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2 Oct 2023
Soner Yıldırım
Building a Successful Python Career: Tips and Advice
Do you want to build a career in Python? In this article, I will explain how to start your Python career and give you some tips and advice to make it an efficient and successful process. In recent years, I've observed many individuals transitioning into Python programming roles—especially in software development, Artificial Intelligence, and data science. The main reason behind these career shifts is the high and increasing demand for skilled people in these areas.
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1 Oct 2023
Jakub Romanowski
Python Course of the Month – Working with Files and Directories in Python
Do you need to work faster and more efficiently with different types of files in Python? Are you a data scientist or an app developer? Our October Python Course of the Month, Working with Files and Directories in Python, is perfect for you! Python is the most popular programming language in the world today. There are many reasons to learn Python, like its simplicity, many uses, and huge number of libraries.
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25 Sep 2023
Alexandre Bruffa
10 Reasons Why AI Won't Replace Python Developers
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere. Silently, AI has become part of our everyday life and has become indispensable, even for Python developers. Have you ever used Siri on your iPhone or Amazon Alexa at home? Those tools are based on Natural Language Processing, a field of AI. If you are an electric vehicle lover, you should know Tesla, which provides autopilot features on its vehicles. Those autopilot features are able to perform object and people detection; they’re based on Computer Vision, another field of AI.
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18 Sep 2023
Luke Hande
Python Loops: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
When writing your Python programs, you’ll have to implement for and while loops all the time. In this comprehensive guide for beginners, we’ll show you how to correctly loop in Python. Looping is a fundamental aspect of programming languages. It allows you to execute a piece of code repeatedly until some exit condition is met, at which point the program will move on to the next piece of code. In Python, there are two different types of loops: the for loop, and the while loop.
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11 Sep 2023
Soner Yıldırım
How to Sort a Dictionary in Python
Do you want to learn how to sort a dictionary in Python? In this article, I explain different ways of sorting dictionaries as well as things to keep in mind while doing this operation. Data structures are fundamental building blocks of any programming language. To create robust and performant software products, one must know how to efficiently use data structures. Along with lists, tuples, and sets, dictionaries are one of Python’s most used built-in data structures.
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4 Sep 2023
Juliano Luiz Faccioni
An In-Depth Guide to Working with Python Sets
Do a deep dive into Python sets with our guide. Master set operations and commonly used set methods and learn relevant use cases for this fundamental data structure. Have you heard about Python sets? They may not be as famous as other data structures in Python, such as lists and dictionaries. But ignoring Python sets is a mistake: They are just as flexible as lists, can be used to create complex filtering logic, and often outperform other data types.
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28 Aug 2023
Luke Hande
Python Exploratory Data Analysis Cheat Sheet
Get a quick overview of exploratory data analysis, a process used to summarize your dataset and get some quick insights. We’ll give you the tools and techniques you need in this cheat sheet. Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is a term used to describe the process of starting to analyze your data in the early stages. Its primary purpose is to understand the properties of the data, with the aim of using these insights to refine the analysis to derive the best insights possible from the data you have.
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21 Aug 2023
Jakub Romanowski
How to Master Python: A Guide for Beginners
Are you new to the tech world or just starting out with programming? You might have heard about Python; it's a pretty cool computer programming language that's used everywhere from building websites to analyzing data. If you're thinking, "That sounds awesome, but how do I master Python and get good at it?" – don't worry, I've got you covered! This article is like a friendly chat where I'll share some handy tips and answer common questions about learning Python.
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14 Aug 2023
Xavier Rigoulet
Python’s Role in Big Data and Analytics
Python is crucial for Big Data and data analysis. Want to know why? In this article, we’ll explain how learning Python can help you to get ahead and boost your career. Python is a popular programming language that is widely embraced by beginners and experienced developers alike. It was created over 30 years ago, but it’s stillworth learning in 2023 for several reasons – not least of which is that Python is essential to Big Data and data analytics.
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7 Aug 2023
Soner Yıldırım
How to Comment Code in Python
Do you want to learn how to use Python comments properly in your code? We’ve put together a guide to teach beginners how and when to use Python comments to write clean code and increase code readability. Developers spend much more time reading code than writing code, which makes code readability a very important aspect of creating efficient and maintainable software products. Comments play a key role in enhancing code readability.
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