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Python Basics. Part 2

Take another step into the world of Python programming and sign up for our Python Basics Part 2 course today!

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Wanna know some real-life examples of Python programming? Python was one of the primary back-end languages used to create popular apps like YouTube, Instagram, and Spotify. It's also used extensively by leading software companies like Intel, Google, and Amazon.

What makes Python so popular is its simplicity. In Python, you can write much less code than in other languages such as Java or C#. In short, coding in Python is quick and efficient. There are also nearly 150,000 third-party Python libraries that you can use for all kinds of purposes.

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Our Python Basics series comprises three parts, and covers all the entry-level concepts that you need to start writing your own applications. In Python Basics Part 2, you'll learn useful data structures – lists and dictionaries. You'll also find out how to work with text files and handle errors correctly. Once you finish the course, you'll be able to write even more sophisticated console applications and scripts to help you with your everyday tasks.

You don't need an IT background to pass this course! We only assume that you have completed our Python Basics. Part 1 course. All you need to study with us is a web browser. And we provide you with easy-to-understand explanations, practical examples, and tons of interactive exercises. At the end of each section, you'll get a quick recap of the content and take a quiz to consolidate your knowledge.

In 2018, Python rose to become one of the top programming languages in the IT community. Python is used all over the world by software engineers, academics, and computer science enthusiasts alike. It is an extremely versatile language that can be used for web development, machine learning, and data science. It's also the language of choice for most academics in various fields of study, as well as for many software engineers who want to quickly write scripts to automate their work.

Complete our Python Basics series today to expand your programming knowledge!

What's in it for me?

  • 74 interactive exercises. Learn at your own pace, from anywhere and anytime. Interact with hands-on exercises for improved retention.
  • Lifetime access to the course. When you purchase the course, you'll get instant personal access to all of its content.
  • Certificate of completion. After you successfully finish all of the exercises, you'll get a downloadable PDF certificate to showcase your accomplishment.
  • 30-day money back guarantee. If you're not satisfied with the quality of the course, you can get a refund within 30 days of your purchase.
  • Hints for the exercises. You can ask questions and share insights with other members of our community through the Discuss tab.

What Are the Requirements?

  • Just a web browser

This Course Will Teach You How To:

  • Work with lists in Python: define lists; access, add and delete list elements; use index slicing; join two lists; use the "in" operator; iterate over lists
  • Use Python dictionaries efficiently: access, add and delete elements; use the "in" operator; iterate over dictionaries with keys(), values() and items(); use dictionaries in functions
  • Operate on text files: write and append to files; read files line by line; use the "with" statement
  • Handle errors in your applications: Exceptions, IOErrors and ValueErrors

Who Should Take This Course?

  • Students who have completed Python Basics. Part 1
  • Students taking entry-level classes in Python
  • Academics who want to leverage Python in their fields of study
  • Anyone who wants to start programming with no prior experience
  • People interested in data science and machine learning
  • Anyone interested in starting a software development career
  • Anyone who wants to automate their work

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