not Too Old to Learn Python
learn python
Marcin Koryszewski
Are you wondering if you are too old to learn Python? Read this article to find out why it's never too late to start programming and why it’s worth starting now! While browsing online, we see a popular question pop up: “Am I too old to learn Python?” And this question is being asked by many different age groups! People seem to have a long list of reasons why it's too late.
The Most Helpful Python Data Cleaning Modules
Data Cleaning
Soner Yıldırım
Data cleaning is a critical part of data analysis. If you need to tidy a dataframe with Python, these will help you get the job done. Python is the go-to programming language for data science. One reason it’s so popular is the rich selection of libraries. The functions and methods provided by these libraries expedite typical data science tasks. Real-life data is usually messy and does not come in an appropriate format for data analysis.
How To Define a Function in Python
learn python
Kateryna Koidan
If you have written any code in Python, you have already used functions. Print(), max(), and sum() are all built-in Python functions. However, did you know that you can also define your own functions? Let’s go through how to define and call a function in Python. What Is a Function in Python? In programming, a function is a block of code that performs a certain task or a group of related tasks.
Working Remotely With Python in Times of Pandemic
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András Novoszáth
Have you been thinking about working remotely with Python during the pandemic? Read our comprehensive guide to get you started. Maybe you are considering working remotely with Python during the pandemic. However, you might not know whether it is a good idea, what you should expect, and how to get into it. In this article, we describe the labor market situation, list some options for working remotely with Python, and provide you the resources to start with.
5 Reasons to Learn Python in 2021
learn python
Yiğit Aras Tunalı
Python has been climbing higher on the popularity ladder each year. Do you know Python? If not, you might want to learn it in 2021! If you looked at a chart showing the number of questions asked onStack Overflow about programming languages, you’d see that Python has been topping the charts year after year. There are good reasons why this is the case – and why you should consider learning Python in 2021.
Maybe You Shouldn't Learn Coding After All?
learn python
Jakub Romanowski
You read everywhere that moving to IT and starting programming is a great career move. It seems like almost everyone is trying to convince you to learn to code. But what if it's not for you? Maybe you shouldn't learn coding after all? Read on and find out. In this article, I’ll present many of the arguments against beginners learning to code that can come to your mind. You might think it’s too hard or you’re too old to make a change.
Best Python IDEs & Code Editors for Beginners
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LearnPython.com Team
No matter if you’re learning Python for programming or data science, an IDE will let work much easier and faster. In this article, you will find out what tools are available and what functionalities they include. An integrated development environment (IDE) is a combination of a text editor and a Python runtime implementation. You can use it to write, modify, and execute Python scripts, create program resources and components, and a lot more.
How Will Python Improve My Daily Work?
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jobs and career
Kateryna Koidan
Python is not just for professional programmers. Learning Python can dramatically change the daily work of marketers, researchers, doctors, and even artists. Let’s see how Python is enhancing jobs in different industries. You might think that only computer programmers, web developers, software engineers, and other tech-industry professionals are the only ones who use Python at work. But the truth is that just about any job can be made easier by learning a little Python.
What Are the Advantages of Using Python for Data Science?
learn python
data science
Soner Yıldırım
Which language should you pick to start your data science journey? Python, of course! In this article, you will learn about the advantages of using Python for data science. Python was first released in 1991, but it has gained popularity in recent years. Data science is the most influential factor in the rise of Python. And this relationship between Python and data science has been mutually beneficial. Python eases and expedites the process of learning data science.
Learn How to Work with Files and Directories in Python
learn python
files and directories
Jakub Romanowski
Are you a data analyst, app developer, or someone else who needs to work with various files in Python? Do you want to do your work faster and more efficiently? If so, we have something for you – a great interactive course called Working with Files and Directories in Python! Working with Files and Directories in Python is intended primarily for people who are just starting to learn Python. Of course, if you already have programming experience, you can also learn a lot from it.
What Are the Best Online Python Courses?
learn python
online practice
Jakub Romanowski
It’s useful for data science, application development, and many other things. What are we talking about? Python! Simplicity, ease of learning, and an active community attract followers to this brilliant programming language. While the decision that Python is worth learning seems obvious, where to learn it is not. Here is a list of the best Python courses to take in 2021. I selected six of what I think are the best Python courses, but of course, there are many other worthy offerings.
Interview Questions for Junior Python Developers
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jobs and career
Yiğit Aras Tunalı
Are you preparing for a junior Python developer job interview? Let’s talk about potential Python questions you might encounter! Python has gained an enormous amount of ground; it’s ranked as the most popular programming language on many sites. The number of people using this powerful language and the number of Python job offers on different platforms has (not surprisingly) also been steadily increasing. The Popularity of Python Python’s rise in popularity can be largely attributed to machine learning and data science.
Python Lists, Tuples, and Sets: What’s the Difference?
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python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Python lists, tuples, and sets are common data structures that hold other objects. Let’s see how these structures are similar and how they are different by going through some code examples. In Python, we have four built-in data structures that can store a collection of different elements. These are lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets. If you already know the theory behind these data structures, you can go to our Python Data Structures in Practice course and get hands-on experience with the most frequent ways they’re used.
Top 15 Python Libraries for Data Science
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data science
Kateryna Koidan
We look at basic and advanced Python libraries for data science. Learn about getting, processing, modeling, and visualizing data in Python. The Python ecosystem offers a wide range of tools for data scientists. For newbies, it might be challenging to distinguish between fundamental data science tools and the ‘nice-to-haves’. In this article, I’ll guide you through the most popular Python libraries for data science. Python Libraries for Getting Data Data science starts with data.
Should I Learn Python or Java in 2021?
learn python
Rebecca McKeown
It’s an age-old question among student programmers the world over: Should I learn Python or Java as the first programming language? The answer, without making you wait for a virtual drum roll right at the end of this article, is that you should learn whatever language captures your interest and feels right to you. BUT if you’re looking for a concise comparison between Python and Java - read on! We’ve got all the differences covered.
How to Survive as a Python Freelancer
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jobs and career
Jakub Romanowski
So, you’ve learned Python and want to make your living as a freelance Python programmer. Good for you! But there are some things you should know before getting started on the freelance life. “The world is a jungle and you must fight to survive!” Do you often hear such words from the lips of online coaches and pseudo-motivational speakers? Well ... It annoys me too, but unfortunately there is some truth to this saying.
The Best Python Talks on YouTube
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Jakub Romanowski
Learning Python on YouTube? It’s a thing! If you want to get an overview of this popular programming language, check out our picks for the best Python lectures on the ‘Tube. Be honest: Does YouTube only mean funny cat clips and new Ariana Grande or Drake music videos to you? Don’t get me wrong – I love them too, but YouTube is much more. If you know where to look, it’s actually a great place to learn something new from experts.
Where to Find a Python Job
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jobs and career
Jakub Romanowski
Are you learning to program in Python? Then you're already winning, but the ultimate victory will be finding a new job that uses your new skills. Easier said than done? I’ve prepared a list of websites where you can find lots of Python job postings. There are many interesting places where you can find Python job openings. However, I chose the most popular ones because they draw the most employers and headhunters.
What's the Best Way to Practice Python?
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online practice
Rebecca McKeown
Want to practice Python but don’t know the best way to go about it? We’ve come to the rescue with 10 ways you can practice Python online. All of them are useful, most are fun, and some might even make you new friends! Just like Grandma always used to say, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Source: giphy.com Kitties can relax – it’s Python practice we’re talking about.
How to Write a For Loop in Python
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Kateryna Koidan
The for loop is one of the basic tools in Python. You will likely encounter them at the very beginning of your Python journey. In this article, I’ll give you a brief overview of the for loop in Python and demonstrate with examples how you can use it to iterate over different types of sequences. What Is a For Loop in Python? Python is a powerful programming language that can be used for just about anything, and the for loop is one of its fundamental tools.
New Course Launch. “Python Practice: Word Games”
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online practice
Jakub Romanowski
Do you want to practice Python? Are you looking for Python exercises for beginners? Why not have fun while learning? Crack the code or become a Scrabble Master in this free Python course, Python Practice: Word Games. LearnPython.com presents the Python Practice: Word Games course. This set of simple programming exercises is for beginners and intermediate users. If you are learning Python and have finished the Python Basics courses, now's the time to test how much you know.
How to Read Excel Files in Python
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Yiğit Aras Tunalı
Have you worked with Excel files? I’ll show you how to read them into Python so that you can automate Excel-related tasks. If you are a data analyst, a data engineer, or someone who otherwise writes scripts to automate simple tasks, there is a high likelihood that you have worked with or will work with Excel files. In this article, we will go over how to read Excel files into Python.
Jobs You Can Get When You Learn Python
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jobs and career
Jakub Romanowski
You learn and practice Python – everything to improve your day-to-day work or to help you change jobs. Well, the science itself is fun, but ultimately, all of these efforts have to pay off. In this article, I propose five types of positions to consider for when you have learned and mastered Python. Ready for a change? See which one might be for you. You've probably heard a lot about why you should learn Python, and about how it is one of the fastest-growing programming languages in the world.
How to Check Your Python Version
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Kateryna Koidan
Chances are you have heard about Python 2 and Python 3. Although they are two versions of the same language, they have different syntax; code written in Python 3 might not work in Python 2. So, let’s discover how you can check your Python version on the command line and in the script on Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. Python is one of the most popular programming languages. With its simple syntax, high productivity, and amazing open-source libraries, Python can be used for just about anything.
How to Read CSV Files Python
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Yiğit Aras Tunalı
Have you encountered CSV files? In this article, I’ll show you what CSV files are and how easy it is to work with them in Python. If you are working as a back-end developer or data scientist, chances are that you’ve already dealt with CSV files. It is one of the most used formats for working with and transferring data. Many Python libraries can handle CSVs, but in this article, we’ll focus on Python’s csv module.
How to Learn Python Online for Free
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Jakub Romanowski
What if I told you that you can learn Python for free? Here are some websites for learning Python that I can recommend. Python rocks! This programming language will allow you to do a lot. If you learn it, you can create applications, build websites, work with databases, and process data collected by you or your company. Sound cool? It is! And if you can learn Python for free, well, why not give it a try?
