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23 Nov 2021
Jakub Romanowski
Learning Python Has Never Been Easier!
LearnPython.com has changed! Our platform has a new design, better UX, and a lot of new functionalities. We’ve been working hard to give you the best learning experience possible. Tell us if we did a good job! We are very proud of what the new LearnPython.com looks like. At first glance, you can see that a lot has changed. We liked the previous version of the platform, but it's really awesome now.
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18 Nov 2021
Kamila Ostrowska
Is it Difficult to Learn Python?
Yes! No! Maybe? There are as many answers as there are people. Don't let anyone discourage you from achieving your goal. Learn Python and develop the skills that are in high demand right now. What would you do if I told you learning Python IS difficult? Would you try anyway? Or would you give up immediately? Learning new skills is demanding in general. You need time, discipline, and a clearly stated goal.
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16 Nov 2021
Xavier Rigoulet
How to Write Custom Sort Functions in Python
In computer science, a sorting algorithm puts elements of a list into a particular order. They are important because they often reduce the complexity of a problem. Let’s discover how to use custom sort functions to implement custom orders and comparisons in Python. In my previous article on working with streams in Python, I briefly introduced sorting methods with list.sort() and sorted(). Both list.sort() and sorted() have a key parameter that specifies a function to be called on each list element before making comparisons.
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11 Nov 2021
Soner Yıldırım
Is Python Popular?
Have you been hearing about Python? Do you see its popularity growing, with more and more jobs requiring knowledge of this programming language? Are you wondering if you should start learning Python yourself? I have some convincing arguments that will help you make this decision. It takes time and effort to acquire a new skill. Since time is the most valuable resource we have, we should think thoroughly before investing our time in new learning adventures.
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9 Nov 2021
Xavier Rigoulet
Map, Filter, Reduce – Working on Streams in Python
Do you know how to work with Python streams like Java streams? A stream is a sequence of elements. With map(), filter(), and reduce() – the three cornerstone functions of functional programming – you can operate over a sequence of elements. In this article, we will learn how to work with streams in Python like we work with them in Java. But first, let’s say a word about functional programming.
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4 Nov 2021
Xavier Rigoulet
How to Write to File in Python
With Python, you can modify and write directly to a file programmatically, saving you the hassle of doing it manually. In this article, you will learn how to write to a file in Python. Before diving into the nitty-gritty of how to write to file in Python, I want to mention that I use Python 3.8.5 and Windows 10. However, your results should be the same on any operating system.
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2 Nov 2021
Xavier Rigoulet
Things That Can Help You Write Better Python Code
Do you wonder how to start learning programming with Python? Do you wonder how you can improve your Python code? Do you feel like you need to write better Python code but are unsure of what to do next? Do you feel like you’ve reached a plateau and struggle to get to the next level? In this article, I will go through a few things that can help you write better Python code.
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28 Oct 2021
Xavier Rigoulet
How to Write a Custom Module in Python
Do you wonder how you can write your own Python custom module, similar to famous Python libraries such as NumPy or Pandas? In my previous article for LearnPython.com, we learned about custom classes in Python. With Kateryna’s article on Python functions, you now have the required knowledge to implement your own custom module in Python. If you are still wondering why you should learn Python in 2021, check out Rebecca’s excellent article on the topic.
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21 Oct 2021
Luke Hande
How to Count Money Exactly in Python
Using floats to do exact calculations in Python can be dangerous. Here, we explain why and show you an alternative solution. When you try to find out how much 2.32 x 3 is, Python tells you it's 6.959999999999999. For some calculations, that’s fine. But if you are calculating a transaction involving money, that’s not what you want to see. Sure, you could round it off, but that's a little hacky.
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14 Oct 2021
Soner Yıldırım
Why Isn't Everyone Learning to Code for Career Success?
Thousands of job openings, high salaries, almost guaranteed employment – yet there is still a shortage of programming specialists in the market. Why is this happening? Why, despite the obvious advantages and chances of success, people still don't learn to code? I will try to answer this question in this article. When I was in college, I took one programming class which was Introduction to C++. I had to take it twice because I failed the first time.
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