21 Jan 2021
Should I Learn Python or Java in 2021?
It’s an age-old question among student programmers the world over: Should I learn Python or Java as the first programming language? The answer, without making you wait for a virtual drum roll right at the end of this article, is that you should learn whatever language captures your interest and feels right to you. BUT if you’re looking for a concise comparison between Python and Java - read on! We’ve got all the differences covered. 24 Dec 2020
What's the Best Way to Practice Python?
Want to practice Python but don’t know the best way to go about it? We’ve come to the rescue with 10 ways you can practice Python online. All of them are useful, most are fun, and some might even make you new friends! Just like Grandma always used to say, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Source: giphy.com Kitties can relax – it’s Python practice we’re talking about. 15 Oct 2020
Why Learn Python in 2021
There are a million resolutions you could make for 2021: taking up extreme knitting, limbo dancing, or rhinoceros riding. But deciding to learn Python in 2021? Now, that could be your smartest move to date. Guys, guys, guys! It’s less than THREE MONTHS until the end of 2020. Three months! That’s just enough time to start a diet, gain 20lbs, and learn Python. You heard me. The New Year is fast approaching, and we all know what that means. 12 Dec 2019