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31 Jul 2023
Luke Hande
How to Print in Python - A Detailed Guide for Beginners
How often have you used the Python print() function? Let’s take a deep-dive look at this built-in function. Since you’ll be using it often in your programs, we’ll walk you through all its functionality. Python has many useful built-in functions that you can start using straight out of the box. You can check out all of them in the official Python documentation. One of the most useful is the print() function, which you can use to print a message to the screen or to a file.
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24 Jul 2023
Alexandre Bruffa
Working as a Remote Python Developer: Pros & Cons
You may have friends or family members who are Python developers. Maybe you’ve heard about the way they work and you want to know more about it. In this article, I will share my experience as a Python Developer and discuss the pros and cons of working remotely. For some, it is a standard; others avoid it like the plague. Remote work in today's world has become a real scenario for many programmers, including Python developers.
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17 Jul 2023
Marko Calasan
What Is a Moving Average? Calculate It in Python
Learn how to calculate Python moving averages and supercharge your data analysis skills! The moving average, also known as a rolling average, running average or running mean, is a critical part of any data scientist’s toolbox. When analyzing datasets like weather patterns and stock market trends, we tend to run into outliers and noise that can obscure the more meaningful trends we’re looking for. In this article, you’ll learn how to use Python to calculate moving averages to “smooth out” noise in your data science code.
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10 Jul 2023
Soner Yıldırım
Free Python Courses You Should Check Out
Are you a beginning Python developer who’s looking for online courses to improve your skills? We’ve got free Python courses that will help you expedite your learning journey! Python is often considered one of the most intuitive and easy-to-learn programming languages. The simplicity of Python can be attributed to its syntax; its creator, Guido van Rossum, wanted to make a language that is as understandable as plain English. A strong indicator of the ease of learning Python is the growing number of schools and universities around the world adopting Python as their introductory language for computer science courses.
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3 Jul 2023
Xavier Rigoulet
What to Do After Learning Python Basics
You've learned Python basics. What do you do next? This article is for people who are learning Python; we want it to be your roadmap so that you can save time on your journey to Python mastery. This article was created to help people like you. You’ve just mastered the basics of Python and you feel quite comfortable writing simple scripts. Wow! You are a coder! But what's next?
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26 Jun 2023
Luke Hande
How to Fix the “List index out of range” Error in Python
At many points in your Python programming career, you’re going to run into the “List index out of range” error while writing your programs. What does this mean, and how do we fix this error? We’ll answer that question in this article. The short answer is: this error occurs when you’re trying to access an item outside of your list’s range. The long answer, on the other hand, is much more interesting.
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19 Jun 2023
Xavier Rigoulet
Does Python Have a Ternary Conditional Operator?
Are you a Python programmer who loves writing clean and concise code? If so, you may wonder if Python has a ternary conditional operator. We’ll answer your question in this article. Other programming languages have a ternary operator – a programming feature that lets you compare three conditions in one line. With Python’s insistence on code that’s clear, clean, and concise, you’d expect Python to have a ternary conditional operator as well.
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14 Jun 2023
Jakub Romanowski
Join Our Python Affiliate Program!
Are you a content creator, blogger, or YouTuber with a loyal following? Do you find value in our interactive Python courses? Would you like to assist in promoting them – and earn some money as you do? If so, we have an opportunity for you: our Python Affiliate Program. At LearnPython.com, we are passionate about coding and we take pride in our Python courses. Our users have given us tons of positive feedback and reviews, which motivates us to continue providing quality content.
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12 Jun 2023
Kamila Ostrowska
Why Python Developers Should Learn SQL
Python developers don’t need to learn SQL – or do they? Find out how adding SQL to your Python toolkit can supercharge your programming skills (and possibly your job search). If you want to start your journey as a programmer or data analyst, Python may be the first language you learn. But to become a more attractive candidate in the job market, it's worth adding more skills to your repertoire.
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5 Jun 2023
Soner Yıldırım
The 5 Best Books for Python Developers
Are you a beginning Python developer who’s looking to deepen your knowledge? We’ve got 5 books that will take your Python coding skills to the next level! The breadth and depth of software products and applications that use Python have been increasing tremendously. You can observe Python’s dominance across many domains such as artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, web development, and mobile game development. As a natural result of this dominance, the demand for Python developers skyrocketed.
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