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15 Feb 2022
Xavier Rigoulet
Working With iCalendar in Python
In my previous article on How to Work With the Calendar and Arrow Python Modules, we explored how to use calendars in Python. But what about iCal files? In this article, we will discuss how to work with iCalendar in Python, write and read iCal files, and parse a calendar from a URL like Google Calendar. But first, what is an iCal file? The iCalendar (Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification) format allows users to store and exchange calendaring and scheduling information such as events and to-dos.
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10 Feb 2022
Luke Hande
Pillow: Basic Picture Manipulation in Python
In this article, we provide an introduction to the Python Pillow module. It is useful to have some experience in image processing, as it is a foundation for various applications: post-processing photographs automatically, generating thumbnails in Python for online content, and pre-processing images for machine learning, among others. The Python Pillow module is a fork of the Python Image Library (PIL). Pillow needs to be installed by the user. The easiest way to do this is with pip.
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8 Feb 2022
Karolina Niewiarowska
How to Keep Focused While Learning Python
There is nothing that can stop you from making your dreams come true. If you dream of learning to program, start by learning Python. With a good learning resource and some tricks for staying focused, learning Python is possible in as little as a month! There’s probably no better time to start a new phase in your life than the beginning of a new year. If you agree, we should have coffee together!
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3 Feb 2022
Kamila Ostrowska
The Best YouTube Channels for Learning Python
Learning Python can be fun. You want to plan your learning path efficiently so you can enjoy developing your skills. How do you do that? One important factor is to use diverse sources of information. Online courses, with help and inspiration from vlogs and YouTube tutorials, can make a difference. In this article, I present a list of the best YouTube channels for Python beginners. They are all popular and worth a follow.
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27 Jan 2022
Kateryna Koidan
Why Learn Python in 2022?
Is Python going to maintain its popularity? In this article, we’ll discuss the enormous potential of this programming language, the reasons behind its popularity, and why Python is likely to stay on top for a while. IT professionals rate Python as one of the top programming languages. Leading tech companies, small businesses, and everyone in between are looking for Python programmers for a variety of different roles. Following this huge demand, there are a ton of Python courses online and offline that purport to train new Python developers.
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25 Jan 2022
Luke Hande
A Complete Guide to the Python print() Function
Let’s explore the Python print() function in detail with some examples. There is more to it than you realize! There’s a reasonable chance one of your first encounters with Python included print(), possibly in the form of a “Hello, World!” program. The Python print() function is a basic one you can understand and start using very quickly. But there’s more to it than meets the eye. In this article, we explore this function in detail by explaining how all the arguments work and showing you some examples.
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20 Jan 2022
Xavier Rigoulet
Your Guide to pyenv
This is your guide to pyenv for changing and switching between Python versions. pyenv lets you switch between Python versions. Running multiple Python versions can be a challenge; pyenv makes it easier to change versions of Python. It's simple and discreet, and it follows the UNIX tradition of the single-purpose tool that does one thing well. It's useful for developers who need access to different versions of the language and those who want to use the latest version of Python without upgrading their entire system.
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18 Jan 2022
Luke Hande
How to Pretty-Print Tables in Python
Do you want to make your tabular data look nice in Python? There are some useful libraries to get the job done. In this article, we'll show you some helpful libraries to print and format a table in Python quickly, easily, and in a visually appealing way – that is, pretty printing. With little effort, your tables will be ready for an online publication, an analytics report, or a scientific paper.
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13 Jan 2022
Xavier Rigoulet
The Python Requirements File and How to Create it
Python requirements files are a great way to keep track of the Python modules. It is a simple text file that saves a list of the modules and packages required by your project. By creating a Python requirements.txt file, you save yourself the hassle of having to track down and install all of the required modules manually. In this article, we will learn how to create Python requirements files along with the best practices and the benefits of using them.
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11 Jan 2022
Soner Yıldırım
What Is Data Processing in Python?
We live in the era of Big Data. There is a tremendous amount of data flowing around us constantly. It seems like this flow of data will keep increasing. In order not to drown in this stream, you should know how to properly process data, analyze it, and draw correct conclusions from it. One of the best tools for this is Python! It’s become very easy to collect, store, and transfer data.
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