How to Install Python on Windows
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Dorota Wdzięczna
Programming skills are in great demand in today’s market. One very popular and easy-to-learn language is Python. But knowing Python's syntax is not enough; you also need to know how to install Python on your computer, configure everything, and start creating your own new and brilliant projects. Fortunately, installing Python on Windows machines is not difficult. In this article, I’ll show you everything you need to know to get up and running.
New Course Launch: “Python Basics. Practice”.
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online practice
Jakub Romanowski
Are you a Python beginner? Or have you completed our Python Basics courses? In that case, congratulations – but you still have some way to go before you become a Python expert. In Python as in life, practice makes perfect. If you’re looking to practice your Python skills, you've come to the right place. Our Python Practice set will help you hone your knowledge. One of the biggest obstacles to making progress in Python is finding the right tasks and projects.
Welcome to LearnPython.com
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Jakub Romanowski
Do you want to learn programming or data processing? Do you dream of a career in data science? If the answer to any of these questions is YES, you've come to the right place. LearnPython.com is here! With great pleasure and undisguised pride, the team behind LearnSQL.com announces the launch of a new learning platform: LearnPython.com. It is the perfect place for everyone who wants to enter the world of coding and knows that Python will give them new career opportunities.
Lists and List Comprehension in Python
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python basics
Marija Ilic
Everything you need to get started with lists and list comprehension in Python. Here comes the New Year — the perfect time for your own personal re-evaluation and a retrospective of the last year. It's also a great time to sit down and write a list of New Year's resolutions that you are planning to achieve in the incoming year. Are you going to write it on paper or will you reach for your laptop and, like any other nerd, use Excel or some other tool like Python to save and maintain this list?
How to Use Python Dictionaries
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Kateryna Koidan
Wondering how to get the most out of Python dictionaries? In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover all you need to know to effectively use dictionaries in your studies and in real-world projects. What Is a Python Dictionary? A Python dictionary is yet another very useful and important data type. Basically, Python dictionaries are an unordered collection of data values. However, in contrast to other data types, a dictionary's elements are key-value pairs instead of single data values.
Getting Started with Python Part 1: Data Types
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Tihomir Babic
Want to learn Python but think you have to know something before you start? You don't! That's the whole point of learning, as you'll see. So you want to learn Python, but something is stopping you. What is it? The usual misconception that stops people from doing something is that they should know everything, even before they start learning. This misconception makes you think everybody was born with their knowledge and that you're never going to reach their level.
13 Top Python Libraries You Should Know in 2020
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Dorota Wdzięczna
Python provides a lot of libraries to help developers with their work. Which of them will be the most popular in 2020? And which are worth your time? Here are our picks for the 13 top Python libraries. Python is one of the most popular programming languages. Many developers choose Python because it's easy to learn and good for varied tasks, including data science, machine learning, data analysis and visualization, and web or desktop app development.
How to Generate Random Numbers in Python
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Marija Ilic
Sometimes you need a random number or element. How can Python help? The truth is that randomness is all around us. Think about the lottery, a dice roll, or the (extreme) randomness of your office's Secret Santa workings. In this article, we'll discuss pseudo-randomness, how it's different from true randomness, and how it can be applied in Python to generate random numbers. We'll also delve into some more advanced topics, like reproducible coding with random numbers and using the choice() and choices() functions to return random string elements from a list.
Array vs. List in Python – What's the Difference?
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Kateryna Koidan
Both lists and arrays are used to store data in Python. Moreover, both data structures allow indexing, slicing, and iterating. So what's the difference between an array and a list in Python? In this article, we'll explain in detail when to use a Python array vs. a list. Python has lots of different data structures with different features and functions. Its built-in data structures include lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries.
Why Is Python So Popular?
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Rebecca McKeown
Learn Python, save lives. Yep, you heard me. No, I'm not talking about dragging babies from burning buildings or solving tensions in the Middle East. And no, perhaps you won't win a slew of civic hero awards anytime soon or collect the keys to the city. But there are certainly some compelling reasons why Python is so popular. Among them are some life-saving applications. In this article, we'll look at the many and varied uses of Python, the characteristics that make it so incredibly popular, as well as some of the downsides you should be aware of before choosing Python as your new language-learning challenge.
How to Learn Python Fast
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Jakub Romanowski
You're in a hurry! Does your boss want you to finally learn to code? Or would you like to start a career as a programmer? We'll show you how to learn Python fast and how long it will take. I assume you've already decided to become a programmer. You know it's a good opportunity. You browse job postings, and you can't believe how many are on the market. But you don't know which language to learn.
What is Python Used For?
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Kateryna Koidan
Let's clarify first. This article is not about snakes, it's about coding in the fastest-growing programming language. That language happens to be named Python. In this article, we'll go through a number of inspiring ways to use Python. So, what is Python used for? Why Code in Python? You have probably heard about many different programming languages, including JavaScript, Java, C++, Ruby, and others. Why should you choose Python?
How Long Does It Take to Learn Python Basics?
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Arleta Więch
Chances are you've heard about the infinite possibilities Python gives you both in your professional and private life. When you sit down at your desk, full of motivation and eagerness, the question that probably comes to your mind is: how long does it take to learn Python? You'll find the answer here! Professionals around the world love Python. According to IEEE Spectrum, an industry magazine issued by the largest international engineering organization, Python is the most popular programming language (see how others were ranked here).
9 Best Online Resources to Start Learning Python Today
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Dorota Wdzięczna
Want to start learning Python but struggling to find quality resources? Well, they're out there—and we'll review them here. In no particular order, here are the best online resources to learn Python. Courses 1. LearnPython.com LearnPython.com is an interactive e-learning platform that offers nine Python courses. Among them, you can find two learning paths: programming and data science. Programming path: Python Basics Part 1. This is the first of a two-part course that covers everything you need to know about Python so you can start writing your own scripts and applications.
Pros and Cons of Python Programming Language
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Usman Malik
Python is one of the fastest growing programming languages in the world. It is becoming equally popular among novice and experienced programmers and taking over rival languages such as C++ and Java. One of the biggest reasons why Python's popularity has skyrocketed is its simplicity and flexibility. Even people with no prior programming knowledge can learn Python within weeks. In fact, Python has all the characteristics to become the lingua franca of coding in the near future.
New Course: How to Read and Write JSON Files in Python
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LearnPython.com Team
Providing various types of data in a unified way is one of the core concepts of web communication. In recent years, JSON text files have become extremely popular due to their simplicity and universality. LearnPython.com's recent course—How to Read and Write JSON Files in Python—explains how to manipulate JSON files in Python. If you work with Python and want to learn a practical skill in high demand, you're in the right place.
New Course Launch: Python Data Structures in Practice
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LearnPython.com Team
Do you know the feeling when you've read the theory behind some programming concepts but you're at a loss when it comes to writing actual code? LearnPython.com's new course—Python Data Structures in Practice—addresses this exact problem by explaining the practical aspects of basic data structures. The course discusses frequent use cases and teaches you optimal solutions to common problems. As a bonus, you'll create a real Python game! Although you can find countless online courses teaching Python, very few of them actually explain how to use Python data structures in practice.
Why Use Python in Marketing?
data-driven marketing
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Kateryna Koidan
Python can help you get more insights from your data, make better-informed data-driven decisions, automate many routine activities, and increase the ROI from your marketing campaigns. Interested? Then let's see how exactly Python can boost your marketing efforts. How Can Your Marketing Activities Benefit from Python? As a marketer, you probably face a number of challenges: Ads are getting more expensive. Previously profitable marketing channels, like content marketing, are becoming crowded.
Jupyter Notebook – the Free Editor for Python
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Dorota Wdzięczna
If you have basic knowledge about Python and are looking for an IDE to work with on your own computer, consider the Jupyter Notebook. It is a good tool, especially for Data Science projects. What is Jupyter Notebook? Jupyter Notebook is an open-source server-client application used to create and run mainly Data Science projects. Where does its name come from? JUPYTER is an acronym of Julia, Python, and R, because they were the first programming languages supported by this editor.
Python IDE: PyCharm Tutorial for Beginners
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Dorota Wdzięczna
The PyCharm IDE is one of the most popular editors used by professional Python developers and programmers. But if you are a beginner, don't worry, it can help you too! Find out how to create Python projects using PyCharm and what basic features can help you write code more efficiently. The PyCharm IDE is one of the most popular editors used by professional Python developers and programmers. The vast number of PyCharm features doesn't make this IDE difficult to use–just the opposite.
Why Python Should Be Your First Programming Language – Python Basics Course Review
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python basics
Magdalena Wojtas
Python was my love at first sight. It was at the very beginning of my interest in programming when I took my first Python course, and I instantly fell in love with this language. Unfortunately, I had few opportunities to work professionally in the Python environment, but I kept learning after hours, just for fun, until my new job became too demanding and I simply had no more time for my coding hobby.
How to Install the PyCharm IDE (Windows and Ubuntu)
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Dorota Wdzięczna
This tutorial will show you how to install the PyCharm IDE on your own computer–whether you have Windows or Ubuntu. To start developing with the PyCharm IDE, you need to download and install it on your computer's operating system. PyCharm is an editor developed by the JetBrains company. As of today, it is the most popular IDE used by Python developers. Knowing this, JetBrains delivers PyCharm in three versions: Professional (full-featured IDE), Community (lightweight IDE, not full-featured), and Educational (community IDE with added education features).
Python Drawing: Intro to Python Matplotlib for Data Visualization (Part 2)
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Usman Malik
Ever wondered how you can use Python to create stunning data visualizations? In the first part of this series, we saw how to draw line plots and histograms using the matplotlib library. We also saw how to change the default size of a plot and how to add titles, axes, and legends to a plot. In this article, we'll see a few more types of plots that can be drawn using the matplot library with pro tips on how to improve them.
How to Work with Python Date and Time Objects
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Kateryna Koidan
At some point in your Python journey, you'll definitely need to work with dates, times, or both. Learn all the basics of date and time in Python with this short tutorial. Need to calculate how long it's been since a given date? Working with date and time objects in Python? In this beginner's guide, we'll take a look at how to write programs with these two key data types in Python.
