8 Oct 2020 Jakub Romanowski Welcome to LearnPython.com Do you want to learn programming or data processing? Do you dream of a career in data science? If the answer to any of these questions is YES, you've come to the right place. LearnPython.com is here! With great pleasure and undisguised pride, the team behind LearnSQL.com announces the launch of a new learning platform: LearnPython.com. It is the perfect place for everyone who wants to enter the world of coding and knows that Python will give them new career opportunities. Read more 3 Dec 2019 Jakub Romanowski How to Learn Python Fast You're in a hurry! Does your boss want you to finally learn to code? Or would you like to start a career as a programmer? We'll show you how to learn Python fast and how long it will take. I assume you've already decided to become a programmer. You know it's a good opportunity. You browse job postings, and you can't believe how many are on the market. But you don't know which language to learn. Read more «« « 1 2 3 4 5 » »»