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20 Mar 2023
Alexandre Bruffa
Python Developer Career Path
In this article, we are going to define what a Python developer is nowadays, what kind of skills they should have, and what a company should expect from them. Maybe you’ve always loved experimenting with computers and you’d like to learn to write your own computer programs. Or maybe you’ve tried one or two other careers and you’re looking for something that’s interesting, challenging, and in demand. Or perhaps you’re working in another area of IT and you want to add Python to your toolkit.
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13 Mar 2023
Xavier Rigoulet
Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Python
What do you use to write Python code? Have you heard about these Python-friendly extensions to the popular Visual Studio Code editor? Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an editor that works with many programming languages. It’s designed to make your life as a Python developer easier – especially when you use VS Code’s Python-specific extensions. But first, let's start with a bit of background on the Python programming language.
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6 Mar 2023
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
How to Write the Python if Statement in one Line
Have you ever heard of writing a Python if statement in a single line? Here, we explore multiple ways to do exactly that, including using conditional expressions in Python. The if statement is one of the most fundamental statements in Python. In this article, we learn how to write the Python if in one line. The if is a key piece in writing Python code. It allows developers to control the flow and logic of their code based on information received at runtime.
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27 Feb 2023
Kamila Ostrowska
Best Python Blogs to Follow
Python has been among the most popular programming languages for many years. Learning and developing your Python skills is an investment that is sure to pay off. Let’s focus on Python blogs, a noteworthy resource for your learning. The popularity of Python in recent years has spun up many Python blogs. The language has many advantages even outside of its obvious attractiveness for professional development. It is a beginner-friendly language, with a simple syntax just like plain English that is easy to understand.
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20 Feb 2023
Alexandre Bruffa
Different Ways to Practice Python
Learning Python means practicing Python. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular ways to practice your Python programming skills. Learning almost any new skill requires not only gaining knowledge but experience. And this is what we acquire through practice. This article will help anyone who has recently started learning Python or who already knows the basics of Python but cannot progress to the next level. Here are the best ways to practice Python.
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13 Feb 2023
Xavier Rigoulet
Is Python Hard to Learn?
Have you heard about Python? And if so, have you ever wondered if it's hard to learn? In this article, I will tell you what Python is and why learning it in 2023 is a good idea. Python is a computer programming language widely used for web development, scientific computing, data analysis, Artificial Intelligence, and many other applications. It is considered one of the world's most popular programming languages and is consistently ranked as a top language by various reports.
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6 Feb 2023
Xavier Rigoulet
Printing a List in Python – 10 Tips and Tricks
Do you know there are many ways to print a list in Python? This article will explore some of my best tips and tricks for printing a list in Python. The Python print() function is an essential built-in function, and it is important to use alongside Pythonlists. To learnhow a Python list works, what kind of data structure it is, and why it is essential to Python and programming in general, it's best to take our Python Data Structure course.
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30 Jan 2023
Luke Hande
What 'inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation' Means in Python and How to Fix It
Learn why indentation in Python is so important and how you can fix any mistakes. Indenting blocks of code is an important part of programming; it serves several purposes. First and foremost, it improves readability. Imagine removing all the formatting from a recipe leaving only the spaces between the list of ingredients and instructions. This would be hard for the cook to follow. In Python, indentation also controls how your code behaves.
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23 Jan 2023
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
A Guide to the Python csv Module
What are CSV files, and how can you use Python alongside them? Learn how to use the csv module to read and work with CSV files in Python. You have probably seen tabular data before: it’s simply rows and columns containing some data. (Think of a table in an article or an Excel spreadsheet.) CSV files are one of the most common types of tables used by data scientists, but they can be daunting if you don’t know exactly how they work or how to use them alongside Python.
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16 Jan 2023
Luke Hande
Python Module and a Python Package: Key Differences
One of Python’s many advantages is its packages – or are they Python modules? Discover the difference between Python packages and Python modules and learn why both are important in this article. Python is an open-source language, meaning its existing and new developments are freely available to everyone. Anyone can write some code and then make it available for others to download, install, and use. You might find these programs referred to as Python modules or Python packages.
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