Python Drawing: Intro to Python Matplotlib for Data Visualization (Part 1)
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Usman Malik
Want to know how Python is used for plotting and data visualization? Interested in learning one of the most commonly used data visualization libraries in Python? If so, you're in the right place. In this installment of a two-part tutorial, we'll learn how to use matplotlib, one of the most commonly used data visualization libraries in Python. Over the course of both articles, we'll create different types of graphs, including:
Python Set Operations: A Complete Guide
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Kateryna Koidan
Even if you're just starting your Python journey, you've most likely come across Python sets. But do you know how to use them effectively? This article aims to cover all the main Python set operations to give you a better feel for when and how to use this important data structure. What Are Python Sets? First, let's start with the basics. A set is a built-in type in Python that has a number of important characteristics:
Customer Churn Prediction with Python
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Usman Malik
Python is one of the most frequently used programming languages for financial data analysis, with plenty of useful libraries and built-in functionality. In this article, you'll see how Python's machine learning libraries can be used for customer churn prediction. Customer churn is a financial term that refers to the loss of a client or customer—that is, when a customer ceases to interact with a company or business. Similarly, the churn rate is the rate at which customers or clients are leaving a company within a specific period of time.
12 Must-Know Python Tips and Tricks for Data Scientists
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data science
Kateryna Koidan
You already have some foundational knowledge of Python for data science. But do you write your code efficiently? Check out these tips and tricks to supercharge your Python skills. How to Write Efficient Python Code In this article, we'll take a look at some tricks that will help you write fast and efficient Python code. I'll start with how to optimize code that involves the pandas library. If you want to refresh your knowledge of pandas, check out our Introduction to Python for Data Science course.
New Course: How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python
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LearnPython.com Team
Another Python course is now available on LearnPython.com. "How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python" is an online course for anyone interested in working with files in Python—a must-have skill for any beginner software developer or data scientist! After the great success of our SQL courses, we began working hard on the Python learning path. So far, we've made five Python courses available, and we're proud to announce the release of yet another one: How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python!
Visualize Time Series Data with Pandas
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Usman Malik
How can Python's pandas library be used to analyze time series data? Let's find out. The pandas library is frequently used to import, manage, and analyze datasets in a variety of formats. In this article, we'll use it to analyze Microsoft's stock prices for previous years. We'll also see how to perform basic tasks, such as time resampling and time shifting, with pandas. What is Time Series Data? Time series data contains values dependent on some sort of time unit.
Regression Analysis in Python
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regression analysis
Usman Malik
Regression analysis is one of the most fundamental tasks in data-oriented industries. In simple words, it involves finding a relationship between independent and dependent variables (attributes) in a given dataset. Consider the example of a house price prediction problem—given the size and number of bedrooms, we want to predict the price of a house. This is a simple regression problem where the size of the house and the number of bedrooms are the independent variables and the price of the house is the dependent variable.
Python Coding Best Practices and Style Guidelines
style guide
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Kateryna Koidan
You've spent hours studying Python, and you may even have several successful projects in your portfolio. But do you write your Python code like a pro? Let's review some important guidelines to help you clean up your code. What Is the Pythonic Way of Writing Code? There are often several ways to do something in Python; naturally, some are better than others. But you should always prefer code that is not only syntactically correct but also in alignment with coding best practices and the way the language ought to be used.
Finished Python Basics Course? Code on Your Computer
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
Online Python courses help you acquire basic knowledge of working with Python. But how do you retain what you've learned and start writing Python code on your own? Nowadays, there are plenty of e-learning platforms for programming languages like Python. With these platforms, you can learn the fundamentals of the Python language: syntax, basic functions, and programming best practices. On platforms like LearnPython.com, for example, you don't need others tools to work through the content and can get your hands dirty with a language in a sandbox environment.
11 Tips for Building a Data Science Portfolio With Python
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career in data science
Kateryna Koidan
Looking for some advice to build a data science portfolio that will put you ahead of other aspiring data scientists? Don't miss these useful tips. Why Have a Portfolio at All? Even though the demand for data scientists is high, the competition for entry-level positions in this field is tough. It should come as no surprise that companies prefer to hire people with at least some real-world experience in data science.
Data Science Projects in Python: A Beginner's Guide
career in data science
jobs and career
Kateryna Koidan
When you already have some experience with Python, building your own portfolio of data science projects is the best way to showcase your skills to potential employers. But where do you begin with developing your very first Python project? First, Why Develop a Data Science Project? There are a number of career development benefits to creating your own data science project in a language such as Python: Studying.
Tag: Python basics
10 Python Function Practice Exercises for Beginners
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online practice
Ignacio L. Bisso
Looking to enhance your Python skills through practice? Dive into this collection of Python function practice exercises crafted specifically for beginners! Functions allow you to encapsulate code into reusable and organized blocks, making your programs more modular and maintainable. As you start your programming career, mastering Python functions is a critical step in your journey. And to help you get there, we’ve curated 10 Python function practice exercises designed specifically for beginners.
Python Operators Cheat Sheet
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Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Discover the essential Python operators and how to effectively use them with our comprehensive cheat sheet. We cover everything from arithmetic to bitwise operations! If you’ve ever written a few lines of Python code, you are likely familiar with Python operators. Whether you're doing basic arithmetic calculations, creating variables, or performing complex logical operations, chances are that you had to use a Python operator to perform the task. But just how many of them exist, and what do you use them for?
Python String Fundamentals: A Guide for Beginners
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Luke Hande
In Python, text data is represented by the string data type. It’s one of the basic built-in data types, so knowing how to work with strings in Python efficiently is key to becoming a good programmer. In this article, we’ll show you Python string fundamentals with plenty of hands-on examples. Python has many built-in data types. Some of these include integers (e.g. 3, -7), floating-point numbers (e.g. 1.23, -8.0132), or even complex numbers (e.
8 Python while Loop Examples for Beginners
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Soner Yıldırım
What is a while loop in Python? These eight Python while loop examples will show you how it works and how to use it properly. In programming, looping refers to repeating the same operation or task multiple times. In Python, there are two different loop types, the while loop and the for loop. The main difference between them is the way they define the execution cycle or the stopping criteria.
Python Online Training 101: A Complete Beginner's Guide
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python programming
online practice
Jakub Romanowski
In this article, I will be your guide to the world of Python online training. Together, we will explore how to master Python's fundamentals and set you on a path to becoming proficient in this powerful programming language. Let's dive in! Welcome to the world of Python! This guide is your starting point to dive into Python online training. Python is a versatile and widely used programming language, perfect for beginners on their first coding journey.
Basics of Python: Tuple Examples
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Soner Yıldırım
What is a tuple in Python? Explore this data type, learn how it’s different from Python’s other data types, and discover use cases and tuple examples. A tuple is one of Python’s built-in data structures. Its unique features make tuples widely used for certain tasks. To use tuples for the right task, you need to know what they are and how to perform operations on them. In short, you need examples of Python tuples.
Why Python Is the Perfect First Programming Language
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python programming
get started with python
Alexandre Bruffa
Choosing your first programming language is a big step on the path to becoming a developer. It's the starting point of your coding journey, and making the right choice can set you up for success. In this article, we will explore why Python is often recommended as the first programming language for beginners. If you have decided to start your software or web developer journey, you will probably face challenges when learning to code.
10 Python Practice Exercises for Beginners with Solutions
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online practice
Luke Hande
A great way to improve quickly at programming with Python is to practice with a wide range of exercises and programming challenges. In this article, we give you 10 Python practice exercises to boost your skills. Practice exercises are a great way to learn Python. Well-designed exercises expose you to new concepts, such as writing different types of loops, working with different data structures like lists, arrays, and tuples, and reading in different file types.
Python Loops: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
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Luke Hande
When writing your Python programs, you’ll have to implement for and while loops all the time. In this comprehensive guide for beginners, we’ll show you how to correctly loop in Python. Looping is a fundamental aspect of programming languages. It allows you to execute a piece of code repeatedly until some exit condition is met, at which point the program will move on to the next piece of code. In Python, there are two different types of loops: the for loop, and the while loop.
How to Master Python: A Guide for Beginners
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Jakub Romanowski
Are you new to the tech world or just starting out with programming? You might have heard about Python; it's a pretty cool computer programming language that's used everywhere from building websites to analyzing data. If you're thinking, "That sounds awesome, but how do I master Python and get good at it?" – don't worry, I've got you covered! This article is like a friendly chat where I'll share some handy tips and answer common questions about learning Python.
How to Comment Code in Python
python basics
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to learn how to use Python comments properly in your code? We’ve put together a guide to teach beginners how and when to use Python comments to write clean code and increase code readability. Developers spend much more time reading code than writing code, which makes code readability a very important aspect of creating efficient and maintainable software products. Comments play a key role in enhancing code readability.
How to Print in Python - A Detailed Guide for Beginners
python basics
Luke Hande
How often have you used the Python print() function? Let’s take a deep-dive look at this built-in function. Since you’ll be using it often in your programs, we’ll walk you through all its functionality. Python has many useful built-in functions that you can start using straight out of the box. You can check out all of them in the official Python documentation. One of the most useful is the print() function, which you can use to print a message to the screen or to a file.
Does Python Have a Ternary Conditional Operator?
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
Are you a Python programmer who loves writing clean and concise code? If so, you may wonder if Python has a ternary conditional operator. We’ll answer your question in this article. Other programming languages have a ternary operator – a programming feature that lets you compare three conditions in one line. With Python’s insistence on code that’s clear, clean, and concise, you’d expect Python to have a ternary conditional operator as well.
How to Print a Newline in Python
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Xavier Rigoulet
Do you know how to print a newline in Python? Do you struggle with multiple print() statements whenever you want to start a new line in your Python script? In this article, we’ll explore how to overcome this pitfall. Newline is a feature related to the Python print()function. Maybe you already understand why you should learn Python but you’re unsure about Python printing techniques. That’s okay; this article will help you out.
