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Working as a Remote Python Developer: Pros & Cons

You may have friends or family members who are Python developers. Maybe you’ve heard about the way they work and you want to know more about it. In this article, I will share my experience as a Python Developer and discuss the pros and cons of working remotely.

For some, it is a standard; others avoid it like the plague. Remote work in today's world has become a real scenario for many programmers, including Python developers.

In this article, I describe the pros and cons of both remote and in-office development work. Are you afraid of procrastination or work-life balance disorders? Maybe you're the kind of person who prefers to go to the office? Let’s find out what will be best for you.

Why Become a Python Developer?

Before discussing different work models, let’s talk first about becoming a Python developer. Why should you make Python your first programming language?

Python is an ideal choice for individuals starting their coding journey. I strongly recommend the track Learn Programming with Python by It will give you the solid foundation you need to begin your Python programming adventure.

Python is an excellent fit for beginners: it is easy to learn and easy to write. The learning curve is small; you can learn to write your own programs in a short period of time. But why is Python so beginner-friendly? Look at the following Python code:

def multiply(a, b):
    return a * b

result = multiply(2, 4)
# Shows: 8

As you can see, the syntax is straightforward; there are no extra parentheses, brackets, or semicolons. And the code is immediately understandable.

Indentation in Python is crucial: it delimits the blocks of code (for example, a class or a function) and avoids “spaghetti code”. You can find all the indentation rules in the Style Guide for Python Code (PEP 8) on the official website. But don’t worry about the rules: all modern Python IDEs (VS Code, PyCharm, etc. ) integrate PEP 8 rules and help you code cleanly.

In terms of use areas, you can do almost everything with Python: web applications, SaaS, data science and analysis, machine learning and deep learning, financial calculations, and more. You can even create games with Python!

Python offers a wide range of growth in various domains. So, if you learn Python, you will not be stuck in a particular field; all modern digital companies need Python developers.

And – this may be the most motivating argument – the Python community is awesome! If you need a specific library for your project, you can probably find it in the official repository PyPi, where thousands of enthusiastic Python developers share free packages and libraries. And if you struggle with Python code, don’t worry! The Python community is full of anonymous heroes who will always help you. Need proof? There are more than 2 million Q&As for Python on Stack Overflow; that’s huge!

Not convinced yet? You should read my other article on 5 Reasons to Learn Python in 2023.

Python Developer: On-Site vs. Remote Work

As a Python developer, I’ve experienced both remote and on-site work. I will try to give you a complete and objective overview of the pros and cons of each one.


Working on-site brings a lot of advantages. First of all, the company provides your working environment: a quiet place with a pleasant temperature, professional desks and chairs, fast internet, enough space for your legs, meeting rooms, lunchroom, etc. Most companies give free coffee to their employees and some of them offer free snacks and meals. Developers in Big Tech companies can even enjoy cool benefits like swimming pools and volleyball courts.

On-site offices allow a clear separation between work and private life. You’re available from when you arrive at the office until the moment you leave. You can focus 100% on your tasks during working hours and keep your mind free when you are at home.

As a Python developer, I have always enjoyed social interactions in the office. Beyond jokes and fun, speaking with experienced Python developers is enlightening: I can find out about new Python libraries, programming tips, or Cloud deployment. Most colleagues are always happy to share their experiences and knowledge. A 10-minute conversation having coffee with a Python expert can sometimes be more instructive than an entire day of work.

Pros and Cons of Working Remotely as a Python Developer

Now for the cons of working in an office. Some of us spend up to 2 hours (or more) each day going to the office because of heavy traffic. We have to deal with stress, security issues, an uncomfortable trip, and possible delays –and not all companies are flexible with their employees’ starting and finishing times. Most of them allow for small delays or absences for personal emergencies, but others could simply apply a penalty to your monthly salary.

When you are finally ready to work, let’s be honest; not all developers are highly social. Some of us feel uncomfortable when there are too many people around and enjoy a quiet environment. Socializing is not an obligation, but nobody wants to be the office weirdo. Having social activities in the office is great, but companies often exaggerate: the welcome lunch, the goodbye lunch, the integration month, the soccer team, the Friday beers, the Christmas gift exchange, the New Year’s party, etc.

And on-site work keeps you away from your family. If you have children or pets, you will understand me: it’s very hard not to see them all day. It’s frustrating and depressing to know that you are missing important moments of their life. The only comfort you have is their pictures on your desk.


Remote work became popular during the pandemic. Nowadays, it’s widely accepted by companies and employees and brings a lot of benefits.

First, working remotely as a Python developer can contribute to better focus and productivity. A personalized work environment can increase your productivity and work efficiency. So, reduce the distractions, put on your comfortable clothes, prepare your favorite drink, and get ready for a great day of work!

Pros and Cons of Working Remotely as a Python Developer

Remote work allows more free time. Instead of being stuck in traffic or public transportation, you can use this time to take a Python course or work on a personal project. You can also run or do some exercises and come back to your desk with a fresh mind. Your day will begin in a good way, without stress and the fear of being late to the office.

Speaking of delays, companies that hire remote Python developers tend to be more flexible with working times: you can easily move lunch forward or take a small break because the electrician came to your home to fix some broken stuff.

Working remotely allows you to stay close to your family. Both my wife and I work remotely, and we can have our lunch break together every day with our daughter. It’s something unique, and I feel very lucky to have this opportunity.

Remote work also has disadvantages. Being at home can be a source of distractions. A friend of mine told me once: “Alex, I can’t work at home. I have my PS5, Netflix, and a lot of awesome things that don’t let me work!”. If you don’t have enough self-discipline and effective time management, remote work can be fatal.

Also, a lot of people can’t afford a dedicated and quiet workspace – i.e. because they live in a small place, have a large family with babies crying all day long, live in a noisy neighborhood, etc. In such cases, it will be very hard to work from home. I knew developers who preferred to go on-site because they could not reach a decent level of concentration when working remotely.

A very common problem with remote work is your availability. Unless you are very clear, other people think you are always available. And some companies don’t hesitate to ask you to work outside of your official working hours, putting in extra hours during the night or on weekends. To get mental peace, you need a reasonable work-life balance; otherwise, you could burn out. However, there are tools available to help manage your workload and maintain that balance, such as taking advantage of SaaS solutions for task management and scheduling.

Related to social interactions, remote work can be a pain for some people. Maintaining social connections is important; otherwise, it can lead to a feeling of loneliness and isolation. Here lies the necessity of fostering strong relationships and collaboration with team members despite physical distance.

Also, another problem with remote work is security. Managing all work files without a secure connection could be detrimental to the company because there are numerous risks on the internet. You should educate yourself about cybersecurity and utilize tools like VPN for remote work to safeguard your data online.

Here are some tips on Upgrade Your Home Office and Write Better Python Code.

Python Developer: Remote or On-Site?

Based on my experience, I’ve tried to give an objective summary of working remotely and on-site. So which is the best?

There is no straightforward answer to that question. It depends on each person and job – on your home environment, on what the company can offer, and on your need for social interactions. If you can’t decide, some companies offer a hybrid work model; you could have both at once!

If you want to become a Python developer, this great article will give you solid advice. This is a path that is really worth taking to achieve the goal of having a good and interesting job and enjoying life! I want this for you!