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6 Jan 2022
Karolina Niewiarowska
Top 5 Python Learning Platforms for Beginners
Are you looking for a good platform to learn Python from A to Z? You've come to the right place! In this article, I'll tell you which the best ones are. If you are ready to get on the programming train, I'll show you where to buy the tickets. And it's in business class! The world is full of technology. Wherever we go, we are faced with some code, whether or not we are conscious of it.
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30 Dec 2021
Kamila Ostrowska
Learn Python Effectively: Think Like a Python Developer
Python is one of the most popular and in-demand programming languages. In this article, I’ll follow the mysterious paths of a Python developer job and show you a little bit about how a professional Python dev thinks. Learning Python is a good idea. Why? First of all, learning to code is generally a good move toward a better career. Python is relatively simple to learn, which makes it good for beginners; even with no IT background, you can master the basics quickly.
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28 Dec 2021
Karolina Niewiarowska
How to Learn Python Faster
Programming is one of the most profitable activities in the world you can learn online. If you have already decided you want to begin your adventure in the IT world, start by learning Python. I'll show you how to learn Python faster – in a way that is fun, no chaos, and well planned. I love learning new things. Since you came here, I assume you want to gain a new skill.
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23 Dec 2021
Xavier Rigoulet
How to Download a File in Python
Did you know you can download a file programmatically in Python? I will show you how to fetch and save a file in Python. This process is known as web scraping and is an essential step of any data-related project. Web scraping is the process of collecting data from a website. While it can be done manually by a user, it usually refers to an automated method of data collection with the help of a web crawler.
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21 Dec 2021
Kateryna Koidan
6 Reasons Why Python Is Used For Data Science
Today, almost any job description for a data-related position requires Python. Why is that? Is it really that important for data science? In this article, I explore the reasons behind Python’s domination in the data science world. Python and Data Science There is a lot of buzz around data science and data science careers. As organizations recognize the value a data-driven approach can bring them, the demand for data scientists continues to grow.
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16 Dec 2021
Luke Hande
How to End Loops in Python
Knowing how to exit from a loop properly is an important skill. Read on to find out the tools you need to control your loops. In this article, we'll show you some different ways to terminate a loop in Python. This may seem a little trivial at first, but there are some important concepts to understand about control statements. We'll also introduce some lesser-known ways to end loops in Python to give you tools for greater control over how your programs are executed.
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14 Dec 2021
Soner Yıldırım
How Do You End Scripts in Python?
Programming means giving instructions to a computer on how to perform a task. These instructions are written using a programming language. An organized sequence of such instructions is called a script. As a programmer, your main job is to write scripts (i.e. programs). However, you also need to know how scripts can end. In this article, we will go over different ways a Python script can end. There is no prerequisite knowledge for this article, but it is better if you are familiar with basic Python terms.
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7 Dec 2021
Karolina Niewiarowska
How to Practice Python Online
Are you looking for a way to understand the practical uses of Python? Want to learn how to practice Python to achieve absolute mastery? Good, because I'm about to show you the way! You can’t learn any programming language without practice. Have you already started an online Python course and want to excel in coding? Perfecting your Python coding skills can guarantee you a better job, better earnings, and maybe even an overall improvement in your quality of life.
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2 Dec 2021
Jakub Romanowski
Top 10 Laptops for Learning Python
Do you want to learn Python? Great decision! But you need the right equipment for it. In this article, I am going to show you a variety of laptops for learning Python, from budget ones to high-performance machines designed for professional use. Here is my list of the best laptops for learning Python. Looking for the right laptop for learning Python can give you a headache. There are so many different models with various specifications and details; it is difficult to choose the one that is right for you.
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25 Nov 2021
Luke Hande
An Introduction to Combinatoric Iterators in Python
Combinatoric iterators are tools that provide building blocks to make code more efficient. This introduction shows you some of the most useful ones in Python. Counting Things In this article, I would like to provide a brief introduction to combinatoric iterators in Python. Combinatorics in the mathematical sense is about counting things. It can help us count the number of permutations of something (how many possible arrangements of a deck of cards) or the number of combinations (how many unique arrangements of different colored balls).
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