Python Coding Project Ideas for Beginners
python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Need to practice your Python coding skills but can’t think of a beginner-level project? Check out our seven Python project ideas! Coding projects are the best way for beginners to get their first programming experience. In this article, I’ll suggest a few Python projects aimed at developing a variety of skills, like web scraping, building simple games, or even developing machine learning models. Why Should You Do Your Own Project?
5 Tips for Learning Python From Scratch
python basics
Jakub Romanowski
Want to become a professional programmer? Heard you should start learning Python? Well, you heard right! Whether you have already decided to learn Python or you are just getting into it, I have 5 tips for you on how to do it right. In this article, I will show you how to approach learning Python effectively. I tested all the learning tips myself. As you are reading this article, you most likely find yourself in the same boat as I was some time ago.
How to Keep Focused While Learning Python
python basics
Karolina Niewiarowska
There is nothing that can stop you from making your dreams come true. If you dream of learning to program, start by learning Python. With a good learning resource and some tricks for staying focused, learning Python is possible in as little as a month! There’s probably no better time to start a new phase in your life than the beginning of a new year. If you agree, we should have coffee together!
A Complete Guide to the Python print() Function
python basics
Luke Hande
Let’s explore the Python print() function in detail with some examples. There is more to it than you realize! There’s a reasonable chance one of your first encounters with Python included print(), possibly in the form of a “Hello, World!” program. The Python print() function is a basic one you can understand and start using very quickly. But there’s more to it than meets the eye. In this article, we explore this function in detail by explaining how all the arguments work and showing you some examples.
The Python Requirements File and How to Create it
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
Python requirements files are a great way to keep track of the Python modules. It is a simple text file that saves a list of the modules and packages required by your project. By creating a Python requirements.txt file, you save yourself the hassle of having to track down and install all of the required modules manually. In this article, we will learn how to create Python requirements files along with the best practices and the benefits of using them.
How to Learn Python Faster
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online practice
Karolina Niewiarowska
Programming is one of the most profitable activities in the world you can learn online. If you have already decided you want to begin your adventure in the IT world, start by learning Python. I'll show you how to learn Python faster – in a way that is fun, no chaos, and well planned. I love learning new things. Since you came here, I assume you want to gain a new skill.
How to Practice Python Online
python basics
online practice
Karolina Niewiarowska
Are you looking for a way to understand the practical uses of Python? Want to learn how to practice Python to achieve absolute mastery? Good, because I'm about to show you the way! You can’t learn any programming language without practice. Have you already started an online Python course and want to excel in coding? Perfecting your Python coding skills can guarantee you a better job, better earnings, and maybe even an overall improvement in your quality of life.
Top 10 Laptops for Learning Python
python basics
Jakub Romanowski
Do you want to learn Python? Great decision! But you need the right equipment for it. In this article, I am going to show you a variety of laptops for learning Python, from budget ones to high-performance machines designed for professional use. Here is my list of the best laptops for learning Python. Looking for the right laptop for learning Python can give you a headache. There are so many different models with various specifications and details; it is difficult to choose the one that is right for you.
Learning Python Has Never Been Easier!
python basics
online practice
Jakub Romanowski
LearnPython.com has changed! Our platform has a new design, better UX, and a lot of new functionalities. We’ve been working hard to give you the best learning experience possible. Tell us if we did a good job! We are very proud of what the new LearnPython.com looks like. At first glance, you can see that a lot has changed. We liked the previous version of the platform, but it's really awesome now.
Is it Difficult to Learn Python?
python basics
online practice
Kamila Ostrowska
Yes! No! Maybe? There are as many answers as there are people. Don't let anyone discourage you from achieving your goal. Learn Python and develop the skills that are in high demand right now. What would you do if I told you learning Python IS difficult? Would you try anyway? Or would you give up immediately? Learning new skills is demanding in general. You need time, discipline, and a clearly stated goal.
How to Write Custom Sort Functions in Python
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
In computer science, a sorting algorithm puts elements of a list into a particular order. They are important because they often reduce the complexity of a problem. Let’s discover how to use custom sort functions to implement custom orders and comparisons in Python. In my previous article on working with streams in Python, I briefly introduced sorting methods with list.sort() and sorted(). Both list.sort() and sorted() have a key parameter that specifies a function to be called on each list element before making comparisons.
Is Python Popular?
python basics
Soner Yıldırım
Have you been hearing about Python? Do you see its popularity growing, with more and more jobs requiring knowledge of this programming language? Are you wondering if you should start learning Python yourself? I have some convincing arguments that will help you make this decision. It takes time and effort to acquire a new skill. Since time is the most valuable resource we have, we should think thoroughly before investing our time in new learning adventures.
Map, Filter, Reduce – Working on Streams in Python
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you know how to work with Python streams like Java streams? A stream is a sequence of elements. With map(), filter(), and reduce() – the three cornerstone functions of functional programming – you can operate over a sequence of elements. In this article, we will learn how to work with streams in Python like we work with them in Java. But first, let’s say a word about functional programming.
How to Write to File in Python
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
With Python, you can modify and write directly to a file programmatically, saving you the hassle of doing it manually. In this article, you will learn how to write to a file in Python. Before diving into the nitty-gritty of how to write to file in Python, I want to mention that I use Python 3.8.5 and Windows 10. However, your results should be the same on any operating system.
Things That Can Help You Write Better Python Code
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you wonder how to start learning programming with Python? Do you wonder how you can improve your Python code? Do you feel like you need to write better Python code but are unsure of what to do next? Do you feel like you’ve reached a plateau and struggle to get to the next level? In this article, I will go through a few things that can help you write better Python code.
Why Isn't Everyone Learning to Code for Career Success?
python basics
jobs and career
Soner Yıldırım
Thousands of job openings, high salaries, almost guaranteed employment – yet there is still a shortage of programming specialists in the market. Why is this happening? Why, despite the obvious advantages and chances of success, people still don't learn to code? I will try to answer this question in this article. When I was in college, I took one programming class which was Introduction to C++. I had to take it twice because I failed the first time.
Simple Steps for Creating Your Own Class in Python
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
Do you know how to build your own class in Python? Writing custom classes and custom objects in Python makes your code clearer, more readable, and easier to maintain. Before we start, if you still need some good reasons to learn Python, Rebecca can help you here. The concept of object-oriented programming emerged in the '60s, but its popularity did not start growing until the '90s. Today, object-oriented programming is everywhere and is an essential programming paradigm to understand.
How to Filter Rows and Select Columns in a Python Data Frame With Pandas
python basics
Yiğit Aras Tunalı
For a data scientist, pandas is a must-know library for modifying data. It is essential and expected in many other jobs that deal with data using Python. Let’s get you up to speed with all the powerful tools pandas offers! Python is one of the most widely used programming languages today. The ability to work with data is highly sought after, and jobs as data scientists, data analysts, and machine learning engineers are very popular.
Do You Need a Master’s Degree to Become a Data Scientist?
python basics
data science
jobs and career
Soner Yıldırım
Data science is a hot topic. The Internet is full of heated discussions about how to become a data scientist and whether you need an academic degree to do so. In this article, I will try to dispel any doubts on this subject. Read on! The potential of creating business value from data has attracted the attention of many. Organizations in a wide range of industries have started to invest in data science to take advantage of this potential.
Did You Lose Your Job During the Pandemic? Start Learning Python Programming!
python basics
jobs and career
Karolina Niewiarowska
Lots of people lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Others have taken some time to learn a new skill. Should learning Python programming be your next step? The world still can't shake off the COVID-19 pandemic and the economy has not recovered from the crisis. People lost their jobs, sometimes overnight. Are you one of them? Don't worry – better days will come. Learning Python may be an opportunity to improve your situation!
How to Work With the Calendar and Arrow Python Modules
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
During your journey as a developer or data scientist, you will have to work with dates and times. Fortunately, Python has several convenient libraries that make it easier. In this article, we’ll quickly review the datetime module, then examine the calendar and Arrow modules in Python. As a Python-using programmer, developer, data analyst, or data scientist, you’ll probably have to deal with date and time data quite often. Fortunately, Python’s datetime, calendar, and arrow libraries are available to streamline your tasks.
5 Reasons You Might Fail to Learn Python
python basics
Kamila Ostrowska
Learning Python is one of the best choices beginning programmers can make. But there are some difficulties lurking along the way. Learning new skills is crucial in our fast-evolving world. I hear a lot of stories from my friends about how they want to change their career path or upgrade their qualifications. And there’s a recurring theme: learn programming. Learning computer programming online offers a lot of possibilities for you to develop skills without leaving home.
The Best Python Books, Part 2
python basics
Jakub Romanowski
Are you looking for good Python books? Look no further – I have some great ones for you. Here are 5 books that will boost your career and make you a better Python developer. Some time ago, on the LearnPython.com blog, I wrote an article called “The Best Python Books.” The list included books about the basics of Python, data analysis, automation, and the Django framework. It’s time for another batch of great Python books.
Most Popular Python Packages in 2021
python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Python packages provide a beginner-friendly and efficient way to solve complex problems in scientific computing, data visualization, data modeling, and many other fields. Let's review 2021's most popular Python packages for data analysts and developers. With the rise of data science and artificial intelligence, Python became one of the most popular programming languages. It's preferred by top organizations, including Netflix, Uber, IBM, AstraZeneca, NASA, and the CIA. And Python isn't limited to data science and AI; it's used in many industries, including blockchain, physics, astronomy, medicine, game development, and entertainment.
Python Terms Beginners Should Know – Part 2
python basics
python terms
Soner Yıldırım
Still learning Python terms? No worries – we're here to help you master the basics of Python for beginners. If you missed Part 1 of Python Terms Beginners Should Know, you can read it here. Why should you spend your time learning Python terms? Well, this general-purpose programming language has experienced tremendous popularity in recent years. There are several reasons that make people from different professions choose Python. First, Python is easy to learn and has an intuitive syntax.
Python Terms Beginners Should Know – Part 1
python basics
python terms
Magdalena Wojtas
Have you ever tried learning Python? If it's still on your to-do list, why not start with the basic Python terms in this article? And if you've already taken your first steps into the Python world, this can be a handy checklist to verify your knowledge. To start, let's take a look at what Python is and why the IT world is so excited about it. What Is Python?
