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Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Python

What do you use to write Python code? Have you heard about these Python-friendly extensions to the popular Visual Studio Code editor?

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an editor that works with many programming languages. It’s designed to make your life as a Python developer easier – especially when you use VS Code’s Python-specific extensions. But first, let's start with a bit of background on the Python programming language.

Python is a high-level, interpreted, open-source programming language used for general-purpose programming. It is known for its clear syntax, dynamic typing, and support for multiple programming paradigms (such as procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming). Python is widely used in scientific computing, data analysis, Artificial Intelligence, and other fields, including:

  • Web development.
  • Task automation.
  • Software, game, and app development.

And this list is non-exhaustive. With Python, the sky's the limit!

Due to its simplicity, versatility, and large community, Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

Now, let’s talk about programming environments.

Why Use an IDE with Python?

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that provides a comprehensive environment for software development. It typically includes a code editor, a compiler or interpreter, and a debugger. There are also tools to assist with project management, version control, and testing in most IDEs, such as Monday software. Because you’re working in a unified and convenient interface, it’s easier to write, test, and debug code.

Some popular IDEs include PyCharm, VS Code, and Eclipse. Choosing the right IDE for your needs depends on the specific requirements of your project and your personal preferences. You can read our dedicated article about the best IDE for Python to learn more. In this article, we’re going to focus on one of the most popular Python IDEs: Visual Studio Code.

Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Python

Why VS Code Is So Popular

Visual Studio Code is a code editor developed by Microsoft. It has become popular for several reasons:

  1. Cross-platform support: VS Code runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to a wide range of developers.
  2. Customizability: VS Code has a large library of extensions and plugins that can be easily installed and customized, allowing you to tailor the editor to your specific needs and workflows.
  3. Intuitive user interface: VS Code has a clean and modern user interface, making it easy to use and navigate.
  4. Fast and lightweight: Despite its feature-rich interface, VS Code is fast and lightweight, which makes it well-suited for large projects and complex workflows.
  5. Built-in Git support: VS Code has built-in support for Git, making it easier to manage your source code and collaborate with others.
  6. Large community: VS Code has a large and active community of users and developers, which contributes to its development and provides support and resources.
  7. Free and open source: VS Code is free and open source, which makes it accessible to a wide range of developers regardless of their budget or company.

All these reasons made VS Code a popular choice for developers. But what code extensions does it offer for Python?

Best VS Code Extensions for Python

There are many Visual Studio Code extensions that can help improve your Python development experience. Here are some of the most popular and highest-rated ones:

  1. Python: This is an official Microsoft Python extension for VS Code. It includes features like IntelliSense, linting, debugging, code navigation, code formatting, Jupyter notebook support, and more.
  2. Pylance: Pylance is a language server that provides fast and accurate code intelligence for Python, including code completion, definition look-up, and linting.
  3. Visual Studio IntelliCode: This extension provides AI-assisted code completions based on the code patterns of your project and the open-source community.
  4. Code Runner: This extension allows you to quickly run code snippets in a variety of programming languages (including Python) and see the results in the Output window.
  5. MagicPython: This extension provides a high-quality, optimized code formatter for Python, which can help you keep your code organized and readable.
  6. GitLens: This extension makes it easier to view Git commits and other Git information directly in the code editor, making it easier to understand the history of your code.

These are just a few of the many VS Code extensions available for Python. It's worth exploring which ones will be the most relevant for your project and will give you the best productivity.

Improving Your Python Code

To improve your Python code, you need to practice! It will help you internalize the syntax, logic, and techniques involved in programming. Over time, this leads to a deeper understanding of the concepts and a more intuitive approach to solving problems.

Also, practicing programming exercises and projects will help you develop problem-solving skills. And you’ll get faster, too.

Each programming project or exercise allows you to learn something new and expand your knowledge.

Put VS Code’s Python Extensions to Work!

In this article, we talked about Python IDE and some useful VS Code extensions to help you write better Python code. Now, it's time to write more Python code and practice your skills.

Also, make Python part of your life in a fun way! In this sense, why not chill in front of a Python movie before your next coding session?

Remember to browse LearnPython to keep learning about Python. And check out our Python programming track if you want to learn a lot of Python in an efficient way!