The 6 Best Python Certificates
python basics
Kamila Ostrowska
You want to learn Python but don’t know how to evidence your knowledge? Take a look at our list of the 6 best Python certification programs. The IT industry is still in need of new employees. This is why we encourage anyone who feels like trying their hand at it to learn. Some time ago, I created a list of the best SQL certificates. Now, it’s time to do the same for Python!
A Day in the Life of a Python Developer
python basics
Magdalena Wojtas
Want to become a Python developer? We explain what your daily life will look like and what skills you will need to be successful. Do you know what a typical day looks like for a Python developer? Many think that programmers are loners, anti-social, or at least introverts, and that they spend all day only coding in front of multiple screens. There are even those who think programmers are freaks who have no hobbies or interests besides computers.
Python Modules, Packages, Libraries, and Frameworks
python basics
Kateryna Koidan
If you are new to Python, you might be confused about all its libraries, packages, modules, and frameworks. From the context, you can usually understand that these are some pieces of code. But what’s the difference between them? In this article, I’ll explain the difference between Python modules, packages, libraries, and frameworks in simple terms. Real-world programs are complex. Even a simple game like a dice roll simulator would require lots of code if you programmed everything from scratch.
The Best Python Books
python basics
Jakub Romanowski
What if I told you that you can meet the best Python experts and learn from them about one of the most popular programming languages? That you can do it without leaving your home, while sitting comfortably in an armchair and sipping tea? How do you do it? Start reading Python books. Here are the ones that should be on your shelf or your reading playlist. Do you learn Python from online courses or watch tutorials on YouTube?
Python on Mars: How Programmers Conquered the Red Planet
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learn python
Jakub Romanowski
“Space, the final frontier …” This is how each episode of the iconic Star Trek series began. I’m a huge fan, but what happened in space recently was as interesting as the adventures of the Starship Enterprise crew. Moreover, Python, as one of the programming languages used by NASA, played a significant role in this. I’ve been interested in space exploration for years. I follow world media reports on the success of space probes, rovers, and landers.
How To Start Your Adventure With Programming
python basics
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to learn programming? However, do you associate it with movie scenes in which hackers furiously tap their fingers on a keyboard? Unfortunately, these types of scenes complicate the idea of programming for people who have never done it before. Please know that programming is not reserved for only a small group of computer geeks. You too can start coding, even if you don’t have any IT experience.
Python Lists, Tuples, and Sets: What’s the Difference?
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python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Python lists, tuples, and sets are common data structures that hold other objects. Let’s see how these structures are similar and how they are different by going through some code examples. In Python, we have four built-in data structures that can store a collection of different elements. These are lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets. If you already know the theory behind these data structures, you can go to our Python Data Structures in Practice course and get hands-on experience with the most frequent ways they’re used.
How to Check Your Python Version
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Kateryna Koidan
Chances are you have heard about Python 2 and Python 3. Although they are two versions of the same language, they have different syntax; code written in Python 3 might not work in Python 2. So, let’s discover how you can check your Python version on the command line and in the script on Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. Python is one of the most popular programming languages. With its simple syntax, high productivity, and amazing open-source libraries, Python can be used for just about anything.
Lists and List Comprehension in Python
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Marija Ilic
Everything you need to get started with lists and list comprehension in Python. Here comes the New Year — the perfect time for your own personal re-evaluation and a retrospective of the last year. It's also a great time to sit down and write a list of New Year's resolutions that you are planning to achieve in the incoming year. Are you going to write it on paper or will you reach for your laptop and, like any other nerd, use Excel or some other tool like Python to save and maintain this list?
How to Use Python Dictionaries
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python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Wondering how to get the most out of Python dictionaries? In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover all you need to know to effectively use dictionaries in your studies and in real-world projects. What Is a Python Dictionary? A Python dictionary is yet another very useful and important data type. Basically, Python dictionaries are an unordered collection of data values. However, in contrast to other data types, a dictionary's elements are key-value pairs instead of single data values.
Getting Started with Python Part 1: Data Types
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Tihomir Babic
Want to learn Python but think you have to know something before you start? You don't! That's the whole point of learning, as you'll see. So you want to learn Python, but something is stopping you. What is it? The usual misconception that stops people from doing something is that they should know everything, even before they start learning. This misconception makes you think everybody was born with their knowledge and that you're never going to reach their level.
13 Top Python Libraries You Should Know in 2020
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
Python provides a lot of libraries to help developers with their work. Which of them will be the most popular in 2020? And which are worth your time? Here are our picks for the 13 top Python libraries. Python is one of the most popular programming languages. Many developers choose Python because it's easy to learn and good for varied tasks, including data science, machine learning, data analysis and visualization, and web or desktop app development.
How to Generate Random Numbers in Python
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python basics
Marija Ilic
Sometimes you need a random number or element. How can Python help? The truth is that randomness is all around us. Think about the lottery, a dice roll, or the (extreme) randomness of your office's Secret Santa workings. In this article, we'll discuss pseudo-randomness, how it's different from true randomness, and how it can be applied in Python to generate random numbers. We'll also delve into some more advanced topics, like reproducible coding with random numbers and using the choice() and choices() functions to return random string elements from a list.
Array vs. List in Python – What's the Difference?
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python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Both lists and arrays are used to store data in Python. Moreover, both data structures allow indexing, slicing, and iterating. So what's the difference between an array and a list in Python? In this article, we'll explain in detail when to use a Python array vs. a list. Python has lots of different data structures with different features and functions. Its built-in data structures include lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries.
Why Is Python So Popular?
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python basics
Rebecca McKeown
Learn Python, save lives. Yep, you heard me. No, I'm not talking about dragging babies from burning buildings or solving tensions in the Middle East. And no, perhaps you won't win a slew of civic hero awards anytime soon or collect the keys to the city. But there are certainly some compelling reasons why Python is so popular. Among them are some life-saving applications. In this article, we'll look at the many and varied uses of Python, the characteristics that make it so incredibly popular, as well as some of the downsides you should be aware of before choosing Python as your new language-learning challenge.
How to Learn Python Fast
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python basics
Jakub Romanowski
You're in a hurry! Does your boss want you to finally learn to code? Or would you like to start a career as a programmer? We'll show you how to learn Python fast and how long it will take. I assume you've already decided to become a programmer. You know it's a good opportunity. You browse job postings, and you can't believe how many are on the market. But you don't know which language to learn.
What is Python Used For?
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python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Let's clarify first. This article is not about snakes, it's about coding in the fastest-growing programming language. That language happens to be named Python. In this article, we'll go through a number of inspiring ways to use Python. So, what is Python used for? Why Code in Python? You have probably heard about many different programming languages, including JavaScript, Java, C++, Ruby, and others. Why should you choose Python?
How Long Does It Take to Learn Python Basics?
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python basics
Arleta Więch
Chances are you've heard about the infinite possibilities Python gives you both in your professional and private life. When you sit down at your desk, full of motivation and eagerness, the question that probably comes to your mind is: how long does it take to learn Python? You'll find the answer here! Professionals around the world love Python. According to IEEE Spectrum, an industry magazine issued by the largest international engineering organization, Python is the most popular programming language (see how others were ranked here).
9 Best Online Resources to Start Learning Python Today
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
Want to start learning Python but struggling to find quality resources? Well, they're out there—and we'll review them here. In no particular order, here are the best online resources to learn Python. Courses 1. LearnPython.com LearnPython.com is an interactive e-learning platform that offers nine Python courses. Among them, you can find two learning paths: programming and data science. Programming path: Python Basics Part 1. This is the first of a two-part course that covers everything you need to know about Python so you can start writing your own scripts and applications.
Pros and Cons of Python Programming Language
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python basics
Usman Malik
Python is one of the fastest growing programming languages in the world. It is becoming equally popular among novice and experienced programmers and taking over rival languages such as C++ and Java. One of the biggest reasons why Python's popularity has skyrocketed is its simplicity and flexibility. Even people with no prior programming knowledge can learn Python within weeks. In fact, Python has all the characteristics to become the lingua franca of coding in the near future.
Jupyter Notebook – the Free Editor for Python
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
If you have basic knowledge about Python and are looking for an IDE to work with on your own computer, consider the Jupyter Notebook. It is a good tool, especially for Data Science projects. What is Jupyter Notebook? Jupyter Notebook is an open-source server-client application used to create and run mainly Data Science projects. Where does its name come from? JUPYTER is an acronym of Julia, Python, and R, because they were the first programming languages supported by this editor.
Python IDE: PyCharm Tutorial for Beginners
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
The PyCharm IDE is one of the most popular editors used by professional Python developers and programmers. But if you are a beginner, don't worry, it can help you too! Find out how to create Python projects using PyCharm and what basic features can help you write code more efficiently. The PyCharm IDE is one of the most popular editors used by professional Python developers and programmers. The vast number of PyCharm features doesn't make this IDE difficult to use–just the opposite.
Why Python Should Be Your First Programming Language – Python Basics Course Review
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python basics
Magdalena Wojtas
Python was my love at first sight. It was at the very beginning of my interest in programming when I took my first Python course, and I instantly fell in love with this language. Unfortunately, I had few opportunities to work professionally in the Python environment, but I kept learning after hours, just for fun, until my new job became too demanding and I simply had no more time for my coding hobby.
How to Install the PyCharm IDE (Windows and Ubuntu)
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
This tutorial will show you how to install the PyCharm IDE on your own computer–whether you have Windows or Ubuntu. To start developing with the PyCharm IDE, you need to download and install it on your computer's operating system. PyCharm is an editor developed by the JetBrains company. As of today, it is the most popular IDE used by Python developers. Knowing this, JetBrains delivers PyCharm in three versions: Professional (full-featured IDE), Community (lightweight IDE, not full-featured), and Educational (community IDE with added education features).
Python Drawing: Intro to Python Matplotlib for Data Visualization (Part 2)
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Usman Malik
Ever wondered how you can use Python to create stunning data visualizations? In the first part of this series, we saw how to draw line plots and histograms using the matplotlib library. We also saw how to change the default size of a plot and how to add titles, axes, and legends to a plot. In this article, we'll see a few more types of plots that can be drawn using the matplot library with pro tips on how to improve them.
How to Work with Python Date and Time Objects
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Kateryna Koidan
At some point in your Python journey, you'll definitely need to work with dates, times, or both. Learn all the basics of date and time in Python with this short tutorial. Need to calculate how long it's been since a given date? Working with date and time objects in Python? In this beginner's guide, we'll take a look at how to write programs with these two key data types in Python.
Python Drawing: Intro to Python Matplotlib for Data Visualization (Part 1)
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python basics
Usman Malik
Want to know how Python is used for plotting and data visualization? Interested in learning one of the most commonly used data visualization libraries in Python? If so, you're in the right place. In this installment of a two-part tutorial, we'll learn how to use matplotlib, one of the most commonly used data visualization libraries in Python. Over the course of both articles, we'll create different types of graphs, including:
Python Set Operations: A Complete Guide
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python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Even if you're just starting your Python journey, you've most likely come across Python sets. But do you know how to use them effectively? This article aims to cover all the main Python set operations to give you a better feel for when and how to use this important data structure. What Are Python Sets? First, let's start with the basics. A set is a built-in type in Python that has a number of important characteristics:
Customer Churn Prediction with Python
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Usman Malik
Python is one of the most frequently used programming languages for financial data analysis, with plenty of useful libraries and built-in functionality. In this article, you'll see how Python's machine learning libraries can be used for customer churn prediction. Customer churn is a financial term that refers to the loss of a client or customer—that is, when a customer ceases to interact with a company or business. Similarly, the churn rate is the rate at which customers or clients are leaving a company within a specific period of time.
12 Must-Know Python Tips and Tricks for Data Scientists
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data science
Kateryna Koidan
You already have some foundational knowledge of Python for data science. But do you write your code efficiently? Check out these tips and tricks to supercharge your Python skills. How to Write Efficient Python Code In this article, we'll take a look at some tricks that will help you write fast and efficient Python code. I'll start with how to optimize code that involves the pandas library. If you want to refresh your knowledge of pandas, check out our Introduction to Python for Data Science course.
New Course: How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python
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LearnPython.com Team
Another Python course is now available on LearnPython.com. "How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python" is an online course for anyone interested in working with files in Python—a must-have skill for any beginner software developer or data scientist! After the great success of our SQL courses, we began working hard on the Python learning path. So far, we've made five Python courses available, and we're proud to announce the release of yet another one: How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python!
Visualize Time Series Data with Pandas
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Usman Malik
How can Python's pandas library be used to analyze time series data? Let's find out. The pandas library is frequently used to import, manage, and analyze datasets in a variety of formats. In this article, we'll use it to analyze Microsoft's stock prices for previous years. We'll also see how to perform basic tasks, such as time resampling and time shifting, with pandas. What is Time Series Data? Time series data contains values dependent on some sort of time unit.
Python Coding Best Practices and Style Guidelines
style guide
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python basics
Kateryna Koidan
You've spent hours studying Python, and you may even have several successful projects in your portfolio. But do you write your Python code like a pro? Let's review some important guidelines to help you clean up your code. What Is the Pythonic Way of Writing Code? There are often several ways to do something in Python; naturally, some are better than others. But you should always prefer code that is not only syntactically correct but also in alignment with coding best practices and the way the language ought to be used.
Finished Python Basics Course? Code on Your Computer
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
Online Python courses help you acquire basic knowledge of working with Python. But how do you retain what you've learned and start writing Python code on your own? Nowadays, there are plenty of e-learning platforms for programming languages like Python. With these platforms, you can learn the fundamentals of the Python language: syntax, basic functions, and programming best practices. On platforms like LearnPython.com, for example, you don't need others tools to work through the content and can get your hands dirty with a language in a sandbox environment.
Lucky Thirteen Python Articles of 2018 for Beginners
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python basics
Dorota Wdzięczna
If you have just started learning Python, now is a great time to develop your skills further. Nowadays it is not problem to find resources about Python on the internet, however, it can be difficult to find good materials to read for beginners. Therefore I decided to gather and share with you my "Lucky thirteen" articles on Python written in 2018. Top 3 LearnPython.com Articles for Beginners The LearnPython.
Python Jobs and Salaries
IT job market
jobs and career
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Anuj Kumar Verma
Python is a simple yet powerful programming language that's a must for beginners and advanced programmers alike. Here's why. High-level programming languages have one goal in mind: to make your life as a programmer easier. Messy syntax and obscure keywords? Forget about it. With languages like Python, you can get away with understanding just the basics of programming, enough to begin writing your own scripts and apps. And since Python developers are high in demand, Python is a great language to learn if you want to pursue a career in software development or big data.
15 Python Interview Questions for Data Science Jobs
career in data science
jobs and career
python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Looking for a data science job? Then you've probably noticed that most positions require applicants to have some level of Python programming skills. But how are they going to test this? What are they going to ask? Let's prepare you for some interview questions! Why Do Data Scientists Need Python? Data science goes beyond simple data analysis and requires that you be able to work with more advanced tools. Thus, if you work with big data and need to perform complex computations or create aesthetically pleasing and interactive plots, Python is one of the most efficient solutions out there.
6 Benefits of Learning Python for Financial Experts
data-driven organization
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Usman Malik
An increasing number of fintech companies are using Python for data analysis. But what makes Python so special? And why is it a better language for data analysis compared to traditional software? Python is quickly becoming the most popular coding language in the world. Currently, it's perching comfortably in the fourth spot after Java, C, and C++ on the Tiobe Index of Language Popularity. And the Popularity of Programming Language Index ranks Python as the most popular programming language in the world in October 2018.
New Course Launch: Intro to Python for Data Science
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LearnPython.com Team
Over the past three months, we've been working on something completely new. Please welcome our new course on Python data analysis! We got many emails from users like you with good feedback on Vertabelo Academy's "Introduction to R" course. So first, I want to start off with a big thank you—reading your wonderful comments was like a burst of energy! We're always looking to improve our offerings, and we greatly value your input.
Tag: Python extensions
Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Python
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python extensions
Xavier Rigoulet
What do you use to write Python code? Have you heard about these Python-friendly extensions to the popular Visual Studio Code editor? Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an editor that works with many programming languages. It’s designed to make your life as a Python developer easier – especially when you use VS Code’s Python-specific extensions. But first, let's start with a bit of background on the Python programming language.
Tag: Python ide
How to Install the Python Spyder IDE and Run Scripts
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python IDE
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Dorota Wdzięczna
One of the most popular Python IDEs is Spyder, which stands for Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment. This Python tool is "designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts." But it's not just for professionals. In this article, we'll learn why the Spyder IDE is also an excellent tool for beginners. In this article, I'll: Show you how to install Spyder on Windows and Linux. Guide you in starting a project and creating your first Python script.
Installing Python: How to start writing Python code
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installation guide
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python IDE
Dorota Wdzięczna
In this comprehensive beginner's guide, we'll look at how to install Python on three major operating systems, choose a Python IDE, and run your code. Would you like to start coding in Python but don't know where to begin? Maybe you've graduated from an online course like Python Basics and now are looking to continue your Python adventure on your own machine. But first, why Python? The answer is simple: Python is a very easy-to-learn and powerful programming language.
5 Best Python IDEs for Data Science
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python IDE
Dorota Wdzięczna
Python is a programming language frequently used by scientists and data analysts to build applications. Why? Because it's easy to use and has few rules. But simply installing Python isn't enough—you also need a good interactive development environment (IDE) to program in. So what are the best Python IDEs for data science? Let's find out! (Note: all IDEs presented here support Windows, macOS, and Linux.) 1. Enthought Canopy Enthought Canopy is one of the best Python IDEs for scientists and engineers.
Tag: Python library
cURL, Python requests: Downloading Files with Python
python library
Luke Hande
This article is for all those data analysts out there. If you’ve been looking for a better way to download data from the Internet, check out what Python requests and cURL can do. One of the first steps in any data analytics project is getting your hands on a dataset. It could be anything – measurements of physical phenomenon, results from a simulation, images, text, even music. In fact, we have an article on How to Visualize Sound in Python to provide some inspiration.
Tag: Python modules
Working With iCalendar in Python
Python modules
Xavier Rigoulet
In my previous article on How to Work With the Calendar and Arrow Python Modules, we explored how to use calendars in Python. But what about iCal files? In this article, we will discuss how to work with iCalendar in Python, write and read iCal files, and parse a calendar from a URL like Google Calendar. But first, what is an iCal file? The iCalendar (Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification) format allows users to store and exchange calendaring and scheduling information such as events and to-dos.
Tag: Python programming
Python in 2025: What’s Next for the World’s Favorite Programming Language?
learn python
python programming
Jakub Romanowski
Python has been the king of programming for decades, powering everything from web apps to artificial intelligence (AI). As we head into 2025, Python’s relevance isn’t fading – it’s growing. In this post I’ll explore Python’s future, the trends that are shaping it and how you can use those to your advantage. Since 1991, when it was first released, Python has become the language of choice for developers because of its simplicity and versatility.
Using Python Web Scraping to Analyze Reddit Posts
learn python
python programming
Luke Hande
If you’re interested in getting a unique data set consisting of user-generated posts, Python web scraping can help you get the job done. In this article, we’ll show you how to scrape text data from the web and give you inspiration about what to do with it. Web scraping is the process of downloading data from the source code of a webpage. This data can be anything – text, images, videos, or even data in tables.
10 if-else Practice Problems in Python
learn python
python programming
Luke Hande
If you're trying to learn Python, you need to practice! These ten if-else Python practice problems provide you some hands-on experience. And don’t worry – we’ve provided full code solutions and detailed explanations! Python is particularly good for beginners to learn. Its clear syntax can be read almost as clearly as a normal sentence. The if-else statement is a good example of this; it lets you build logic into your programs.
The Best Way to Learn Python: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
learn python
python programming
Jakub Romanowski
If you're curious about the best way to learn Python, you've come to the right place. This guide is perfect for anyone who’s just starting or who’s looking to enhance their skills. Python is an incredibly versatile and powerful programming language that has gained immense popularity in various fields – including web development, data analysis, and Artificial Intelligence. Its simplicity and readability make it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced developers alike.
Python for Retail Analytics
data-driven organization
python programming
Soner Yıldırım
Why use Python in retail analytics? This article will explain the benefits of using Python for your retail analyses and the importance of data-driven retail strategies. Data is a precious asset for any type of business. For instance, we all know there is a huge jump in sales before Christmas. However, we sometimes need to go beyond the obvious to make the most out of our data. We need to go below the surface and dig to extract insights because data often encapsulates information that’s difficult for the human eye to notice.
How to Make a Python Program and Send It to Someone: A Beginner's Guide
learn python
python programming
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you ever wondered how you can transform your Python code into a standalone application that anyone can run and use? Learn how to make and share Python executables in this article. Your code is stored in a Python script, but this doesn’t mean you can share it with friends and family as a ready-to-run application. In this article, we’ll talk about creating a Python executable and using it to create standalone applications that you can share with others.
Python Online Training 101: A Complete Beginner's Guide
python basics
python programming
online practice
Jakub Romanowski
In this article, I will be your guide to the world of Python online training. Together, we will explore how to master Python's fundamentals and set you on a path to becoming proficient in this powerful programming language. Let's dive in! Welcome to the world of Python! This guide is your starting point to dive into Python online training. Python is a versatile and widely used programming language, perfect for beginners on their first coding journey.
Top 10 Python Dictionary Exercises for Beginners
learn python
python programming
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you ever wondered how Python manages to organize and manipulate data efficiently? Python dictionaries play a pivotal role. In this article, we'll take you on an exciting journey through Python dictionaries, offering a curated list of exercises with solutions to help you grasp the concept and unlock the full potential of dictionaries. Understanding Python Dictionaries Before diving into the exercises, let's take a moment to understand Python dictionaries and how to use them.
Learn Python: Why Python’s Popularity Has Soared
learn python
python programming
Jakub Romanowski
Python's popularity in the tech industry is undeniable. Its user-friendly nature and robust capabilities have sparked a Python revolution, making it a top choice for developers. In this article, I will explore the reasons behind Python's widespread popularity and provide guidance for beginners eager to start learning Python programming. If you're on the fence about enrolling in an online Python course or scouring the web for Python learning resources, let me guide you through the importance of learning Python.
12 Beginner-Level Python List Exercises with Solutions
python programming
Luke Hande
Need to improve your Python programming skills? In this article, we give you 12 Python list exercises so you can master working with this common data structure. A data structure is a way of organizing and storing data. Python has several built-in data structures, including lists, arrays, tuples, and dictionaries. They all have different properties, making them useful in different situations. See our article Array vs. List in Python - What’s the Difference?
The Future of Python
learn python
python programming
Xavier Rigoulet
What does the future hold for Python, the programming language that has become a household name in the tech industry? How is Python shaping up to meet the demands of emerging technologies, and what opportunities does it present for developers? In this article, we’ll explore the future of Python: its current standing, its emerging trends, and its role in cutting-edge technologies. If you need motivation to learn Python, this article will help you.
Why Python Is the Perfect First Programming Language
python basics
python programming
get started with python
Alexandre Bruffa
Choosing your first programming language is a big step on the path to becoming a developer. It's the starting point of your coding journey, and making the right choice can set you up for success. In this article, we will explore why Python is often recommended as the first programming language for beginners. If you have decided to start your software or web developer journey, you will probably face challenges when learning to code.
New Course Launch: Python Basics for Programming
get started with python
learn Python
python programming
LearnPython.com Team
The LearnPython.com Team has been working hard to release a brand-new course, and it's finally here! Python Basics for Programming is a great place to start for anyone aspiring to become a software developer. Since our SQL courses, the LearnPython.com platform has been embraced by thousands of students who are eager to learn new technologies. After releasing Intro to Python for Data Science last month, we asked ourselves: why not create another introductory Python course, but this time from a software developer's perspective?
Tag: Python terms
Python Terms Beginners Should Know – Part 2
python basics
python terms
Soner Yıldırım
Still learning Python terms? No worries – we're here to help you master the basics of Python for beginners. If you missed Part 1 of Python Terms Beginners Should Know, you can read it here. Why should you spend your time learning Python terms? Well, this general-purpose programming language has experienced tremendous popularity in recent years. There are several reasons that make people from different professions choose Python. First, Python is easy to learn and has an intuitive syntax.
Python Terms Beginners Should Know – Part 1
python basics
python terms
Magdalena Wojtas
Have you ever tried learning Python? If it's still on your to-do list, why not start with the basic Python terms in this article? And if you've already taken your first steps into the Python world, this can be a handy checklist to verify your knowledge. To start, let's take a look at what Python is and why the IT world is so excited about it. What Is Python?
Tag: R
Agile Data Science: Improving Your Workflow with Scrum
data science
data visualization
descriptive statistics
Anuj Kumar Verma
Within organizations, Scrum promotes efficient time and process management along with better team building and leadership. In order to implement Scrum, you'll need to follow a few simple rules. Introducing Scrum Today, we have the power to collect precise data both quickly and in vast quantities. In fact, 90% of the data available today was collected in the last two years alone. The rise of big data has greatly increased demand for data scientists, but the profession is one where few candidates possess the right skills.
Tag: Regression analysis
Regression Analysis in Python
learn Python
regression analysis
Usman Malik
Regression analysis is one of the most fundamental tasks in data-oriented industries. In simple words, it involves finding a relationship between independent and dependent variables (attributes) in a given dataset. Consider the example of a house price prediction problem—given the size and number of bedrooms, we want to predict the price of a house. This is a simple regression problem where the size of the house and the number of bedrooms are the independent variables and the price of the house is the dependent variable.
Tag: Reverse range
How to Reverse a Range in Python
reverse range
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Find out how to reverse a range in Python and learn more about the range(), reversed(), and sorted() functions. Early in your Python journey, you’ll start working with sequences and ranges. At some point, you may wonder ‘How would I get these values in the reverse order?’. If you think about it, we reverse ranges constantly: when we sort files in our computer from ascending to descending order, we effectively reverse their original order.
Tag: Running average
How to Plot a Running Average in Python Using matplotlib
Running Average
Luke Hande
Visualizing data is an essential part of data science. We show you how to plot running averages using matplotlib The running average, also known as the moving average or rolling mean, can help filter out the noise and create a smooth curve from time-series data. It can also help highlight different seasonal cycles in time-series data. This is a very common tool used in many fields from physics to environmental science and finance.
Tag: Script
Python Scripts vs. Jupyter Notebooks: Pros and Cons
jupyter notebook
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Learn the ins and outs of Python scripts and Jupyter Notebooks, including when to use each one. There are many tools available to Python developers. Since this language’s early days, Python scripts have been the canonical way of writing and sharing Python code. But in the past few years, Jupyter Notebooks have gained considerable recognition among data scientists as a powerful tool for testing ideas and sharing results. But what exactly sets Jupyter Notebooks apart from Python scripts?
10 Useful Tips for Writing Python Scripts
Xavier Rigoulet
Would you like some helpful tips for Python scripts? Read on to get some advice from a pro! In this article, I will give you some Python tips and tricks alongside script examples to help you make the best out of Python. First, let's define what a Python script is. A Python script is a set of instructions written in Python to ask the computer to perform some tasks.
How to Rename Files Python
Xavier Rigoulet
How much time do you spend renaming your files? Do you wonder if you could do it more quickly and easily? What if you could rename a huge number of files in the blink of an eye? Python comes with multiple built-in modules and functions to do exactly that. In this article, you will learn how to use many of these modules and functions to rename and move files in Python.
Tag: Script windows
How to Run a Python Script in Windows
script, windows
Luke Hande
If you want to learn Python, you’ll need to know how to run Python scripts or .py files in Windows. Find out what you need to do in this article! When it comes to operating systems, there are three main ones for personal computers: Microsoft Windows, Apple’s macOS, and Linux. You can use any of these operating systems to develop and run your Python programs. However, there are subtle differences you need to keep in mind while developing your projects.
Tag: Set operations
Python Set Operations Explained With Examples
set operations
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Having a hard time wrapping your head around set operations in Python? This article will help you visualize and understand Python set operations! Python sets are useful data structures when you need to create and compare groups of elements. These tasks can be performed with set operations like union and intersection. However, using Python set operations may not be a straightforward task when you’re first starting out with Python itself.
Python Set Operations: Union, Intersection, and Difference – With 10 Examples
set operations
Emad Bin Abid
Are you stuck trying to use Python set operations? Want to know how to use them? This introduction gives you a basic understanding of set operations in Python. In this tutorial, we look at set operations in Python and other operations performed on sets. Furthermore, we look at the different methods on sets as well as examples of set operations in Python. Check out this article for a deeper look into combinatorics with Python.
Tag: Sets
Python Set Examples: From Basic to Advanced Use Cases
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Learn how to use Python sets and set operations like a pro! Learn what sets are, how to create them, and how to work with them in real-world use cases. In the world of Python data types, Python sets are not as famous as lists, dictionaries, or tuples. Even seasoned Python developers are sometimes unaware of how useful Python sets can be. But worry not: This article will provide you with clear explanations of Python sets, and practical examples on how to use them.
An In-Depth Guide to Working with Python Sets
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Do a deep dive into Python sets with our guide. Master set operations and commonly used set methods and learn relevant use cases for this fundamental data structure. Have you heard about Python sets? They may not be as famous as other data structures in Python, such as lists and dictionaries. But ignoring Python sets is a mistake: They are just as flexible as lists, can be used to create complex filtering logic, and often outperform other data types.
Python Set Operations: A Complete Guide
learn Python
python basics
Kateryna Koidan
Even if you're just starting your Python journey, you've most likely come across Python sets. But do you know how to use them effectively? This article aims to cover all the main Python set operations to give you a better feel for when and how to use this important data structure. What Are Python Sets? First, let's start with the basics. A set is a built-in type in Python that has a number of important characteristics:
Tag: Sort
How to Write Custom Sort Functions in Python
python basics
Xavier Rigoulet
In computer science, a sorting algorithm puts elements of a list into a particular order. They are important because they often reduce the complexity of a problem. Let’s discover how to use custom sort functions to implement custom orders and comparisons in Python. In my previous article on working with streams in Python, I briefly introduced sorting methods with list.sort() and sorted(). Both list.sort() and sorted() have a key parameter that specifies a function to be called on each list element before making comparisons.
Tag: Sorting
How to Sort a List of Tuples in Python
Emad Bin Abid
Are you confused about sorting lists of tuples in Python? Want to know how to sort them efficiently? This introduction will cover everything you need to know to master this type of sorting. Lists and tuples are essential data structures in Python. In several cases, you may have to sort a list of tuples. This post will teach you how to utilize the sorted() function and the sort() method and the distinctions between the two.
How to Sort a List Alphabetically in Python
Xavier Rigoulet
What if you have a list of strings (text items) and you need to sort them alphabetically? In this article, we’ll show you how to sort a list in Python. A sorting algorithm puts elements of a list into a particular order. They help reduce the complexity of a problem and can even optimize other algorithms. Because of its complexity, sorting is one of the most important problems in computer science.
Tag: Sql
Building a Successful Python Career: Tips and Advice
career in data science
jobs and career
learn python
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to build a career in Python? In this article, I will explain how to start your Python career and give you some tips and advice to make it an efficient and successful process. In recent years, I've observed many individuals transitioning into Python programming roles—especially in software development, Artificial Intelligence, and data science. The main reason behind these career shifts is the high and increasing demand for skilled people in these areas.
Why Python Developers Should Learn SQL
Kamila Ostrowska
Python developers don’t need to learn SQL – or do they? Find out how adding SQL to your Python toolkit can supercharge your programming skills (and possibly your job search). If you want to start your journey as a programmer or data analyst, Python may be the first language you learn. But to become a more attractive candidate in the job market, it's worth adding more skills to your repertoire.
Python Jobs to Choose in 2023
Xavier Rigoulet
Learning Python is one of the best ideas if you are thinking about career development. In this article I will show you why. Read and find out which Python job is perfect for you. You’ve heard it over and over: Learn Python, get a Python job, freelance as a Python developer... You keep hearing how great Python skills can be. And you start to wonder if you should jump on the bandwagon.
How to Count Money Exactly in Python
learn sql
Luke Hande
Using floats to do exact calculations in Python can be dangerous. Here, we explain why and show you an alternative solution. When you try to find out how much 2.32 x 3 is, Python tells you it's 6.959999999999999. For some calculations, that’s fine. But if you are calculating a transaction involving money, that’s not what you want to see. Sure, you could round it off, but that's a little hacky.
Why Learn Python in 2021
learn python
Rebecca McKeown
There are a million resolutions you could make for 2021: taking up extreme knitting, limbo dancing, or rhinoceros riding. But deciding to learn Python in 2021? Now, that could be your smartest move to date. Guys, guys, guys! It’s less than THREE MONTHS until the end of 2020. Three months! That’s just enough time to start a diet, gain 20lbs, and learn Python. You heard me. The New Year is fast approaching, and we all know what that means.
Tag: Sql basics
How to Land a Good Coding Job in Just Three Years
career change to tech
change direction
SQL basics
SQL job market
Magdalena Wojtas
Three years or three months? With all the 12-week bootcamps and coding schools out there, three years sound like a joke. "Enroll in our course today, and become an expert programmer!" "Start learning to code and jumpstart your programming career immediately!" Most probably, you've heard lots of claims like these if you're interested in coding. Are they reassuring? Maybe. Frustrating? Sometimes. If you've been learning for a year and still feel like a newbie programmer while others are starting their careers in three months, you start to wonder: What's wrong with me?
More Than Just Coding – IT Community Involvement
change direction
SQL basics
SQL job market
Magdalena Wojtas
There are many perceptions of IT, one of the fastest growing industries in the world. For a non-technical person, IT is usually associated with high salaries, numerous job offers, and elite clubs. But IT is more than just people earning big bucks for writing code. The most valuable part of the IT industry is its community. The first steps are the hardest As a complete IT newbie, I had lots of doubts and fears about entering the IT industry.
My Very First Script
get started
SQL basics
SQL job market
Kate Stolarek
We recently published a story from a LearnPython.com user who found her love thanks to SQL. On a similar note, I asked my colleagues to bring back old memories of writing their very first scripts. And yes, love is involved. Here at LearnPython.com, we've got some real OG programmers and data scientists making great content. They fell in love with data way before it was cool—and easy. So today, we're jumping back in time to see what it was like to learn SQL before the Internet and LearnPython.
Tag: Sql job market
How to Land a Good Coding Job in Just Three Years
career change to tech
change direction
SQL basics
SQL job market
Magdalena Wojtas
Three years or three months? With all the 12-week bootcamps and coding schools out there, three years sound like a joke. "Enroll in our course today, and become an expert programmer!" "Start learning to code and jumpstart your programming career immediately!" Most probably, you've heard lots of claims like these if you're interested in coding. Are they reassuring? Maybe. Frustrating? Sometimes. If you've been learning for a year and still feel like a newbie programmer while others are starting their careers in three months, you start to wonder: What's wrong with me?
More Than Just Coding – IT Community Involvement
change direction
SQL basics
SQL job market
Magdalena Wojtas
There are many perceptions of IT, one of the fastest growing industries in the world. For a non-technical person, IT is usually associated with high salaries, numerous job offers, and elite clubs. But IT is more than just people earning big bucks for writing code. The most valuable part of the IT industry is its community. The first steps are the hardest As a complete IT newbie, I had lots of doubts and fears about entering the IT industry.
My Very First Script
get started
SQL basics
SQL job market
Kate Stolarek
We recently published a story from a LearnPython.com user who found her love thanks to SQL. On a similar note, I asked my colleagues to bring back old memories of writing their very first scripts. And yes, love is involved. Here at LearnPython.com, we've got some real OG programmers and data scientists making great content. They fell in love with data way before it was cool—and easy. So today, we're jumping back in time to see what it was like to learn SQL before the Internet and LearnPython.
Tag: Statistics
Agile Data Science: Improving Your Workflow with Scrum
data science
data visualization
descriptive statistics
Anuj Kumar Verma
Within organizations, Scrum promotes efficient time and process management along with better team building and leadership. In order to implement Scrum, you'll need to follow a few simple rules. Introducing Scrum Today, we have the power to collect precise data both quickly and in vast quantities. In fact, 90% of the data available today was collected in the last two years alone. The rise of big data has greatly increased demand for data scientists, but the profession is one where few candidates possess the right skills.
Tag: Strings
Python’s String format() Cheat Sheet
Marko Calasan
Everything you need to know about formatting strings in Python and the Python formatting mini-language. You may know all kinds of ways to manually manipulate strings in Python – maybe you learned from our Working with Strings in Python course (part of the Python Basics track). Today you will learn about how Python handles string formatting, or the art of combining a string with dynamic data in such a way that it is easily legible by either a human reader or an expecting machine.
Tag: Style guide
Python Coding Best Practices and Style Guidelines
style guide
learn Python
python basics
Kateryna Koidan
You've spent hours studying Python, and you may even have several successful projects in your portfolio. But do you write your Python code like a pro? Let's review some important guidelines to help you clean up your code. What Is the Pythonic Way of Writing Code? There are often several ways to do something in Python; naturally, some are better than others. But you should always prefer code that is not only syntactically correct but also in alignment with coding best practices and the way the language ought to be used.
Tag: Subqueries
Python Jobs to Choose in 2023
Xavier Rigoulet
Learning Python is one of the best ideas if you are thinking about career development. In this article I will show you why. Read and find out which Python job is perfect for you. You’ve heard it over and over: Learn Python, get a Python job, freelance as a Python developer... You keep hearing how great Python skills can be. And you start to wonder if you should jump on the bandwagon.
Tag: Technical
How to Visualize Sound in Python
Luke Hande
There’s a lot of music and voice data out there. There are also interesting applications to go with them. We show you how to visualize sound in Python. The analysis of audio data has become ever more relevant in recent times. Popular virtual assistant products have been released by major technology companies, and these products are becoming more common in smartphones and homes around the world. They are largely developed on top of models that analyze voice data and extract information from it.
Tag: Terminal
How to Open and Run Python Files in the Terminal
learn python
Soner Yıldırım
Do you want to learn how to open or run Python files in the terminal? Read this article. A Python file or script is written in the Python language and saved with a ".py" extension. In this article, we focus on how to interact with Python files. We will learn how to create and open Python files in the terminal. We will also demonstrate how to run Python files in the terminal and redirect the output of the script to a file.
Tag: Virtualenv
How to Use virtualenv in Python
Xavier Rigoulet
Have you tried to install a Python package for a new project, just to see your other projects break because of some compatibility issues? You can avoid this with the help of virtualenv in Python. virtualenv is a tool that allows you to create virtual environments in Python and manage Python packages. It helps you avoid installing packages globally; global installations can result in breaking some system tools or other packages.
Tag: Web scraping
Web Scraping With Python Libraries
web scraping
Luke Hande
Here are some useful Python libraries to get you started in web scraping. Looking for Python website scrapers? In this article, we will get you started with some helpful libraries for Python web scraping. You'll find the tools and the inspiration to kickstart your next web scraping project. Web scraping is the process of extracting information from the source code of a web page. This may be text, numerical data, or even images.
Tag: Youtube
The Best Python Talks on YouTube
learn python
Jakub Romanowski
Learning Python on YouTube? It’s a thing! If you want to get an overview of this popular programming language, check out our picks for the best Python lectures on the ‘Tube. Be honest: Does YouTube only mean funny cat clips and new Ariana Grande or Drake music videos to you? Don’t get me wrong – I love them too, but YouTube is much more. If you know where to look, it’s actually a great place to learn something new from experts.
Tag: Ython programming
13 Python Dictionary Examples for Beginners
learn python
ython programming
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
Want to master dictionaries, one of Python’s core data types? This article contains 13 Python dictionary examples with explanations and code that you can run and learn with! Dictionaries are one of Python’s most fundamental data types; they are widely used to represent real-world data and structures. To truly master Python programming, you need to know how dictionaries work and what you can do with them. And what better way to achieve this other than checking out some Python dictionary examples for beginners?